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[Keyword] SI(16314hit)


  • Monte Carlo Analysis of Velocity Overshoot Effects in Bipolar Devices with and without an i-Layer

    Yoshiroh TSUBOI  Claudio FIFGNA  Enrico SANGIORGI  Bruno RICCÒ  Tetsunori WADA  Yasuhiro KATSUMATA  Hiroshi IWAI  

    PAPER-Device Simulation

    E77-C No:2

    We investigated the impact of velocity overshoot effect on collector signal delay of bipolar devices by using Monte Carlo simulation method. We found that insertion of an i-layer (lightly doped, intrinsic layer) between base and collector can increase the delay, but the strength of this effect is a function of the i-layer thickness. When the i-layer becomes thinner, the problem of increasing delay seems to disappear. This recovery of delay is realised with a mechanism which is completely different from that in drift-diffusion model.

  • Evaluation of Two-Dimensional Transient Enhanced Diffusion of Phosphorus during Shallow Junction Formation

    Hisako SATO  Katsumi TSUNENO  Hiroo MASUDA  

    PAPER-Process Simulation

    E77-C No:2

    Recently, high-dose implantation and low temperature annealing have become one of the key techniques in shallow junction formation. To fabricate shallow junction in quarter-micron CMOS VLSIs, it is well known being important to evaluate the transient enhanced diffusion (TED) of implanted dopants at low temperature furnace annealing, which is caused by the damages of implantation. We have newly studied the TED phenomena by a compact empirical method. This approach has merits of simplicity and better physical intuition, because we can use only minimal parameters to describe the TED phenomena. The other purpose of this work is to evaluate two-dimensional transient enhanced diffusion focusing on phosphorus implant and furnace annealing. Firstly, we defined effective diffusivity of the TED and determined extraction procedure of the model parameters. Number of the TED model parameters is minimized to two, which describe effective enhanced diffusivity and its activation energy. The parameters have been extracted from SIMS profile data obtained from samples which range 1013-31015 cm-2 and 850-950 for phosphorus implanted dose and annealing temperature, respectively. Simulation results with the extracted transient enhanced diffusion parameters show good agreements well with the SIMS data within 2% RMS-error. Critical doses for phosphorus enhanced diffusion have been determined in 950 annealing condition. No transient enhanced diffusion is observed at 950 under the implant dose of 11013 cm-2. Also the transient enhanced diffusivity is leveled off over the dose of 11014 cm-2. It is seen that the critical dose in TED phenomena might be temperature dependent to a certain extent. We have also verified that two-dimensional effect of the TED phenomena experimentally. Two-dimensional phosphorus n- layer is chosen to verify the simulation. It was concluded that the TED has isotropic nature in phosphorus n- diffusion formation.

  • A non-Local Formulation of Impact Ionization for Silicon

    Paul G. SCROBOHACI  Ting-wei TANG  

    PAPER-Device Modeling

    E77-C No:2

    Impact ionization () in two n+-n--n+ device structures is investigated. Data obtained from self-consistent Monte-Carlo (SCMC) simulations of the devices is used to show that the average energy () of only those high energy electrons contributing to is an appropriate variable for the modeling of . A transport model allowing one to calculate is derived from the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) and calibrated by the SCMC simulation results. The values of and the coefficient, αii, predicted by the proposed model are in good agreement with the Monte-Carlo data.

  • Low Temperature Coefficient CMOS Voltage Reference Circuits

    Katsuji KIMURA  


    E77-A No:2

    Novel circuit design techniques for CMOSFET (complementary MOS field-effet transistor)-only bias circuits, which each include a current mirror with a peaking characteristic, a current reference with a positive temperature coefficient, and a voltage reference with an optional temperature dependence, are described. An MOS Nagata current mirror is analyzed, and bias circuits like a CMOS self-biasing Nagata current reference and a CMOS self-biasing Nagata voltage reference, both of which include an MOS Nagata current mirror, are discussed. In addition, a CMOS temperature coefficient shifter, used to add an offset voltage and an optional temperature coefficient to a reference voltage, is also discussed. The CMOS Nagata voltage reference was verified with a breadboard using discrete componente and a 0.15 mV/ temperature dependence.

  • Electrothermal Analysis of Latch-Up in an Insulated Gate Transistor (IGT)

    Hermann BRAND  Siegfried SELBERHERR  

    PAPER-Device Simulation

    E77-C No:2

    An advanced model for self-heating effects in power semiconductor devices is derived from principles of irreversible thermodynamics. The importance of the entropy balance equation is emphasized. The governing equations for the coupled transport of charge carriers and heat are valid in both the stationary and transient regimes. Four characteristic effects contributing to the heat generation can be identified: Joule heating, recombination heating, Thomson heating and carrier source heating. Bandgap narrowing effects are included. Hot carrier effects are neglected. Numerical methods to solve the governing equations for the coupled transport of charge carriers and heat are described. Finally, results obtained in simulating latch-up in an IGT are discussed.

  • Numerical Analysis of Durable Power MOSFET Using Cylindrical Device Simulator

    Yasukazu IWASAKI  Kunihiro ASADA  


    E77-A No:2

    A simulation study on cylindrical semiconductor devices is described, where the internal behavior of power devices are analyzed under steady-state condition with considering heat generation. In simulation, circular cylindrical coordinate is used to consider the effect of three-dimensional spreading current flow with keeping calculation time and memory as in two-dimensional simulation. Numerical model is based on the well-known set of Shockley-Roosbroeck semiconductor equations--continuity equations for carriers and Poisson's equation, along with heat flow equation. Drift-diffusion approximation of carrier transport equations is used, taking temperature field as a driving force for carriers into account. Using the cylindrical simulator, numerical analysis of power MOSFETs, which integrate zener diodes to improve the avalanche capability, has been carried out. Results showed that, a parasitic bipolar transistor turns on under forward-biased condition in a power MOSFET with a zener diode. The highest lattice temperature takes place at source edge. Under reverse-biased condition, breakdown occurs at doughnut area around the bottom of source contact (at the upper region of zener junction), and the avalanche current flows detouring the base region of parasitic bipolar transistor which implies that secondary breakdown will be suppressed. The highest lattice temperature region under reverse-biased conditions is the same as the breakdown region. Without zener diodes, on the other hand, breakdown occurs ringing about the edge of source region, and the avalanche current flows through the base region of parasitic bipolar transistor which implies that even MOSFETs may suffer from the secondary breakdown. As channel length becomes short, breakdown caused by punchthrough becomes dominant at the edge of source region.

  • Electrocapillarity Optical Switch

    Makoto SATO  


    E77-B No:2

    To realize a high performance optical subscriber network a route reconnect switch is desired which has bistability, polarization and wavelength independence and compactness. This paper proposes an electrocapillarity optical (ECO) switch, in which a micro-mirror formed by a mercury droplet is driven by electrocapillarity. This switch has a potential for use in bistable waveguide matrix switches, which are suitable for route reconnection in the optical subscriber network. A theoretical model is presented that the driving force of the electrocapillarity originates in an electrically induced gradient in the surface tension of the mercury-electrolyte interface where an electrical double layer is formed. The experimentally obtained relation between the flow velocity of a mercury droplet and the electric current in an electrocapillary system is well described by this model. A prototype of the ECO switch is made using a resin molded single-mode fiber with a slit sawed in it in which a electrocapillary system is made. Optical switching is demonstrated and possible improvements in switching performance are discussed.

  • Demand Assign Wavelength Division Multiple Access (DA-WDMA) Hybrid Optical Local Area Network Using Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers

    Takahiro SHIOZAWA  Seigo TAKAHASHI  Masahiro EDA  Akifumi Paulo YAZAKI  Masahiko FUJIWARA  


    E77-B No:2

    A new kind of optical local area network (LAN), using a demand assign wavelength division multiple access (DA-WDMA) scheme, has been proposed. The proposed LAN consists of two parts; an ordinary standardized LAN and an overlaid network using wavelength division (WD) channels. The proposed network can provide bit-rate independent communication channels on the ordinary LAN without limiting the capacities for the other channels. It also exhibits upgrade possibilities from present standardized networks. An access controller, which consists of software in addition to the ordinary LAN controller, a digital signal processor (DSP) etc., was developed for DA-WDMA control. The network node operation has been demonstrated using guided-wave acousto-optic (AO) mode converters as a tunable wavelength add-drop multiplexer (ADM).

  • Dynamic Simulation of Multiple Trapping Processes and Anomalous Frequency Dependence in GaAs MESFETs

    Shirun HO  Masaki OOHIRA  Osamu KAGAYA  Aya MORIYOSHI  Hiroshi MIZUTA  Ken YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Device Simulation

    E77-C No:2

    A unified model for frequency-dependent characteristics of transconductance and output resistance is presented that incorporates the dynamics of quasi-Fermi levels. Using this model, multiple-frequency dispersion and pulse-narrowing phenomena in GaAs MESFETs are demonstrated based on the drift-diffusion transport theory and a Schockley-Read-Hall-type deep trap model, where rate equations for multiple trapping processes are analyzed self-consistently. It is shown that the complex frequency dependence is due to both spatial and temporal effects of multiple traps.

  • Comparison between a posteriori Error Indicators for Adaptive Mesh Generation in Semiconductor Device Simulation



    E77-C No:2

    In order to achieve an efficient and reliable prediction of device performance by numerical device simulation, a discretization mesh must be generated with an adequate, but not redundant, density of mesh points. However, manual mesh optimization requires user's trial and error. This task annoys the user considerably, especially when the device operation is not well known, or the required mesh-point density strongly depends on the bias condition, or else the manipulation of the mesh is difficult as is expected in 3D. Since these situations often happen in designing advanced VLSI devices, it is highly desirable to automatically optimize the mesh. Adaptive meshing techniques realize automatic optimization by refining the mesh according to the discretization error estimated from the solution. The performance of mesh optimization depends on a posteriori error indicators adopted to evaluate the discretization error. In particular, to obtain a precise terminal-current value, a reliable error indicator for the current continuity equation is necessary. In this paper, adaptive meshing based on the current continuity equation is investigated. A heuristic error indicator is proposed, and a methodology to extend a theoretical error indicator proposed for the finite element method to the requirements of device simulation is presented. The theoretical indicator is based on the energy norm of the flux-density error and is applicable to both Poisson and current continuity equations regardless of the mesh-element shape. These error indicators have been incorporated into the adaptive-mesh device-simulator HFIELDS, and their practicality is examined by MOSFET simulation. Both indicators can produce a mesh with sufficient node density in the channel region, and precise drain current values are obtained on the optimized meshes. The theoretical indicator is superior because it provides a better optimization performance, and is applicable to general mesh elements.

  • Multiple World Representation of Mental States for Dialogue Processing

    Toru SUGIMOTO  Akinori YONEZAWA  


    E77-D No:2

    As a general basis for constructing a cooperative and flexible dialogue system, we are interested in modelling the inference process of an agent who participates in a dialogue. For this purpose, it is natural and powerful to model it in his general cognitive framework for problem solving. This paper presents such a framework. In this framework, we represent agent's mental states in the form called Mental World Structure, which consists of multiple mental worlds. Each mental world is a set of mental propositions and corresponds to one modal context, that is, a specific point of view. Modalities in an agent's mental states are represented by path expressions, which are first class citizens of the system and can be composed each other to make up composite modalities. With Mental World Structure, we can handle modalities more flexibly than ordinary modal logics, situation theory and other representation systems. We incorporate smoothly into the structure three basic inference procedures, that is, deduction, abduction and truth maintenance. Precise definitions of the structure and the inference procedures are given. Furthermore, we explain as examples, several cooperative dialogues in our framework.

  • Hybrid Modes of Goubau Line

    Ken-ichi SAKINA  Jiro CHIBA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E77-C No:2

    The exact characteristic equation for the hybrid modes in Goubau line is given. By solving the equation numerically we find the hybrid modes Lnm, defined in this paper. We also examine the propagation and attenuation constants of the hybrid modes. As a result the hybrid K12 mode has the extremely low attenuation at the specific frequency similar to the hybrid K11 mode. The electric field distributions of K11 and L11 modes are plotted.

  • A Unified Model for the Simulation of Small-Geometry Devices


    PAPER-Device Modeling

    E77-C No:2

    In this paper, the formulation of unified transport model is reviewed along with its implementation in a three-dimensional device simulator. The model features an accurate description of the energy exchange among electrons, holes and lattice, and is therefore suitable for self-consistently simulating thermal effects and non-stationary phenomena, as well as their possible interactions. Despite the model complexity, it is shown that the computational effort required for its solution is reasonably close to more conventional approaches. Application examples are also given, in which both unipolar and bipolar devices are simulated, discussing the relative importance of different phenomena and highlighting the simultaneous occurrence of carrier and lattice heating.

  • Dynamic-Clustering and Grain-Growth Kinetics Effects on Dopant Diffusion in Polysilicon

    Masami HANE  Shinya HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Process Simulation

    E77-C No:2

    A simulation model for arsenic diffusion in polycrystalline silicon has been developed considering dynamic dopant clustering and polysilicon grain growth kinetics tightly coupled with dopant diffusion and segregation. It was assumed that the polysilicon layer consists of column-like grains surrounded by thin grain-boundaries, so that one dimensional description is permissible for dopant diffusion. The dynamic clustering model was introduced for describing arsenic activation in polysilicon grains, considering the solubility limit increase for arsenic in a polysilicon. For a grain-growth calculation, a previous formula was modified to include a local concentration dependence. The simulation results show that these effects are significant for a high dose implantation case.

  • Overview of Photonic Switching Systems Using Time-Division and Wavelength-Division Multiplexing



    E77-B No:2

    The demand for large-capacity photonic switching systems will increase as regular broadband ISDN (B-ISDN) spreads and full-motion video terminals replace telephones. Large-scale and economical optical fiber transmission lines have been built based on time-division (TD) multiplexing. To reduce costs, it is important to increase the channel multiplexity of both transmission and switching systems by using TD and wavelength-division (WD) or frequency-division (FD) technologies. We surveyed photonic switching systems' architecture and switching network structures. Switching can be divided into circuit or synchronous transfer mode (STM) switching, and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switching. A variety of photonic STM and ATM switching systems based on the two switching technologies have recently been proposed and demonstrated.

  • Accurate Simulation of Pattern Transfer Processes Using Minkowski Operations

    Ernst STRASSER  Gerhard SCHROM  Karl WIMMER  Siegfried SELBERHERR  

    PAPER-Process Simulation

    E77-C No:2

    A new method for simulation of etching and deposition processes has been developed. This method is based on fundamental morphological operations derived from image and signal processing. As the material surface during simulation moves in time, the geometry either increases or decreases. If the simulation geometry is considered as a two-valued image (material or vacuum), etching and deposition processes can be simulated by means of the erosion and dilation operation. Together with a cellular material representation this method allows an accurate and stable simulation of three-dimensional arbitrary structures. Simulation results for several etching and deposition problems demonstrate accuracy and generality of our method.

  • Two-Dimensional Modeling of Self-Aligned Silicide Processes with the General-Purpose Process Simulator OPUS

    Kazuhiko KAI  Shigeki KURODA  Kenji NISHI  

    PAPER-Process Simulation

    E77-C No:2

    A two-dimensional self-aligned silicide (SALICIDE) model has been developed using the general-purpose process simulator OPUS. A new two-dimensional growth model is proposed. Utilizing a newly-difined effective silicide thickness, the model accounts both silicon-diffusion and metal-diffusion limited silicide growth. Silicide lateral-growth along a sidewall spacer is successfully simulated for Si-diffusion limited silicide growth. Complete MOSFET process simulation with a SALICIDE process is demonstrated for the first time.

  • A Proposal of a New Photonic FDM Switching System FAPS--Frequency Assign Photonic Switching System--

    Tadahiko YASUI  Aritomo UEMURA  


    E77-B No:2

    Among various photonic switching technologies, photonic frequency division multiplexing technology is most promising. In this paper a novel photonic FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) system is proposed. The proposed system consists of n (multiplicity of frequencies) independent subnetworks, each of which is identified by a specific frequency, and of which each network topology is identical. When a connection is required by a terminal, the network selects a subnetwork that can afford it, and assigns a frequency representing the selected subnetwork to the terminal. This system eliminates frequency converting devices and traffic concentration equipment, which will reduce the size and cost of the system. A very small sized switching system of very large capacity will be easily realized. In this paper, first we will address the basic concept of the proposed system, and then discuss some technical problems and their solutions concerning network configuration, switch matrix structure, subscriber network configuration, control scheme and frequency multiplicity. Some experimental results are also mentioned.

  • A Preferential Constraint Satisfaction Technique for Natural Language Analysis

    Katashi NAGAO  


    E77-D No:2

    In this paper, we present a new technique for the semantic analysis of sentences, including an ambiguity-packing method that generates a packed representation of individual syntactic and semantic structures. This representation is based on a dependency structure with constraints that must be satisfied in the syntax-semantics mapping phase. Complete syntax-semantics mapping is not performed until all ambiguities have been resolved, thus avoiding the combinatorial explosions that sometimes occur when unpacking locally packed ambiguities. A constraint satisfaction technique makes it possible to resolve ambiguities efficiently without unpacking. Disambiguation is the process of applying syntactic and semantic constraints to the possible candidate solutions (such as modifiees, cases, and wordsenses) and removing unsatisfactory condidates. Since several candidates often remain after applying constraints, another kind of knowledge to enable selection of the most plausible candidate solution is required. We call this new knowledge a preference. Both constraints and preferences must be applied to coordination for disambiguation. Either of them alone is insufficient for the purpose, and the interactions between them are important. We also present an algorithm for controlling the interaction between the constraints and the preferences in the disambiguation process. By allowing the preferences to control the application of the constraints, ambiguities can be efficiently resolved, thus avoiding combinatorial explosions.

  • Theoretical Analysis of Transconductance Enhancement Caused by Electron-Concentration-Dependent Screening in Heavily Doped Systems

    Shirun HO  Aya MORIYOSHI  Isao OHBU  Osamu KAGAYA  Hiroshi MIZUTA  Ken YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Device Modeling

    E77-C No:2

    A new mobility model dependent upon electron concentration is presented for studying the screening effect on ionized impurity scattering. By coupling this model with the drift-diffusion and Hartree models, the effects of self-consistent and quasi-equilibrium screening on carrier transport in heavily doped systems are revealed for first time. The transport mechanism is found to be dominated by the electron-concentration-dependent mobility, and transconductance is shown to be determined by effective mobility and changes from degraded to enhanced characteristics with electron concentration modulation.
