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  • Verification of Switching Software by Knowledge Processing Technology

    Mitsuaki KAKEMIZU  Yasuo IWAMI  Yoshiharu SATO  Shimmi HATTORI  


    E75-B No:10

    To develop highly reliable switching software efficiently, a more powerful computer-aided verification system is needed. In this paper, we present an object-oriented switching software verification system, focusing on the basic concept and verification method. The system consists of three basic functions: a model of the switching system, a simulation control mechanism, and a verification mechanism. We also give our evaluation of this system.

  • A New Array Architecture for 16 Mb DRAMs with Special Page Mode

    Masaki TSUKUDE  Tsukasa OISHI  Kazutami ARIMOTO  Hideto HIDAKA  Kazuyasu FUJISHIMA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E75-C No:10

    An improved array architecture to realize fast access, low power dissipation, and wide operating margin, for the 16 Mbit DRAM is proposed. A high speed access is obtained by the fully embedded sense drive scheme for the RAS access time (tRAC), and the special page mode with the hierarchical I/O data bus lines and multi-purpose-register (MPR) for the column address access time (tCAA). A low power dissipation and wide operating margin are obtained by the improved twisted-bit-line (TBL) architecture with double dummy canceling. The 16 Mb DRAM using these architectures has 38 ns tRAC, 14 ns tCAA and 75 mA power dissipation at the typical condition.

  • Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Heavy-Ion Induced CMOS Latchup

    Hideyuki IWATA  Mitsuo YASUHIRA  Shinji ODANAKA  Takashi OHZONE  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E75-C No:10

    This paper presents the dynamics of heavy-ion induced latchup turn-on behavior in CMOS structures using a three-dimensional and transient device simulation. The three-dimensional effects of parasitic devices in a CMOS structure during latchup turn-on are discussed in detail when a heavy-ion strikes the CMOS structure. For different incident types, the dynamics of latchup turn-on behaviors are also simulated. Moreover, latchup immunities of the CMOS structure obtained by two- and three-dimensional calculations are compared for the different incident types. This result suggests that the rough relation between latchup immunity and heavy-ion incident energy can be estimated using a two-dimensional simulation.

  • Four-Valued Dynamic Encoder and Decoder Circuits for CMOS Multivalued Logic Systems

    Kazutaka TANIGUCHI  Fumio UENO  Takahiro INOUE  Toshitsugu YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E75-C No:10

    This paper presents four-valued dynamic encoder and decoder circuits for CMOS multivalued logic systems. The circuits presented here are implemented using a new logical voltage generator and a simplified pass transistor circuit. The logical voltage generator operates with higher speed than the conventional circuit. And the simplified pass transistor circuit contributes to reducing the number of transistors. these circuits have several advantages such as a simple configuration, high speed and low power dissipation. The circuit simulation for the proposed circuits has been performed using SPICE2 program.

  • Priority-List Scheduling in Timed Petri Nets

    Takenobu TANIDA  Toshimasa WATANABE  Masahiro YAMAUCHI  Kinji ONAGA  


    E75-A No:10

    The subject of the paper is to propose two approximation algorithms FM_SPLA, FM_DPLA for priority-list scheduling in timed Petri nets. Their capability is compared with that of existing algorithms SPLA, DPLA through experimental results, where SPLA and DPLA have previously been proposed by the authors.

  • Applications of Boolean Unification to Combinational Logic Synthesis

    Yuji KUKIMOTO  Masahiro FUJITA  


    E75-A No:10

    Boolean unification is an algorithm to obtain the general solution of a given Boolean equation. Since a general solution provides a way to represent a complete don't care set, Boolean unification can be a powerful technique when applied to logic synthesis. In this paper we present various applications of Boolean unification to combinational logic synthesis. Three topics of combinational logic synthesis: redesign, multi-level logic minimization and minimization of Boolean relations are discussed. All these problems can be uniformly formalized as Boolean equations. Experimental results are also reported.

  • A Test Case Generation Method for Black Box Testing of Concurrent Programs

    Noriyasu ARAKAWA  Terunao SONEOKA  

    PAPER-Communication Software

    E75-B No:10

    This paper proposes a test case generation method for testing concurrent programs as a black box. Typical applications are system testing for switching systems and inter-operability testing for OSI products. We adopt a two-step approach: first generate the control flow graph which represents global behaviors of a given concurrent program, and then apply conventional test case generation methods for the control flow graph. To generate a control flow graph without state space explosion, the black-box equivalence between system behaviors is introduced. The proposed algorithm generates a minimal control flow graph which consists of representatives of equivalence classes. Two practical techniques for the second step are discussed for a case study using a commercial digital PBX. The results show the feasibility of the proposed method.

  • Coded Time-Symbolic Simulation for Timing Verification of Logic Circuits

    Nagisa ISHIURA  Yutaka DEGUCHI  Shuzo YAJIMA  


    E75-A No:10

    In this paper we propose a new timing verification technique named coded time-symbolic simulation, CTSS. Our interest is on simulation of logic circuits consisting of gates whose delay is specified only by its minimum and maximum values. Conventional logic simulation based on min/max delay model leads to over-pessimistic results. In our new method, the cases of possible delay values of each gate are encoded by binary vectors. The circuit behavior for all the possible combinations of the delay values are simulated based on symbolic simulation by assigning Boolean variables to the binary vectors. This simulation technique can deal with logic circuits containing feedback loops as well as combinational circuits. We implemented an efficient simulator by using shared binary decision diagrams (SBDD's) as internal representation of Boolean functions. We also propose novel techniques of analyzing the results of CTSS.

  • Simplified Modeling for Call Control Scheme

    Hiroshi KAWASHIMA  


    E75-B No:10

    This paper surveys modeling techniques for telephone call control based on a Finite State Machine (FSM) concept, and studies model simplification techniques. First, the basic concept and fundamental issues of call control modeling are described. Then, based on the analysis of layered call control configuration, it is clarified that the call control machine decomposition within the two-party service control layer has the effect of reducing the apparent size of each mate's machine. Using this effect, guidelines for call control modeling are derived, by which multiple services can be modeled independently. Finally implementation techniques and a few examples of application will be presented.

  • An Integrated User-Friendly Specification Environment for LOTOS

    Norio SHIRATORI  Eun-Seok LEE  


    E75-B No:10

    This paper presents unique specification environments for LOTOS, which is one of FDTs (Formal Description Techniques) developed in ISO. We first discuss the large gap in terms of syntax and semantics between informal specifications at the early stage of specification design and formal specifications based on FDT such as LOTOS. This large gap has been bridged by human intelligent works thus far. In order to bridge the large gap, we have designed user-friendly specification environments for FDTs. The outlines of SEGL (Specification Environment for G-LOTOS), CBP (Concept-Based Programming environment) and MBP (Model-Based Programming environment) are described. The effectiveness of software development under such an environment is demonstrated using application examples from OSI and non-OSI protocols.

  • A Logic Diagnosis Technique for Multiple Output Circuit

    Naoaki SUGANUMA  Nobuto UEDA  Masahiro TOMITA  Kotaro HIRANO  


    E75-A No:10

    This paper presents the EXM-algorithm, which locates multiple logic design errors in a combinational circuit with multiple output. The error possibility index and the six-valued simulation method have been enhanced to be applied to multiple output circuit. The algorithm locates multiple errors even if they belong to different cone circuits, and processes faster than the conventional EX-algorithm for circuits with the similar gate sizes. Experimental results have shown that the algorithm locates all errors at high hit ratio for ISCAS benchmark circuits and some other circuits.

  • Behavioral Analysis and Performance Evaluation of a Shift Processing System by an Extended Stochastic Petri Net

    Qun JIN  Mitsuo KAMEI  Yoshio SUGASAWA  


    E75-A No:10

    Stochastic Petri Nets and Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets as well as other extensions to Stochastic Petri Nets have been widely applied as a model of asynchronous concurrent process, or as an aid to analyze or design concurrent systems. This paper presents an Extended Stochastic Petri Net model for a shift processing system in which three kinds of sink may occur and an arbitrary time distribution is incorporated, provides an analytical method based on a Markov renewal process with some non-regeneration points to clarify the probabilistic behavior of the system, and finally evaluates the performance of the system with numerical values.

  • A Verification Scheme for Service Specifications Described by Information Sequence Charts

    Mitsuhiro OKAMOTO  Yoshihiro NIITSU  


    E75-B No:10

    This paper describes a verification scheme for service specifications and presents verification results for prototype system. Verified specifications are described by information sequence charts, which describe the communicating states between users and the messages between a user and a network. The verification scheme consists of two steps: macro sequence verification, which treats rough transitions of states, and transition procedure verification, which treats procedure of all messages. A prototype verification system demonstrates that this scheme can detect about 90% of errors in a specification within 4.4 seconds.

  • Characteristics of Gas Sensors Using Magnetic Semiconductor Thick Film

    Kyoshiro SEKI  Michiru HORI  Hiroshi OSADA  

    LETTER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E75-C No:10

    The preparation of magnetic semiconductor thick film (MST) by means of spray printing and application to a temperature/gas/essence sensor have been proposed. The MST pattern is composed of ferrite, ruthenium compound, carbon black, binder and solvent. After the mixed mgnetic semiconductor fluid is sprayed on a substrate, the sample is sintered at 750. The MST with thickness of 40 µm is printed on the substrate in various shapes such as a plate, a ring or a rod. The magnetic property of MST depends on temperature, and the electrical property responds to gas and natural/artificial fruit essence. Therefore, the multipore ceramic MST operates as a gas sensor with high sensitivity and high stability.

  • Optimizing and Scheduling DSP Programs for High Performance VLSI Designs

    Frederico Buchholz MACIEL  Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  Koji TOCHINAI  


    E75-A No:10

    The throughput of a parallel execution of a Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithm is limited by the iteration bound, which is the minimum period between the start of consecutive iterations. It is given by T=max (Ti/Di), where Ti and Di are the total time of operations and the number of delays in loop i, respectively. A schedule is said rate-optimal if its iteration period is T. The throughput of a DSP algorithm execution can be increased by reducing the Ti's, which can be done by taking as many operations as possible out of loops without changing the semantic of the calculation. This paper presents an optimization technique, called Loop Shrinking, which reduces the iteration bound this way by using commutativity, associativity and distributivity. Also, this paper presents a scheduling method, called Period-Driven Scheduling, which gives rate-optimal schedules more efficiently than existing approaches. An implementation of both is then presented for a system in development by the authors. The system shows reduction in the iteration bound near or equal to careful hand-tunning, and hardware-optimal designs in most of the cases.

  • Design of a 4000-tap Acoustic Echo Canceller Using the Residue Number System and the Mixed-Radix Number System

    Satoshi MIKI  Hiroshi MIYANAGA  Hironori YAMAUCHI  

    PAPER-Application Specific Processors

    E75-C No:10

    This paper presents a method for LSI implementation of a long-tap acoustic echo canceller algorithm using the residue number system (RNS) and the mixed-radix number system (MRS). It also presents a quantitative comparison of echo canceller architectures, one using the RNS and the other using the binary number system (BNS). In the RNS, addition, subtraction, and multiplication are executed quickly but scaling, overflow detection, and division are difficult. For this reason, no echo canceller using the RNS has been implemented. We therefore try to design an echo canceller architecture using the RNS and the NLMS algorithm. It is shown that the echo canceller algorithm can be effectively implemented using the RNS by introducing the MRS. The quantitative comparison of echo canceller architectures shows that a long-tap acoustic echo canceller can be implemented more effectively in terms of chip size and power dissipation by the architecture using the RNS.

  • Centralized Virtual Path Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for ATM Networks

    Michael LOGOTHETIS  Shigeo SHIODA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E75-B No:10

    This paper deals with a network architecture based on a backbone network, using ATM switches (ATM-SW) and ATM Cross-Connect Systems (ATM-XC). The backbone network is efficiently utilized by multiple-routing scheme. The performance of the network is controlled, exploiting the concept of Virtual Paths (VP) in ATM technology. The network is controlled by allocating the bandwidth of VPs so as to minimize the worst call blocking probability of all ATM-SW pairs, under the constraints of the ATM-SW capacities and the bandwidths of transmission paths in the backbone network. To improve network performance, we use a trunk reservation scheme among service classes. We propose a heuristic approach to solve the problem of non-linear integer programming. Evaluation of the proposed optimization scheme, in comparison to other optimal methods, shows the efficiency of the present scheme.

  • A Cryogenic HEMT Pseudorandom Number Generator

    Yoshimi ASADA  Yasuhiro NAKASHA  Norio HIDAKA  Takashi MIMURA  Masayuki ABE  


    E75-C No:10

    We developed a 32-bit pseudorandom number generator (RNG) operating at liquid nitrogen temperature based on HEMT ICs. It generates maximum-length-sequence codes whose primitive polynomial is X47+X42+1 with the period of 247-1 clock cycle. We designed and fabricated three kinds of cryogenic HEMT IC for this system: A 1306-gate controller IC, a 3319-gate pseudorandom number generator (RNG) IC, and a buffer IC containing a 4-kb RAM and 514 gates. We used 0.6-µm gate-length Se-doped GaAlAs/GaAs HEMTs. Interconnects were Al for the first layer and Au/Pt/Ti for the second layer with a SiON insulator between them. The HEMT ICs have direct-coupled FET logic (DCFL) gates internally and emitter-coupled logic (ECL) compatible input-putput buffers. The unloaded basic delay of the DCFL gate was 17 ps/gate with a power consumption of 1.4 mW/gate at liquid nitrogen temperature. We used an automatic cryogenic wafer probe we developed and an IC tester for function tests, and used a high-speed performance measuring system we also developed with a bandwidth of more than 20 GHz for high-speed performance tests. Power dissipations were 3.8 W for the controller IC, 4.5 W for the RNG IC, and 3.0 W for the buffer IC. The RNG IC, the largest of the three HEMT ICs, had a maximum operating clock rate of 1.6 GHz at liquid nitrogen temperature. We submerged a specially developed zirconium ceramic printed circuit board carrying the HEMT ICs in a closed-cycle cooling system. The HEMT ICs were flip-chip-packaged on the board with bumps containing indium as the principal component. We confirmed that the RNG system operates at liquid nitrogen temperature and measured a minimum system clock period of 1.49 ns.

  • Optimal Cycle Time and Facility Utilization of Production Systems Including Repetitive Process with Set-up Time Modelled by Timed Marked Graphs

    Masaki AKAZA  Dong-Ik LEE  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  


    E75-A No:10

    A job shop system typically seen in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) is a system composed of a set of machines and a various kind of jobs processed with the machines. A production system of semiconductor fabrication is an example of job shop systems, which has main features of repetitive processes of one part and set-up times required for machines processing different types of parts. On the other hand, timed Petri nets are used for modelling and analyzing a wide variety of discrete event systems. There are many applications of timed Petri nets to the scheduling problems of job shop systems. The performance evaluation and steady state behaviors are studied by using the maximum cycle time of timed marked graphs. The aim of this paper is to propose a new model for production systems including repetitive processes and set-up time requirements which enables the quantitative analysis of real time system performance. In job shop systems such as a semiconductor fabrication system, it takes considerable amount of set-up time to prepare different types of chemical reactions and the model should take account of a set-up time for each machine. We focus upon the relationship between facility utilization factor and production cycle time in the steady state. In the proposed model, the minimum total set-up time can be attained. Quantitative relationship between utilization factor and production cycle time is derived by using the proposed model. A utilization factor of a system satisfying a given limit of the cycle time is evaluated, and the improvement of the utilization factor is considered. Conversely, we consider the improvement of the cycle time of a system satisfying a given limit of utilization factor.

  • A 1-K ECL Gate Array Implemented with Fully Self-Aligned AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

    Nobuyuki HAYAMA  Yuzuru TOMONOH  Hideki TAKAHASHI  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E75-C No:10

    The paper describes the design considerations, fabrication process and performance of the newly developed 1-K ECL gate array implemented with fully self-aligned AlGaAs/GaAs hoterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs). This gate array consists of 960 three-input OR/NOR ECL basic gates. It contains about 7,600 transistors in a chip area 8.15-mm8.45-mm. The basic (FI=FO=1, wiring length L=0-mm) and loaded (FI=FO=3, L=1-mm) gates exhibit delay times of 33-ps and 82-ps, respectively, with 8.5-mW/gate power dissipation. From the measured values, fan-in, fan-out and wiring delay times of 9-ps/FI, 7-ps/FO and 17-ps/mm are estimated, respectively. These results are in good agreement with the designed results obtained using "SPICE" simulation.
