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  • Faster SET Operation in Phase Change Memory with Initialization Open Access

    Yuchan WANG  Suzhen YUAN  Wenxia ZHANG  Yuhan WANG  

    PAPER-Electronic Materials

    E104-C No:11

    In conclusion, an initialization method has been introduced and studied to improve the SET speed in PCM. Before experiment verification, a two-dimensional finite analysis is used, and the results illustrate the proposed method is feasible to improve SET speed. Next, the R-I performances of the discrete PCM device and the resistance distributions of a 64 M bits PCM test chip with and without the initialization have been studied and analyzed, which confirms that the writing speed has been greatly improved. At the same time, the resistance distribution for the repeated initialization operations suggest that a large number of PCM cells have been successfully changed to be in an intermediate state, which is thought that only a shorter current pulse can make the cells SET successfully in this case. Compared the transmission electron microscope (TEM) images before and after initialization, it is found that there are some small grains appeared after initialization, which indicates that the nucleation process of GST has been carried out, and only needs to provide energy for grain growth later.

  • Constrained Design of FIR Filters with Sparse Coefficients

    Tatsuki ITASAKA  Ryo MATSUOKA  Masahiro OKUDA  


    E104-A No:11

    We propose an algorithm for the constrained design of FIR filters with sparse coefficients. In general filter design approaches, as the length of the filter increases, the number of multipliers used to construct the filter increases. This is a serious problem, especially in two-dimensional FIR filter designs. The FIR filter coefficients designed by the least-squares method with peak error constraint are optimal in the sense of least-squares within a given order, but not necessarily optimal in terms of constructing a filter that meets the design specification under the constraints on the number of coefficients. That is, a higher-order filter with several zero coefficients can construct a filter that meets the specification with a smaller number of multipliers. We propose a two-step approach to design constrained sparse FIR filters. Our method minimizes the number of non-zero coefficients while the frequency response of the filter that meets the design specification. It achieves better performance in terms of peak error than conventional constrained least-squares designs with the same or higher number of multipliers in both one-dimensional and two-dimensional filter designs.

  • An Effective Feature Extraction Mechanism for Intrusion Detection System

    Cheng-Chung KUO  Ding-Kai TSENG  Chun-Wei TSAI  Chu-Sing YANG  


    E104-D No:11

    The development of an efficient detection mechanism to determine malicious network traffic has been a critical research topic in the field of network security in recent years. This study implemented an intrusion-detection system (IDS) based on a machine learning algorithm to periodically convert and analyze real network traffic in the campus environment in almost real time. The focuses of this study are on determining how to improve the detection rate of an IDS and how to detect more non-well-known port attacks apart from the traditional rule-based system. Four new features are used to increase the discriminant accuracy. In addition, an algorithm for balancing the data set was used to construct the training data set, which can also enable the learning model to more accurately reflect situations in real environment.

  • A CNN-Based Optimal CTU λ Decision for HEVC Intra Rate Control

    Lili WEI  Zhenglong YANG  Zhenming WANG  Guozhong WANG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E104-D No:10

    Since HEVC intra rate control has no prior information to rely on for coding, it is a difficult work to obtain the optimal λ for every coding tree unit (CTU). In this paper, a convolutional neural network (CNN) based intra rate control is proposed. Firstly, a CNN with two last output channels is used to predict the key parameters of the CTU R-λ curve. For well training the CNN, a combining loss function is built and the balance factor γ is explored to achieve the minimum loss result. Secondly, the initial CTU λ can be calculated by the predicted results of the CNN and the allocated bit per pixel (bpp). According to the rate distortion optimization (RDO) of a frame, a spatial equation is derived between the CTU λ and the frame λ. Lastly, The CTU clipping function is used to obtain the optimal CTU λ for the intra rate control. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves the intra rate control performance significantly with a good rate control accuracy.

  • Clustering for Signal Power Distribution Toward Low Storage Crowdsourced Spectrum Database

    Yoji UESUGI  Keita KATAGIRI  Koya SATO  Kei INAGE  Takeo FUJII  


    E104-B No:10

    This paper proposes a measurement-based spectrum database (MSD) with clustered fading distributions toward greater storage efficiencies. The conventional MSD can accurately model the actual characteristics of multipath fading by plotting the histogram of instantaneous measurement data for each space-separated mesh and utilizing it in communication designs. However, if the database contains all of a distribution for each location, the amount of data stored will be extremely large. Because the main purpose of the MSD is to improve spectral efficiency, it is necessary to reduce the amount of data stored while maintaining quality. The proposed method reduces the amount of stored data by estimating the distribution of the instantaneous received signal power at each point and integrating similar distributions through clustering. Numerical results show that clustering techniques can reduce the amount of data while maintaining the accuracy of the MSD. We then apply the proposed method to the outage probability prediction for the instantaneous received signal power. It is revealed that the prediction accuracy is maintained even when the amount of data is reduced.

  • Siamese Visual Tracking with Dual-Pipeline Correlated Fusion Network

    Ying KANG  Cong LIU  Ning WANG  Dianxi SHI  Ning ZHOU  Mengmeng LI  Yunlong WU  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E104-D No:10

    Siamese visual tracking, viewed as a problem of max-similarity matching to the target template, has absorbed increasing attention in computer vision. However, it is a challenge for current Siamese trackers that the demands of balance between accuracy in real-time tracking and robustness in long-time tracking are hard to meet. This work proposes a new Siamese based tracker with a dual-pipeline correlated fusion network (named as ADF-SiamRPN), which consists of one initial template for robust correlation, and the other transient template with the ability of adaptive feature optimal selection for accurate correlation. By the promotion from the learnable correlation-response fusion network afterwards, we are in pursuit of the synthetical improvement of tracking performance. To compare the performance of ADF-SiamRPN with state-of-the-art trackers, we conduct lots of experiments on benchmarks like OTB100, UAV123, VOT2016, VOT2018, GOT-10k, LaSOT and TrackingNet. The experimental results of tracking demonstrate that ADF-SiamRPN outperforms all the compared trackers and achieves the best balance between accuracy and robustness.

  • Robust and Efficient Homography Estimation Using Directional Feature Matching of Court Points for Soccer Field Registration

    Kazuki KASAI  Kaoru KAWAKITA  Akira KUBOTA  Hiroki TSURUSAKI  Ryosuke WATANABE  Masaru SUGANO  


    E104-D No:10

    In this paper, we present an efficient and robust method for estimating Homography matrix for soccer field registration between a captured camera image and a soccer field model. The presented method first detects reliable field lines from the camera image through clustering. Constructing a novel directional feature of the intersection points of the lines in both the camera image and the model, the presented method then finds matching pairs of these points between the image and the model. Finally, Homography matrix estimations and validations are performed using the obtained matching pairs, which can reduce the required number of Homography matrix calculations. Our presented method uses possible intersection points outside image for the point matching. This effectively improves robustness and accuracy of Homography estimation as demonstrated in experimental results.

  • An Optimistic Synchronization Based Optimal Server Selection Scheme for Delay Sensitive Communication Services Open Access

    Akio KAWABATA  Bijoy Chand CHATTERJEE  Eiji OKI  

    PAPER-Network System

    E104-B No:10

    In distributed processing for communication services, a proper server selection scheme is required to reduce delay by ensuring the event occurrence order. Although a conservative synchronization algorithm (CSA) has been used to achieve this goal, an optimistic synchronization algorithm (OSA) can be feasible for synchronizing distributed systems. In comparison with CSA, which reproduces events in occurrence order before processing applications, OSA can be feasible to realize low delay communication as the processing events arrive sequentially. This paper proposes an optimal server selection scheme that uses OSA for distributed processing systems to minimize end-to-end delay under the condition that maximum status holding time is limited. In other words, the end-to-end delay is minimized based on the allowed rollback time, which is given according to the application designing aspects and availability of computing resources. Numerical results indicate that the proposed scheme reduces the delay compared to the conventional scheme.

  • Triplet Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification

    Rui SUN  Qili LIANG  Zi YANG  Zhenghui ZHAO  Xudong ZHANG  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E104-D No:10

    Video-based person re-identification (re-ID) aims at retrieving person across non-overlapping camera and has achieved promising results owing to deep convolutional neural network. Due to the dynamic properties of the video, the problems of background clutters and occlusion are more serious than image-based person Re-ID. In this letter, we present a novel triple attention network (TriANet) that simultaneously utilizes temporal, spatial, and channel context information by employing the self-attention mechanism to get robust and discriminative feature. Specifically, the network has two parts, where the first part introduces a residual attention subnetwork, which contains channel attention module to capture cross-dimension dependencies by using rotation and transformation and spatial attention module to focus on pedestrian feature. In the second part, a time attention module is designed to judge the quality score of each pedestrian, and to reduce the weight of the incomplete pedestrian image to alleviate the occlusion problem. We evaluate our proposed architecture on three datasets, iLIDS-VID, PRID2011 and MARS. Extensive comparative experimental results show that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results.

  • An Autoencoder Based Background Subtraction for Public Surveillance

    Yue LI  Xiaosheng YU  Haijun CAO  Ming XU  


    E104-A No:10

    An autoencoder is trained to generate the background from the surveillance image by setting the training label as the shuffled input, instead of the input itself in a traditional autoencoder. Then the multi-scale features are extracted by a sparse autoencoder from the surveillance image and the corresponding background to detect foreground.

  • A DLL-Based Body Bias Generator with Independent P-Well and N-Well Biasing for Minimum Energy Operation

    Kentaro NAGAI  Jun SHIOMI  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E104-C No:10

    This paper proposes an area- and energy-efficient DLL-based body bias generator (BBG) for minimum energy operation that controls p-well and n-well bias independently. The BBG can minimize total energy consumption of target circuits under a skewed process condition between nMOSFETs and pMOSFETs. The proposed BBG is composed of digital cells compatible with cell-based design, which enables energy- and area-efficient implementation without additional supply voltages. A test circuit is implemented in a 65-nm FDSOI process. Measurement results using a 32-bit RISC processor on the same chip show that the proposed BBG can reduce energy consumption close to a minimum within a 3% energy loss. In this condition, energy and area overheads of the BBG are 0.2% and 0.12%, respectively.

  • S-to-X Band 360-Degree RF Phase Detector IC Consisting of Symmetrical Mixers and Tunable Low-Pass Filters

    Akihito HIRAI  Kazutomi MORI  Masaomi TSURU  Mitsuhiro SHIMOZAWA  


    E104-C No:10

    This paper demonstrates that a 360° radio-frequency phase detector consisting of a combination of symmetrical mixers and 45° phase shifters with tunable devices can achieve a low phase-detection error over a wide frequency range. It is shown that the phase detection error does not depend on the voltage gain of the 45° phase shifter. This allows the usage of tunable devices as 45° phase shifters for a wide frequency range with low phase-detection errors. The fabricated phase detector having tunable low-pass filters as the tunable device demonstrates phase detection errors lower than 2.0° rms in the frequency range from 3.0 GHz to 10.5 GHz.

  • Discovering Multiple Clusters of Sightseeing Spots to Improve Tourist Satisfaction Using Network Motifs

    Tengfei SHAO  Yuya IEIRI  Reiko HISHIYAMA  

    PAPER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E104-D No:10

    Tourist satisfaction plays a very important role in the development of local community tourism. For the development of tourist destinations in local communities, it is important to measure, maintain, and improve tourist destination royalties over the medium to long term. It has been proven that improving tourist satisfaction is a major factor in improving tourist destination royalties. Therefore, to improve tourist satisfaction in local communities, we identified multiple clusters of sightseeing spots and determined that the satisfaction of tourists can be increased based on these clusters of sightseeing spots. Our discovery flow can be summarized as follows. First, we extracted tourism keywords from guidebooks on sightseeing spots. We then constructed a complex network of tourists and sightseeing spots based on the data collected from experiments conducted in Kyoto. Next, we added the corresponding tourism keywords to each sightseeing spot. Finally, by analyzing network motifs, we successfully discovered multiple clusters of sightseeing spots that could be used to improve tourist satisfaction.

  • High-Power High-Efficiency GaN HEMT Doherty Amplifiers for Base Station Applications Open Access

    Andrei GREBENNIKOV  James WONG  Hiroaki DEGUCHI  


    E104-C No:10

    In this paper, the high-power high-efficiency asymmetric Doherty power amplifiers based on high-voltage GaN HEMT devices with internal input matching for base station applications are proposed and described. For a three-way 1:2 asymmetric Doherty structures, an exceptionally high output power of 1 kW with a peak efficiency of 83% and a linear flat power gain of about 15 dB was achieved in a frequency band of 2.11-2.17 GHz, whereas an output power of 59.5 dBm with a peak efficiency of 78% and linear power gain of 12 dB and an output power of 59.2 dBm with a peak efficiency of 65% and a linear power gain of 13 dB were obtained across 1.8-2.2 GHz. To provide a high-efficiency broadband operation, the concept of inverted Doherty structure is applied and described in detail. By using a high-power broadband inverted Doherty amplifier architecture with a 2×120-W GaN HEMT transistor, a saturated power of greater than 54 dBm, a linear power gain of greater than 13 dB and a drain efficiency of greater than 50% at 7-dB power backoff in a frequency bandwidth of 1.8-2.7 GHz were obtained.

  • PSTNet: Crowd Flow Prediction by Pyramidal Spatio-Temporal Network

    Enze YANG  Shuoyan LIU  Yuxin LIU  Kai FANG  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E104-D No:10

    Crowd flow prediction in high density urban scenes is involved in a wide range of intelligent transportation and smart city applications, and it has become a significant topic in urban computing. In this letter, a CNN-based framework called Pyramidal Spatio-Temporal Network (PSTNet) for crowd flow prediction is proposed. Spatial encoding is employed for spatial representation of external factors, while prior pyramid enhances feature dependence of spatial scale distances and temporal spans, after that, post pyramid is proposed to fuse the heterogeneous spatio-temporal features of multiple scales. Experimental results based on TaxiBJ and MobileBJ demonstrate that proposed PSTNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

  • Realization of Rectangular Frequency Characteristics by the Effects of a Low-Noise Amplifier and Flat Passband Bandpass Filter

    Tomohiro TSUKUSHI  Satoshi ONO  Koji WADA  


    E104-C No:10

    Realizing frequency rectangular characteristics using a planar circuit made of a normal conductor material such as a printed circuit board (PCB) is difficult. The reason is that the corners of the frequency response are rounded by the effect of the low unloaded quality factors of the resonators. Rectangular frequency characteristics are generally realized by a low-noise amplifier (LNA) with flat gain characteristics and a high-order bandpass filter (BPF) with resonators having high unloaded quality factors. Here, we use an LNA and a fourth-order flat passband BPF made of a PCB to realize the desired characteristics. We first calculate the signal and noise powers to confirm any effects from insertion loss caused by the BPF. Next, we explain the design and fabrication of an LNA, since no proper LNAs have been developed for this research. Finally, the rectangular frequency characteristics are shown by a circuit combining the fabricated LNA and the fabricated flat passband BPF. We show that rectangular frequency characteristics can be realized using a flat passband BPF technique.

  • Semi-Structured BitTorrent Protocol with Application to Efficient P2P Video Streaming

    Satoshi FUJITA  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E104-D No:10

    In this paper, we propose a method to enhance the download efficiency of BitTorrent protocol with the notion of structures in the set of pieces generated from a shared file and the swarm of peers downloading the same shared file. More specifically, as for the set of pieces, we introduce the notion of super-pieces called clusters, which is aimed to enlarge the granularity of the management of request-and-reply of pieces, and as for the swarm of peers, we organize a clique consisting of several peers with similar upload capacity, to improve the smoothness of the flow of pieces associated with a cluster. As is shown in the simulation results, the proposed extensions significantly reduce the download time of the first 75% of the downloaders, and thereby improve the performance of P2P-assisted video streaming such as Akamai NetSession and BitTorrent DNA.

  • Highly Efficient Sensing Methods of Primary Radio Transmission Systems toward Dynamic Spectrum Sharing-Based 5G Systems Open Access

    Atomu SAKAI  Keiichi MIZUTANI  Takeshi MATSUMURA  Hiroshi HARADA  


    E104-B No:10

    The Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) system, which uses the frequency band allocated to incumbent systems (i.e., primary users) has attracted attention to expand the available bandwidth of the fifth-generation mobile communication (5G) systems in the sub-6GHz band. In Japan, a DSS system in the 2.3GHz band, in which the ARIB STD-B57-based Field Pickup Unit (FPU) is assigned as an incumbent system, has been studied for the secondary use of 5G systems. In this case, the incumbent FPU is a mobile system, and thus, the DSS system needs to use not only a spectrum sharing database but also radio sensors to detect primary signals with high accuracy, protect the primary system from interference, and achieve more secure spectrum sharing. This paper proposes highly efficient sensing methods for detecting the ARIB STD-B57-based FPU signals in the 2.3GHz band. The proposed methods can be applied to two types of the FPU signal; those that apply the Continuous Pilot (CP) mode pilot and the Scattered Pilot (SP) mode pilot. Moreover, we apply a sample addition method and a symbol addition method for improving the detection performance. Even in the 3GPP EVA channel environment, the proposed method can, with a probability of more than 99%, detect the FPU signal with an SNR of -10dB. In addition, we propose a quantized reference signal for reducing the implementation complexity of the complex cross-correlation circuit. The proposed reference signal can reduce the number of quantization bits of the reference signal to 2 bits for in-phase and 3 bits for orthogonal components.

  • Time of Arrival Ranging and Localization Algorithm in Multi-Path and Non-Line-of-Sight Environments in OFDM System

    Zhenyu ZHANG  Shaoli KANG  Bin REN  Xiang ZHANG  


    E104-B No:10

    Time of arrival (TOA) is a widely used wireless cellular network ranging technology. How to perform accurate TOA estimation in multi-path and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environments and then accurately calculating mobile terminal locations are two critical issues in positioning research. NLOS identification can be performed in the TOA measurement part and the position calculation part. In this paper, for the above two steps, two schemes for mitigating NLOS errors are proposed. First, a TOA ranging method based on clustering theory is proposed to solve the problem of line-of-sight (LOS) path estimation in multi-path channels. We model the TOA range as a Gaussian mixture model and illustrate how LOS and NLOS can be measured and identified based on non-parametric Bayesian methods when the wireless transmission environment is unknown. Moreover, for NLOS propagation channels, this paper proposes a user location estimator based on the maximum a posteriori criterion. Combined with the TOA estimation and user location computation scheme proposed in this paper, the terminal's positioning accuracy is improved. Experiments showed that the TOA measurement and localization algorithms presented in this paper have good robustness in complex wireless environments.

  • Diversity-Robust Acoustic Feature Signatures Based on Multiscale Fractal Dimension for Similarity Search of Environmental Sounds

    Motohiro SUNOUCHI  Masaharu YOSHIOKA  

    PAPER-Music Information Processing

    E104-D No:10

    This paper proposes new acoustic feature signatures based on the multiscale fractal dimension (MFD), which are robust against the diversity of environmental sounds, for the content-based similarity search. The diversity of sound sources and acoustic compositions is a typical feature of environmental sounds. Several acoustic features have been proposed for environmental sounds. Among them is the widely-used Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs), which describes frequency-domain features. However, in addition to these features in the frequency domain, environmental sounds have other important features in the time domain with various time scales. In our previous paper, we proposed enhanced multiscale fractal dimension signature (EMFD) for environmental sounds. This paper extends EMFD by using the kernel density estimation method, which results in better performance of the similarity search tasks. Furthermore, it newly proposes another acoustic feature signature based on MFD, namely very-long-range multiscale fractal dimension signature (MFD-VL). The MFD-VL signature describes several features of the time-varying envelope for long periods of time. The MFD-VL signature has stability and robustness against background noise and small fluctuations in the parameters of sound sources, which are produced in field recordings. We discuss the effectiveness of these signatures in the similarity sound search by comparing with acoustic features proposed in the DCASE 2018 challenges. Due to the unique descriptiveness of our proposed signatures, we confirmed the signatures are effective when they are used with other acoustic features.
