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[Keyword] FA(3430hit)


  • A Driver Fatigue Detection Algorithm Based on Dynamic Tracking of Small Facial Targets Using YOLOv7

    Shugang LIU  Yujie WANG  Qiangguo YU  Jie ZHAN  Hongli LIU  Jiangtao LIU  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E106-D No:11

    Driver fatigue detection has become crucial in vehicle safety technology. Achieving high accuracy and real-time performance in detecting driver fatigue is paramount. In this paper, we propose a novel driver fatigue detection algorithm based on dynamic tracking of Facial Eyes and Yawning using YOLOv7, named FEY-YOLOv7. The Coordinate Attention module is inserted into YOLOv7 to enhance its dynamic tracking accuracy by focusing on coordinate information. Additionally, a small target detection head is incorporated into the network architecture to promote the feature extraction ability of small facial targets such as eyes and mouth. In terms of compution, the YOLOv7 network architecture is significantly simplified to achieve high detection speed. Using the proposed PERYAWN algorithm, driver status is labeled and detected by four classes: open_eye, closed_eye, open_mouth, and closed_mouth. Furthermore, the Guided Image Filtering algorithm is employed to enhance image details. The proposed FEY-YOLOv7 is trained and validated on RGB-infrared datasets. The results show that FEY-YOLOv7 has achieved mAP of 0.983 and FPS of 101. This indicates that FEY-YOLOv7 is superior to state-of-the-art methods in accuracy and speed, providing an effective and practical solution for image-based driver fatigue detection.

  • General Closed-Form Transfer Function Expressions for Fast Filter Bank

    Jinguang HAO  Gang WANG  Honggang WANG  Lili WANG  Xuefeng LIU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:10

    The existing literature focuses on the applications of fast filter bank due to its excellent frequency responses with low complexity. However, the topic is not addressed related to the general transfer function expressions of the corresponding subfilters for a specific channel. To do this, in this paper, general closed-form transfer function expressions for fast filter bank are derived. Firstly, the cascaded structure of fast filter bank is modelled by a binary tree, with which the index of the subfilter at each stage within the channel can be determined. Then the transfer functions for the two outputs of a subfilter are expressed in a unified form. Finally, the general closed-form transfer functions for the channel and its corresponding subfilters are obtained by variables replacement if the prototype lowpass filters for the stages are given. Analytical results and simulations verify the general expressions. With such closed-form expressions lend themselves easily to analysis and direct computation of the transfer functions and the frequency responses without the structure graph.

  • Time-Frequency Characteristics of Ionospheric Clutter in High Frequency Surface Wave Radar during Typhoon Muifa

    Xiaolong ZHENG  Bangjie LI  Daqiao ZHANG  Di YAO  Xuguang YANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:10

    The ionospheric clutter in High Frequency Surface Wave Radar (HFSWR) is the reflection of electromagnetic waves from the ionosphere back to the receiver, which should be suppressed as much as possible for the primary purpose of target detection in HFSWR. However, ionospheric clutter contains vast quantities of ionospheric state information. By studying ionospheric clutter, some of the relevant ionospheric parameters can be inferred, especially during the period of typhoons, when the ionospheric state changes drastically affected by typhoon-excited gravity waves, and utilizing the time-frequency characteristics of ionospheric clutter at typhoon time, information such as the trend of electron concentration changes in the ionosphere and the direction of the typhoon can be obtained. The results of the processing of the radar data showed the effectiveness of this method.

  • RIS-Aided Cell-Free MIMO System: Perfect and Imperfect CSI Design for Energy Efficiency

    Zhiwei SI  Haibin WAN  Tuanfa QIN  Zhengqiang WANG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E106-B No:10

    Thanks to the development of the 6th generation mobile network that makes it possible for us to move towards an intelligent ubiquitous information society, among which some novel technologies represented by cell-free network has also attracted widespread academic attention. Cell-free network has brought distinguished gains to the network capacity with its strong ability against inter-cell interference. Unfortunately, further improvement demands more base stations (BSs) to be settled, which incurs steep cost increase. To address this issue, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) with low cost and power consumption is introduced in this paper to replace some of the trivial BSs in the system, then, a RIS-aided cell-free network paradigm is formulated. Our objective is to solve the weighted sum-rate (WSR) maximization problem by jointly optimizing the beamforming design at BSs and the phase shift of RISs. Due to the non-convexity of the formulated problem, this paper investigates a joint optimizing scheme based on block coordinate descent (BCD) method. Subsequently, on account of the majority of the precious work reposed perfect channel state information (CSI) setup for the ultimate performance, this paper also extends the proposed algorithm to the case wherein CSI is imperfect by utilizing successive convex approximation (SCA). Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme shows great performance and robustness in perfect CSI scenario as well as the imperfect ones.

  • A Method for Researching the Influence of Relay Coil Location on the Transmission Efficiency of Wireless Power Transfer System

    Pengfei GAO  Xiaoying TIAN  Yannan SHI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E106-C No:10

    The transfer distance of the wireless power transfer (WPT) system with relay coil is longer, so this technology have a better practical perspective. But the location of the relay coil has a great impact on the transmission efficiency of the WPT system, and it is not easy to analyze. In order to research the influence law of the relay coil location on the transmission efficiency and obtain the optimal location, the paper firstly proposes the concept of relay coil location factor. And based on the location factor, a novel method for studying the influence of the relay coil location on the transmission efficiency is proposed. First, the mathematical model between the transmission efficiency and the location factor is built. Next, considering the transfer distance, coil radius, coil turns and load resistance, a lot of simulations are carried out to analyze the influence of the location factor on the transmission efficiency, respectively. The influence law and the optimal location factor were obtained with different parameters. Finally, a WPT system with relay coil was built for experiments. And the experiment results verify that the theoretical analysis is correct and the proposed method can simplify the analysis progress of the influence of relay coil location on the transmission efficiency. Moreover, the proposed method and the research conclusions can provide guidance for designing the multiple coils structure WPT system.

  • Facial Mask Completion Using StyleGAN2 Preserving Features of the Person

    Norihiko KAWAI  Hiroaki KOIKE  


    E106-D No:10

    Due to the global outbreak of coronaviruses, people are increasingly wearing masks even when photographed. As a result, photos uploaded to web pages and social networking services with the lower half of the face hidden are less likely to convey the attractiveness of the photographed persons. In this study, we propose a method to complete facial mask regions using StyleGAN2, a type of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). In the proposed method, a reference image of the same person without a mask is prepared separately from a target image of the person wearing a mask. After the mask region in the target image is temporarily inpainted, the face orientation and contour of the person in the reference image are changed to match those of the target image using StyleGAN2. The changed image is then composited into the mask region while correcting the color tone to produce a mask-free image while preserving the person's features.

  • GPU-Accelerated Estimation and Targeted Reduction of Peak IR-Drop during Scan Chain Shifting

    Shiling SHI  Stefan HOLST  Xiaoqing WEN  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E106-D No:10

    High power dissipation during scan test often causes undue yield loss, especially for low-power circuits. One major reason is that the resulting IR-drop in shift mode may corrupt test data. A common approach to solving this problem is partial-shift, in which multiple scan chains are formed and only one group of scan chains is shifted at a time. However, existing partial-shift based methods suffer from two major problems: (1) their IR-drop estimation is not accurate enough or computationally too expensive to be done for each shift cycle; (2) partial-shift is hence applied to all shift cycles, resulting in long test time. This paper addresses these two problems with a novel IR-drop-aware scan shift method, featuring: (1) Cycle-based IR-Drop Estimation (CIDE) supported by a GPU-accelerated dynamic power simulator to quickly find potential shift cycles with excessive peak IR-drop; (2) a scan shift scheduling method that generates a scan chain grouping targeted for each considered shift cycle to reduce the impact on test time. Experiments on ITC'99 benchmark circuits show that: (1) the CIDE is computationally feasible; (2) the proposed scan shift schedule can achieve a global peak IR-drop reduction of up to 47%. Its scheduling efficiency is 58.4% higher than that of an existing typical method on average, which means our method has less test time.

  • Local-to-Global Structure-Aware Transformer for Question Answering over Structured Knowledge

    Yingyao WANG  Han WANG  Chaoqun DUAN  Tiejun ZHAO  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E106-D No:10

    Question-answering tasks over structured knowledge (i.e., tables and graphs) require the ability to encode structural information. Traditional pre-trained language models trained on linear-chain natural language cannot be directly applied to encode tables and graphs. The existing methods adopt the pre-trained models in such tasks by flattening structured knowledge into sequences. However, the serialization operation will lead to the loss of the structural information of knowledge. To better employ pre-trained transformers for structured knowledge representation, we propose a novel structure-aware transformer (SATrans) that injects the local-to-global structural information of the knowledge into the mask of the different self-attention layers. Specifically, in the lower self-attention layers, SATrans focus on the local structural information of each knowledge token to learn a more robust representation of it. In the upper self-attention layers, SATrans further injects the global information of the structured knowledge to integrate the information among knowledge tokens. In this way, the SATrans can effectively learn the semantic representation and structural information from the knowledge sequence and the attention mask, respectively. We evaluate SATrans on the table fact verification task and the knowledge base question-answering task. Furthermore, we explore two methods to combine symbolic and linguistic reasoning for these tasks to solve the problem that the pre-trained models lack symbolic reasoning ability. The experiment results reveal that the methods consistently outperform strong baselines on the two benchmarks.

  • Fault-Resilient Robot Operating System Supporting Rapid Fault Recovery with Node Replication

    Jonghyeok YOU  Heesoo KIM  Kilho LEE  

    LETTER-Software System

    E106-D No:10

    This paper proposes a fault-resilient ROS platform supporting rapid fault detection and recovery. The platform employs heartbeat-based fault detection and node replication-based recovery. Our prototype implementation on top of the ROS Melodic shows a great performance in evaluations with a Nvidia development board and an inverted pendulum device.

  • Fault-Tolerant Aggregate Signature Schemes against Bandwidth Consumption Attack

    Kyosuke YAMASHITA  Ryu ISHII  Yusuke SAKAI  Tadanori TERUYA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Kanta MATSUURA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:9

    A fault-tolerant aggregate signature (FT-AS) scheme is a variant of an aggregate signature scheme with the additional functionality to trace signers that create invalid signatures in case an aggregate signature is invalid. Several FT-AS schemes have been proposed so far, and some of them trace such rogue signers in multi-rounds, i.e., the setting where the signers repeatedly send their individual signatures. However, it has been overlooked that there exists a potential attack on the efficiency of bandwidth consumption in a multi-round FT-AS scheme. Since one of the merits of aggregate signature schemes is the efficiency of bandwidth consumption, such an attack might be critical for multi-round FT-AS schemes. In this paper, we propose a new multi-round FT-AS scheme that is tolerant of such an attack. We implement our scheme and experimentally show that it is more efficient than the existing multi-round FT-AS scheme if rogue signers randomly create invalid signatures with low probability, which for example captures spontaneous failures of devices in IoT systems.

  • Smart Radio Environments with Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for 6G Sub-Terahertz-Band Communications Open Access

    Yasutaka OGAWA  Shuto TADOKORO  Satoshi SUYAMA  Masashi IWABUCHI  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takanori SATO  Junichiro HAGIWARA  Takeo OHGANE  


    E106-B No:9

    Technology for sixth-generation (6G) mobile communication system is now being widely studied. A sub-Terahertz band is expected to play a great role in 6G to enable extremely high data-rate transmission. This paper has two goals. (1) Introduction of 6G concept and propagation characteristics of sub-Terahertz-band radio waves. (2) Performance evaluation of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) based on beamforming in a sub-Terahertz band for smart radio environments (SREs). We briefly review research on SREs with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), and describe requirements and key features of 6G with a sub-Terahertz band. After that, we explain propagation characteristics of sub-Terahertz band radio waves. Important feature is that the number of multipath components is small in a sub-Terahertz band in indoor office environments. This leads to an IRS control method based on beamforming because the number of radio waves out of the optimum beam is very small and power that is not used for transmission from the IRS to user equipment (UE) is little in the environments. We use beams generated by a Butler matrix or a DFT matrix. In simulations, we compare the received power at a UE with that of the upper bound value. Simulation results show that the proposed method reveals good performance in the sense that the received power is not so lower than the upper bound value.

  • A Novel Displacement Sensor Based on a Frequency Delta-Sigma Modulator and its Application to a Stylus Surface Profiler

    Koichi MAEZAWA  Umer FAROOQ  Masayuki MORI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E106-C No:9

    A novel displacement sensor was proposed based on a frequency delta-sigma modulator (FDSM) employing a microwave oscillator. To demonstrate basic operation, we fabricated a stylus surface profiler using a cylindrical cavity resonator, where one end of the cavity is replaced by a thin metal diaphragm with a stylus probe tip. Good surface profile was successfully obtained with this device. A 10 nm depth trench was clearly observed together with a 10 µm trench in a single scan without gain control. This result clearly demonstrates an extremely wide dynamic range of the FDSM displacement sensors.

  • Policy-Based Method for Applying OAuth 2.0-Based Security Profiles

    Takashi NORIMATSU  Yuichi NAKAMURA  Toshihiro YAMAUCHI  


    E106-D No:9

    Two problems occur when an authorization server is utilized for a use case where a different security profile needs to be applied to a unique client request for accessing a distinct type of an API, such as open banking. A security profile can be applied to a client request by using the settings of an authorization server and client. However, this method can only apply the same security profile to all client requests. Therefore, multiple authorization servers or isolated environments, such as realms of an authorization server, are needed to apply a different security profile. However, this increases managerial costs for the authorization server administration. Moreover, new settings and logic need to be added to an authorization server if the existing client settings are inadequate for applying a security profile, which requires modification of an authorization server's source code. We aims to propose the policy-based method that resolves these problems. The proposed method does not completely rely on the settings of a client and can determine an applied security profile using a policy and the context of the client's request. Therefore, only one authorization server or isolated environment, such as a realm of an authorization server, is required to support multiple different security profiles. Additionally, the proposed method can implement a security profile as a pluggable software module. Thus, the source code of the authorization server need not be modified. The proposed method and Financial-grade application programming interface (FAPI) security profiles were implemented in Keycloak, which is an open-source identity and access management solution, and evaluation scenarios were executed. The results of the evaluation confirmed that the proposed method resolves these problems. The implementation has been contributed to Keycloak, making the proposed method and FAPI security profiles publicly available.

  • An Integrated Convolutional Neural Network with a Fusion Attention Mechanism for Acoustic Scene Classification

    Pengxu JIANG  Yue XIE  Cairong ZOU  Li ZHAO  Qingyun WANG  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E106-A No:8

    In human-computer interaction, acoustic scene classification (ASC) is one of the relevant research domains. In real life, the recorded audio may include a lot of noise and quiet clips, making it hard for earlier ASC-based research to isolate the crucial scene information in sound. Furthermore, scene information may be scattered across numerous audio frames; hence, selecting scene-related frames is crucial for ASC. In this context, an integrated convolutional neural network with a fusion attention mechanism (ICNN-FA) is proposed for ASC. Firstly, segmented mel-spectrograms as the input of ICNN can assist the model in learning the short-term time-frequency correlation information. Then, the designed ICNN model is employed to learn these segment-level features. In addition, the proposed global attention layer may gather global information by integrating these segment features. Finally, the developed fusion attention layer is utilized to fuse all segment-level features while the classifier classifies various situations. Experimental findings using ASC datasets from DCASE 2018 and 2019 indicate the efficacy of the suggested method.

  • Deep Multiplicative Update Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Its Application to Audio Signals

    Hiroki TANJI  Takahiro MURAKAMI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:7

    The design and adjustment of the divergence in audio applications using nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is still open problem. In this study, to deal with this problem, we explore a representation of the divergence using neural networks (NNs). Instead of the divergence, our approach extends the multiplicative update algorithm (MUA), which estimates the NMF parameters, using NNs. The design of the extended MUA incorporates NNs, and the new algorithm is referred to as the deep MUA (DeMUA) for NMF. While the DeMUA represents the algorithm for the NMF, interestingly, the divergence is obtained from the incorporated NN. In addition, we propose theoretical guides to design the incorporated NN such that it can be interpreted as a divergence. By appropriately designing the NN, MUAs based on existing divergences with a single hyper-parameter can be represented by the DeMUA. To train the DeMUA, we applied it to audio denoising and supervised signal separation. Our experimental results show that the proposed architecture can learn the MUA and the divergences in sparse denoising and speech separation tasks and that the MUA based on generalized divergences with multiple parameters shows favorable performances on these tasks.

  • Exploiting RIS-Aided Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Full-Duplex Relaying

    Guoqing DONG  Zhen YANG  Youhong FENG  Bin LYU  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E106-A No:7

    In this paper, a novel reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided full-duplex (FD) cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access (CNOMA) network is investigated over Nakagami-m fading channels, where two RISs are employed to help the communication of paired users. To evaluate the potential benefits of our proposed scheme, we first derive the closed-form expressions of the outage probability. Then, we derive users' diversity orders according to the asymptotic approximation at high signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). Simulation results validate our analysis and reveal that users' diversity orders are affected by their channel fading parameters, the self-interference of FD, and the number of RIS elements.

  • Non-Stop Microprocessor for Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems Open Access

    Shota NAKABEPPU  Nobuyuki YAMASAKI  


    E106-C No:7

    It is very important to design an embedded real-time system as a fault-tolerant system to ensure dependability. In particular, when a power failure occurs, restart processing after power restoration is required in a real-time system using a conventional processor. Even if power is restored quickly, the restart process takes a long time and causes deadline misses. In order to design a fault-tolerant real-time system, it is necessary to have a processor that can resume operation in a short time immediately after power is restored, even if a power failure occurs at any time. Since current embedded real-time systems are required to execute many tasks, high schedulability for high throughput is also important. This paper proposes a non-stop microprocessor architecture to achieve a fault-tolerant real-time system. The non-stop microprocessor is designed so as to resume normal operation even if a power failure occurs at any time, to achieve little performance degradation for high schedulability even if checkpoint creations and restorations are performed many times, to control flexibly non-volatile devices through software configuration, and to ensure data consistency no matter when a checkpoint restoration is performed. The evaluation shows that the non-stop microprocessor can restore a checkpoint within 5µsec and almost hide the overhead of checkpoint creations. The non-stop microprocessor with such capabilities will be an essential component of a fault-tolerant real-time system with high schedulability.

  • Crosstalk Analysis and Countermeasures of High-Bandwidth 3D-Stacked Memory Using Multi-Hop Inductive Coupling Interface Open Access

    Kota SHIBA  Atsutake KOSUGE  Mototsugu HAMADA  Tadahiro KURODA  


    E106-C No:7

    This paper describes an in-depth analysis of crosstalk in a high-bandwidth 3D-stacked memory using a multi-hop inductive coupling interface and proposes two countermeasures. This work analyzes the crosstalk among seven stacked chips using a 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulator. The detailed analysis reveals two main crosstalk sources: concentric coils and adjacent coils. To suppress these crosstalks, this paper proposes two corresponding countermeasures: shorted coils and 8-shaped coils. The combination of these coils improves area efficiency by a factor of 4 in simulation. The proposed methods enable an area-efficient inductive coupling interface for high-bandwidth stacked memory.

  • Time-Series Prediction Based on Double Pyramid Bidirectional Feature Fusion Mechanism

    Na WANG  Xianglian ZHAO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:6

    The application of time-series prediction is very extensive, and it is an important problem across many fields, such as stock prediction, sales prediction, and loan prediction and so on, which play a great value in production and life. It requires that the model can effectively capture the long-term feature dependence between the output and input. Recent studies show that Transformer can improve the prediction ability of time-series. However, Transformer has some problems that make it unable to be directly applied to time-series prediction, such as: (1) Local agnosticism: Self-attention in Transformer is not sensitive to short-term feature dependence, which leads to model anomalies in time-series; (2) Memory bottleneck: The spatial complexity of regular transformation increases twice with the sequence length, making direct modeling of long time-series infeasible. In order to solve these problems, this paper designs an efficient model for long time-series prediction. It is a double pyramid bidirectional feature fusion mechanism network with parallel Temporal Convolution Network (TCN) and FastFormer. This network structure can combine the time series fine-grained information captured by the Temporal Convolution Network with the global interactive information captured by FastFormer, it can well handle the time series prediction problem.

  • Stack-Type Enzyme Biofuel Cell Using a Cellulose Nanofiber Sheet to Absorb Lactic Acid from Human Sweat as Fuel

    Satomitsu IMAI  Atsuya YAMAKAWA  


    E106-C No:6

    An enzymatic biofuel cell (BFC) that uses lactic acid in human sweat as fuel to generate electricity is an attractive power source for wearable devices. A BFC capable of generating electricity with human sweat has been developed. It comprised a flexible tattoo seal type battery with silver oxide vapor deposited on a flexible material and conductive carbon nanotubes printed on it. The anode and cathode in this battery were arranged in a plane (planar type). This work proposes a thin laminated enzymatic BFC by inserting a cellulose nanofiber (CNF) sheet between two electrodes to absorb human sweat (stack-type). Optimization of the anode and changing the arrangement of electrodes from planar to stack type improved the output and battery life. The stack type is 43.20μW / cm2 at 180mV, which is 1.25 times the maximum power density of the planar type.
