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  • Prediction of Residual Defects after Code Review Based on Reviewer Confidence

    Shin KOMEDA  Masateru TSUNODA  Keitaro NAKASAI  Hidetake UWANO  


    E107-D No:3

    A major approach to enhancing software quality is reviewing the source code to identify defects. To aid in identifying flaws, an approach in which a machine learning model predicts residual defects after implementing a code review is adopted. After the model has predicted the existence of residual defects, a second-round review is performed to identify such residual flaws. To enhance the prediction accuracy of the model, information known to developers but not recorded as data is utilized. Confidence in the review is evaluated by reviewers using a 10-point scale. The assessment result is used as an independent variable of the prediction model of residual defects. Experimental results indicate that confidence improves the prediction accuracy.

  • Design of a Capacitive Coupler for Underwater Wireless Power Transfer Focused on the Landing Direction of a Drone

    Yasumasa NAKA  Masaya TAMURA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E107-C No:3

    This paper presents the design of a capacitive coupler for underwater wireless power transfer focused on the landing direction of a drone. The main design feature is the relative position of power feeding/receiving points on the coupler electrodes, which depends on the landing direction of the drone. First, the maximum power transfer efficiencies of coupled lines with different feeding positions are derived in a uniform dielectric environment, such as that realized underwater. As a result, these are formulated by the coupling coefficient of the capacitive coupler, the unloaded qualify factor of dielectrics, and hyperbolic functions with complex propagation constants. The hyperbolic functions vary depending on the relative positions and whether these are identical or opposite couplers, and the efficiencies of each coupler depend on the type of water, such as seawater and tap water. The design method was demonstrated and achieved the highest efficiencies of 95.2%, 91.5%, and 85.3% in tap water at transfer distances of 20, 50, and 100 mm, respectively.

  • Dynamic Attentive Convolution for Facial Beauty Prediction

    Zhishu SUN  Zilong XIAO  Yuanlong YU  Luojun LIN  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E107-D No:2

    Facial Beauty Prediction (FBP) is a significant pattern recognition task that aims to achieve consistent facial attractiveness assessment with human perception. Currently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have become the mainstream method for FBP. The training objective of most conventional CNNs is usually to learn static convolution kernels, which, however, makes the network quite difficult to capture global attentive information, and thus usually ignores the key facial regions, e.g., eyes, and nose. To tackle this problem, we devise a new convolution manner, Dynamic Attentive Convolution (DyAttenConv), which integrates the dynamic and attention mechanism into convolution in kernel-level, with the aim of enforcing the convolution kernels adapted to each face dynamically. DyAttenConv is a plug-and-play module that can be flexibly combined with existing CNN architectures, making the acquisition of the beauty-related features more globally and attentively. Extensive ablation studies show that our method is superior to other fusion and attention mechanisms, and the comparison with other state-of-the-arts also demonstrates the effectiveness of DyAttenConv on facial beauty prediction task.

  • A Data Augmentation Method for Fault Localization with Fault Propagation Context and VAE

    Zhuo ZHANG  Donghui LI  Lei XIA  Ya LI  Xiankai MENG  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E107-D No:2

    With the growing complexity and scale of software, detecting and repairing errant behaviors at an early stage are critical to reduce the cost of software development. In the practice of fault localization, a typical process usually includes three steps: execution of input domain test cases, construction of model domain test vectors and suspiciousness evaluation. The effectiveness of model domain test vectors is significant for locating the faulty code. However, test vectors with failing labels usually account for a small portion, which inevitably degrades the effectiveness of fault localization. In this paper, we propose a data augmentation method PVaug by using fault propagation context and variational autoencoder (VAE). Our empirical results on 14 programs illustrate that PVaug has promoted the effectiveness of fault localization.

  • Development of a Coanda-Drone with Built-in Propellers

    Zejing ZHAO  Bin ZHANG  Hun-ok LIM  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E107-D No:2

    In this study, a Coanda-drone with length, width, and height of 121.6, 121.6, and 191[mm] was designed, and its total mass was 1166.7[g]. Using four propulsion devices, it could produce a maximum of 5428[g] thrust. Its structure is very different from conventional drones because in this study it combines the design of the jet engine of a jet fixed-wing drone with the fuselage structure layout of a rotary-wing drone. The advantage of jet drone's high propulsion is kept so that it can output greater thrust under the same variation of PWM waveform output. In this study, the propulsion device performs high-speed jetting, and the airflow around the propulsion device will also be jetted downward along the direction of the airflow.

  • Interdigital and Multi-Via Structures for Mushroom-Type Metasurface Reflectors

    Taisei URAKAMI  Tamami MARUYAMA  Shimpei NISHIYAMA  Manato KUSAMIZU  Akira ONO  Takahiro SHIOZAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E107-B No:2

    The novel patch element shapes with the interdigital and multi-via structures for mushroom-type metasurface reflectors are proposed for controlling the reflection phases. The interdigital structure provides a wide reflection phase range by changing the depth of the interdigital fingers. In addition, the multi-via structure provides the higher positive reflection phases such as near +180°. The sufficient reflection phase range of 360° and the low polarization dependent properties could be confirmed by the electromagnetic field simulation. The metasurface reflector for the normal incident plane wave was designed. The desired reflection angles and sharp far field patterns of the reflected beams could be confirmed in the simulation results. The prototype reflectors for the experiments should be designed in the same way as the primary reflector design of the reflector antenna. Specifically, the reflector design method based on the ray tracing method using the incident wave phase was proposed for the prototype. The experimental radiation pattern for the reflector antenna composed of the transmitting antenna (TX) and the prototype metasurface reflector was similar to the simulated radiation pattern. The effectiveness of the proposed structures and their design methods could be confirmed by these simulation and experiment results.

  • CASEformer — A Transformer-Based Projection Photometric Compensation Network

    Yuqiang ZHANG  Huamin YANG  Cheng HAN  Chao ZHANG  Chaoran ZHU  


    E107-D No:1

    In this paper, we present a novel photometric compensation network named CASEformer, which is built upon the Swin module. For the first time, we combine coordinate attention and channel attention mechanisms to extract rich features from input images. Employing a multi-level encoder-decoder architecture with skip connections, we establish multiscale interactions between projection surfaces and projection images, achieving precise inference and compensation. Furthermore, through an attention fusion module, which simultaneously leverages both coordinate and channel information, we enhance the global context of feature maps while preserving enhanced texture coordinate details. The experimental results demonstrate the superior compensation effectiveness of our approach compared to the current state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, we propose a method for multi-surface projection compensation, further enriching our contributions.

  • Low-Complexity Digital Channelizer Design for Software Defined Radio

    Jinguang HAO  Gang WANG  Honggang WANG  Lili WANG  Xuefeng LIU  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E107-A No:1

    In software defined radio systems, a channelizer plays an important role in extracting the desired signals from a wideband signal. Compared to the conventional methods, the proposed scheme provides a solution to design a digital channelizer extracting the multiple subband signals at different center frequencies with low complexity. To do this, this paper formulates the problem as an optimization problem, which minimizes the required multiplications number subject to the constraints of the ripple in the passbands and the stopbands for single channel and combined multiple channels. In addition, a solution to solve the optimization problem is also presented and the corresponding structure is demonstrated. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme requires smaller number of the multiplications than other conventional methods. Moreover, unlike other methods, this structure can process signals with different bandwidths at different center frequencies simultaneously only by changing the status of the corresponding multiplexers without hardware reimplementation.

  • Prime-Factor GFFT Architecture for Fast Frequency Domain Decoding of Cyclic Codes

    Yanyan CHANG  Wei ZHANG  Hao WANG  Lina SHI  Yanyan LIU  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E107-A No:1

    This letter introduces a prime-factor Galois field Fourier transform (PF-GFFT) architecture to frequency domain decoding (FDD) of cyclic codes. Firstly, a fast FDD scheme is designed which converts the original single longer Fourier transform to a multi-dimensional smaller transform. Furthermore, a ladder-shift architecture for PF-GFFT is explored to solve the rearrangement problem of input and output data. In this regard, PF-GFFT is considered as a lower order spectral calculation scheme, which has sufficient preponderance in reducing the computational complexity. Simulation results show that PF-GFFT compares favorably with the current general GFFT, simplified-GFFT (S-GFFT), and circular shifts-GFFT (CS-GFFT) algorithms in time-consuming cost, and is nearly an order of magnitude or smaller than them. The superiority is a benefit to improving the decoding speed and has potential application value in decoding cyclic codes with longer code lengths.

  • A Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm in VVC Based on Feature Cross for Screen Content Videos

    Zhi LIU  Siyuan ZHANG  Xiaohan GUAN  Mengmeng ZHANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E107-A No:1

    In previous machine learning based fast intra mode decision algorithms for screen content videos, feature design is a key task and it is always difficult to obtain distinguishable features. In this paper, the idea of interaction of features is introduced to fast video coding algorithm, and a fast intra mode decision algorithm based on feature cross is proposed for screen content videos. The numeric features and category features are designed based on the characteristics of screen content videos, and the adaptive factorization network (AFN) is improved and adopted to carry out feature interaction to designed features, and output distinguishable features. The experimental results show that for AI (All Intra) configuration, compared with standard VVC/H.266, the coding time is reduced by 29.64% and the BD rate is increased only by 1.65%.

  • Antennas Measurement for Millimeter Wave 5G Wireless Applications Using Radio Over Fiber Technologies Open Access

    Satoru KUROKAWA  Michitaka AMEYA  Yui OTAGAKI  Hiroshi MURATA  Masatoshi ONIZAWA  Masahiro SATO  Masanobu HIROSE  


    E106-B No:12

    We have developed an all-optical fiber link antenna measurement system for a millimeter wave 5th generation mobile communication frequency band around 28 GHz. Our developed system consists of an optical fiber link an electrical signal transmission system, an antenna-coupled-electrode electric-field (EO) sensor system for 28GHz-band as an electrical signal receiving system, and a 6-axis vertically articulated robot with an arm length of 1m. Our developed optical fiber link electrical signal transmission system can transmit the electrical signal of more than 40GHz with more than -30dBm output level. Our developed EO sensor can receive the electrical signal from 27GHz to 30GHz. In addition, we have estimated a far field antenna factor of the EO sensor system for the 28GHz-band using an amplitude center modified antenna factor estimation equation. The estimated far field antenna factor of the sensor system is 83.2dB/m at 28GHz.

  • Power Allocation with QoS and Max-Min Fairness Constraints for Downlink MIMO-NOMA System Open Access

    Jia SHAO  Cong LI  Taotao YAN  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E106-B No:12

    Non-orthogonal multipe access based multiple-input multiple-output system (MIMO-NOMA) has been widely used in improving user's achievable rate of millimeter wave (mmWave) communication. To meet different requirements of each user in multi-user beams, this paper proposes a power allocation algorithm to satisfy the quality of service (QoS) of head user while maximizing the minimum rate of edge users from the perspective of max-min fairness. Suppose that the user who is closest to the base station (BS) is the head user and the other users are the edge users in each beam in this paper. Then, an optimization problem model of max-min fairness criterion is developed under the constraints of users' minimum rate requirements and the total transmitting power of the BS. The bisection method and Karush-Kuhn-Tucher (KKT) conditions are used to solve this complex non-convex problem, and simulation results show that both the minimum achievable rates of edge users and the average rate of all users are greatly improved significantly compared with the traditional MIMO-NOMA, which only consider max-min fairness of users.

  • Ferrule Endface Dimension Optimization for Standard Outer Diameter 4-Core Fiber Connector

    Kiyoshi KAMIMURA  Yuki FUJIMAKI  Kentaro MATSUDA  Ryo NAGASE  


    E106-C No:12

    Physical contact (PC) optical connectors realize long-term stability by maintaining contact with the optical fiber even during temperature fluctuations caused by the microscopic displacement of the ferrule endface. With multicore fiber (MCF) connectors, stable PC connection conditions need to be newly investigated because MCFs have cores other than at the center. In this work, we investigated the microscopic displacement of connected ferrule endfaces using the finite element method (FEM). As a result, by using MCF connectors with an apex offset, we found that the allowable fiber undercut where all the cores make contact is slightly smaller than that of single-mode fiber (SMF) connectors. Therefore, we propose a new equation for determining the allowable fiber undercut of MCF connectors. We also fabricated MCF connectors with an allowable fiber undercut and confirmed their reliability using the composite temperature/humidity cyclic test.

  • Decoupling Method for Four Closely Spaced Planar Inverted-F Antennas Using Parasitic Elements and Bridge Lines

    Quang Quan PHUNG  Tuan Hung NGUYEN  Naobumi MICHISHITA  Hiroshi SATO  Yoshio KOYANAGI  Hisashi MORISHITA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E106-B No:11

    This study proposed a novel decoupling method for four planar inverted-F antennas (PIFAs) operating at 2.0GHz (f0). The edge-to-edge and center-to-center spacings of the adjacent PIFAs are extremely small (0.05λ0 and 0.17λ0, respectively), resulting in strong mutual coupling among them. In our previous study, we proposed a structure consisting of parasitic elements (PEs) and a bridge line (BL) for the decoupling of two PIFAs. One attractive feature of the proposed method is that no adjustment of the original structure and size of the PIFAs is necessary. However, as the number of PIFAs increases to four, their decoupling becomes considerably more complicated, and impedance mismatch is also an issue to be considered. Therefore, in this study, PEs and BLs are functionally developed to simultaneously achieve low mutual coupling and improved impedance matching of the four PIFAs. The simulated results showed that loading the proposed PEs and BLs onto the four PIFAs could reduce as well as maintain all mutual coupling for less than -10dB, and simultaneously improve impedance matching. Therefore, the total antenna efficiency at 2.0GHz could be significantly improved from 64.2% to 84.8% for PIFA1 and PIFA4, and from 35.9% to 74.2% for PIFA2 and PIFA3. Four PIFAs with PEs and BLs were fabricated and measured to validate the simulation results.

  • Far-Field Analysis in the Multiple-Region (MR)/FDTD Method for THz Frequency Band

    Kei ASAHI  Takuji ARIMA  Ryo YAMAGUCHI  Kazuma TOMIMOTO  Toshiki HOZEN  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E106-B No:11

    Far-field directivity analysis method where the FDTD method is used to calculate the near-field and then calculating far-field from the near-field has been used practically in wide variety of fields. MR/FDTD method is a simulation method derived from the FDTD method and can provide several advantages to the FDTD method. When combined with the far-field analysis, it theoretically can provide several advantages against the conventional method. In this paper, far-field analysis method that uses MR/FDTD method is introduced and its effectiveness is verified against the conventional method through numerical simulations.

  • Plane-Wave Spectrum Analysis of Spherical Wave Absorption and Reflection by Metasurface Absorber

    Tu NGUYEN VAN  Satoshi YAGITANI  Kensuke SHIMIZU  Shinjiro NISHI  Mitsunori OZAKI  Tomohiko IMACHI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E106-B No:11

    A metasurface absorber capable of monitoring two-dimensional (2-d) electric field distributions has been developed, where a matrix of lumped resistors between surface patches formed on a mushroom-type structure works as a 2-d array of short dipole sensors. In this paper absorption and reflection of a spherical wave incident on the metasurface absorber are analyzed by numerical computation by the plane-wave spectrum (PWS) technique using 2-d Fourier analysis. The electromagnetic field of the spherical wave incident on the absorber surface is expanded into a large number of plane waves, for each of which the TE and TM reflection and absorption coefficients are applied. Then by synthesizing all the plane wave fields we obtain the spatial distributions of reflected and absorbed fields. The detailed formulation of the computation is described, and the computed field distributions are compared with those obtained by simulation and actual measurement when the spherical wave from a dipole is illuminated onto a metasurface absorber. It is demonstrated that the PWS technique is effective and efficient in obtaining the accurate field distributions of the spherical wave on and around the absorber. This is useful for evaluating the performance of the metasurface absorber to absorb and measure the spherical wave field distributions around an EM source.

  • A Design Method of Transmission-Type Metasurfaces Using Circuit Synthesis Theory of Microwave Bandpass Filters Open Access

    Hiromichi YOSHIKAWA  Nobuki HIRAMATSU  Masamichi YONEHARA  Hisamatsu NAKANO  


    E106-C No:11

    In this paper, we applied the circuit synthesis theory of filters to the design of transmission-type metasurface cells and arbitrarily designed the amplitude and phase of the transmission and reflection by adjusting the resonant frequency and coupling coefficient. In addition, we successfully designed the phase of the unit cell by using the frequency conversion of filter theory. Moreover, we designed a refractive transmission-type metasurface plate with a novel cell structure that reacts to both polarizations. The prototype operated at the desired refraction angle, confirming the design theory.

  • Broadband Port-Selective Silicon Beam Scanning Device for Free-Space Optical Communication Open Access

    Yuki ATSUMI  Tomoya YOSHIDA  Ryosuke MATSUMOTO  Ryotaro KONOIKE  Youichi SAKAKIBARA  Takashi INOUE  Keijiro SUZUKI  


    E106-C No:11

    Indoor free space optical (FSO) communication technology that provides high-speed connectivity to edge users is expected to be introduced in the near future mobile communication system, where the silicon photonics solid-state beam scanning device is a promising tool because of its low cost, long-term reliability, and other beneficial properties. However, the current two-dimensional beam scanning devices using grating coupler arrays have difficulty in increasing the transmission capacity because of bandwidth regulation. To solve the problem, we have introduced a broadband surface optical coupler, “elephant coupler,” which has great potential for combining wavelength and spatial division multiplexing technologies into the beam scanning device, as an alternative to grating couplers. The prototype port-selective silicon beam scanning device fabricated using a 300 mm CMOS pilot line achieved broadband optical beam emission with a 1 dB-loss bandwidth of 40 nm and demonstrated beam scanning using an imaging lens. The device has also exhibited free-space signal transmission of non-return-to-zero on-off-keying signals at 10 Gbps over a wide wavelength range of 60 nm. In this paper, we present an overview of the developed beam scanning device. Furthermore, the theoretical design guidelines for indoor mobile FSO communication are discussed.

  • Spatial Mode-Multiplexed Light Source Using Angularly-Multiplexed Volume Holograms

    Satoshi SHINADA  Yuta GOTO  Hideaki FURUKAWA  


    E106-C No:11

    We propose a novel mode-multiplexed light source using angularly-multiplexed volume holograms. Mode division multiplexing beams can be generated from a simple transmitter that is made of a laser array, single lens, and volume holograms. Hologram media has low recording sensitivity; hence, using holograms in the communication band is difficult. However, a dual wavelength method that uses different wavelengths for recording and reading holograms can realize the volume holograms for the infrared region. The volume holograms for three spatial mode multiplexing are formed using a compact Michelson interferometer type recording setup; simultaneous generations of three modes were demonstrated using a fiber array or vertical cavity surface emitting laser array with the volume holograms. A low loss coupling of three modes to few-mode-fiber can be achieved through the precise design and recording of volume holograms. The simple and low-cost mode-multiplexed light source using the volume holograms has the potential to broaden the application of MDM.

  • Hybrid Electromagnetic Simulation Using 2D-FDTD and Ray-Tracing Methods for Airport Surfaces

    Ryosuke SUGA  Megumi WATANABE  Atsushi KEZUKA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E106-C No:11

    In this paper, a hybrid electromagnetic simulation method of two-dimensional FDTD and ray-tracing methods suitable for an airport surface was proposed. The power variation due to ground reflection, refraction and creeping is calculated by two-dimensional FDTD method and ray-tracing method is used to calculate the reflecting and diffracted powers from buildings. The proposed approach was validated by measurement using a 1/50 scale-model of an airport model with a building model in various positions at 5 GHz. The proposed method allowed measured power distributions to correlate with simulated figures to within 4.8 dB and their null positions were also estimated to an error tolerance of within 0.01 m.
