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  • An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Pipelined Instruction Set Processor and Its Application to ASIP Hardware/Software Codesign

    Nguyen Ngoc BINH  Masaharu IMAI  Akichika SHIOMI  Nobuyuki HIKICHI  Yoshimichi HONMA  Jun SATO  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E78-A No:3

    In this paper we describe the formal conditions to detect and resolve all kinds of pipeline data hazards and propose a scheduling algorithm for pipelined instruction set processor synthesis. The algorithm deals with multi cycle operations and tries to minimize the pipeline execution cycles under a given hardware configuration with/without hardware interlock. The main feature that makes the proposed algorithm different from existing ones is the algorithm is for estimating the performance in HW/SW partitioning, with capability of handling a module library of different FUs and dealing with multi cycle operations to be implemented in software. Experimental results of application to ASIP HW/SW codesign show that the proposed algorithm is effective and considerable pipeline execution cycle reduction rates can be achieved. The time complexity of the scheduing algorithm is of O(n2) in the worst case, where n is the number of instructions in a given basic block.

  • A Worst-Case Optimization Approach with Circuit Performance Model Scheme

    Masayuki TAKAHASHI  Jin-Qin LU  Kimihiro OGAWA  Takehiko ADACHI  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E78-A No:3

    In this paper, we describe a worst-case design optimization approach for statistical design of integrated circuits with a circuit performance model scheme. After formulating worst-case optimization to an unconstrained multi-objective function minimization problem, a new objective function is proposed to find an optimal point. Then, based on an interpolation model scheme of approximating circuit performance, realistic worst-case analysis can be easily done by Monte Carlo based method without increasing much the computational load. The effectiveness of the presented approach is demonstrated by a standard test function and a practical circuit design example.

  • Adaptive Circuit Access Control for Network Resource Management

    Kazuhiko YAMANOUCHI  Toshikane ODA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:3

    Circuit access control is a traffic control technique of rejecting calls arriving at a group of specified circuits to make the group free at a target scheduled time so that the capacity may be dynamically reallocated to serve other traffic demand. This technique plays an important role for resource allocation control in state-of-the-art capacity reconfigurable networks as well as for switching calls on a reserved basis in the ISDNs. In this paper, we present a novel adaptive scheme for circuit access control in order to overcome the inefficiency of the conventional deterministic scheme. The presented scheme is based only on knowledge about service time and bandwidth characteristics of calls. The transitional behavior of the circuit group under the scheme is analyzed, and the gain in utilization achieved by the adaptive scheme is examined. We treat a model of the circuit group shared by multi-slot calls with different service times, and describe the results of the transient analysis and the approximation method for evaluating the gains.

  • An Auto-Correlation Associative Memory which Has an Energy Function of Higher Order

    Sadayuki MURASHIMA  Takayasu FUCHIDA  Toshihiro IDA  Takayuki TOYOHIRA  Hiromi MIYAJIMA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E78-A No:3

    A noise tolerant auto-correlation associative memory is proposed. An associated energy function is formed by a multiplication of plural Hopfield's energy functions each of which includes single pattern as its energy minimum. An asynchronous optimizing algorithm of the whole energy function is also presented based on the binary neuron model. The advantages of this new associative memory are that the orthogonality relation among patterns does not need to be satisfied and each stored pattern has a large basin of attraction around itself. The computer simulations show a fairly good performance of associative memory for arbitrary pattern vectors which are not orthogonal to each other.

  • A New Blazed Half-Transparent Mirror (BHM) for Eye Contact

    Makoto KURIKI  Kazutake UEHIRA  Hitoshi ARAI  Shigenobu SAKAI  

    PAPER-Communication Terminal and Equipment

    E78-B No:3

    We developed an eye-contact technique using a blazed half-transparent mirror (BHM), which is a micro-HM array arranged on the display surface, to make a compact eye-contact videophone. This paper describes a new BHM structure that eliminates ghosts and improves image quality. In the new BHM, the reflection and transmission areas are separated to exclude ghosts from appearing in the captured image. We evaluated the characteristics of the captured and displayed images. The results show that the contrast ratio of the captured image and the brightness of both captured and displayed images are much better than with the previous BHM.

  • Design and Implementation of Interconnectability Testing System

    Keiichi KAZAMA  Shinji SUZUKI  Masatoshi HATAFUKU  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E78-B No:3

    There is a wide perception of the need for conformance and interoperability testing to ensure the interoperability of open systems. In the circumstances, we have been making efforts to establish a system for interconnectability testing, which is a type of the interoperability testing. In this paper, we discuss an interconnectability testing system, named AICTS (AIC's InterConnectability Testing System) that we have designed. We also discuss a conformance testing system, named ACTS (AIC Conformance Test System), which we developed as the first step toward building an interconnectability testing system. ACTS is capable of extensions for an interconnectability testing system.

  • An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for the Solution of Block Tridiagonal Linear Systems

    Takashi NARITOMI  Hirotomo ASO  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:3

    A parallel overlapping preconditioner is applied to ICCG method and the effect of the parallel preconditioning on the convergence of the method is investigated by solving large scale block tridiagonal linear systems arising from the discretization of Poisson's equation. Compared with the original ICCG method, the parallel preconditioned ICCG method can solve the problems in high parallelism with slight increasing the number of iterations. Furthermore, the speedup and the efficiency are evaluated for the parallel preconditioned ICCG method by substituting the experimental results into formulae of complexity. For example, when a domain of simulation is discretized on a 250250 rectangular grid and the preconditioner is divided into 249 smaller ones, its speedup is 146.3 with the efficiency 0.59.

  • Connectivity Problems on Area Graphs for Locally Striking Disasters--Direct NA-Connection--

    Hiro ITO  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E78-A No:3

    Connectivity (of node-to-node) is generally used to examine the robustness of graphs. When telecommunication network switches are integrated into logical switching areas, we should examine node-to-area connectivity rather than node-to-node connectivity. In a previous paper, we proposed node-to-area (NA) connectivity using area (subset of nodes) graph. In this paper, we consider a further constraint: "there is a path that does not include other nodes in the source node area." We call this property, directly NA-connected. Application of this constraint makes telecommunications networks robust against locally striking disasters. The problem of finding the maximum number of edge deletions that still preserves the direct NA-connection is shown to be NP-hard. It was shown in our previous paper that an NA-connected spanning tree is easily found; this paper shows that the problem of finding a directly NA-connected spanning tree is also NP-hard. We propose an O(|E||X|) approximation algorithm that finds a directly NA-connected spanning subgraph with an edge nummber not exceeding 2|V|3 for any NA-connected area graph that satisfies a described simple condition. (|V|,|E|,and |X| are the numbers of nodes, edges, and areas, respectively.)

  • High-Level Synthesis --A Tutorial

    Allen C.-H. WU  Youn-Long LIN  

    INVITED PAPER-High-Level Synthesis

    E78-D No:3

    We give a tutorial on high-level synthesis of VLSI. The evolution of digital system synthesis techniques and the need for higher level design automation tools are first discussed. We then point out essential issues to the successful development and acceptance by the designers of a high-level synthesis system. Techniques that have been proposed for various subtasks of high-level synthesis are surveyed. Possible applications of the high level synthesis in area other than chip design are forecast. Finally, we point out several directions for possible future research.

  • A New Wide Applicable Mobility Model for Device Simulation Taking Physics-Based Carrier Screening Effects into Account

    Koichi FUKUDA  Kenji NISHI  


    E78-C No:3

    Carrier mobility is one of the most fundamental parameters in semiconductor device modeling, and many mobility models have already been reported. Especially for numerical device simulators, many local models which are functions of impurity concentration and electric field at each local point have been studied. However, concerning their dependence on impurity concentration including carrier screening effects, these models suffer parameter fitting procedure because of their empirical formulation. In such models, carrier screening effects to the Coulomb potential of ionized impurity are not sufficiently considered, although we can find some models which treat the effects as only a small perturbation term. According to the simple theory of Brooks and Herring, carrier screening effects should be included in strong combination with impurity concentration terms and cannot be treated as additional perturbations. Although Brooks-Herring theory is successful, it also suffers from overestimation of the mobility values at concentration higher than 1018 cm-3 which causes some other complicated phenomena. Therefore there have been no models which directly use Brooks-Herring formula. But it is true that such screening effects should be considered when carrier concentration differs from impurity concentration as in the inversion layers of MOSFETs. We have developed a new mobility model for its dependence of impurity and carrier concentration based on the theory of Brooks-Herring. Brooks-Herring theory is based on simple physics of screened Coulomb potential, and therefore makes the model to include effects of free carriers without an artifitial formula. For high doping regime, an additional term has been introduced in Brooks-Herring formula to correct the high doping effects. Except for this term, the model should be most appropriate for including the carrier screening effects upto the concentration of 1018 cm-3. The new model is implimented in a device simulator, and is applied to the evaluation of MOSFETs especially for the universal curves of inversion layer mobility. Moreoever, the applications to the depletion-type MOSFET confirm the validity of the screening effects. The purpose of this paper is to propose the new mobility model and to show its validity through these applications to MOSFETs.

  • The Double-Sided Rugged Poly Si (DSR) Technology for High Density DRAMs

    Hidetoshi OGIHARA  Masaki YOSHIMARU  Shunji TAKASE  Hiroki KUROGI  Hiroyuki TAMURA  Akio KITA  Hiroshi ONODA  Madayoshi INO  


    E78-C No:3

    The Double-Sided Rugged poly Si (DSR) technology has been developed for high density DRAMs. The DSR technology was achieved using transformation of rugged poly Si caused by ion implantation. The DSR can increase the surface area of the storage electrode, because it has rugged surfaces on both upper and lower sides. The 2-FINs STC (STacked Capacitor cell) with DSR was fabricated in the cell size of 0.72 µm2, and it is confirmed that the DSR can increase the surface area 1.8 times larger than that of smooth poly Si. It is expected that 25 fF/bit is obtained with a 300 nm-thick storage electrode. These effects show that sufficient capacitance for 256 Mb DRAMs is obtained with a low storage electrode. It is confirmed that there is no degradation in C-V and I-V characteristics. Moreover, the DSR needs neither complicated process steps nor special technologies. Therefore, the DSR technology is one of the most suitable methods for 256 Mb DRAMs and beyond.

  • A Rotating Mode Radial Line Slot Antenna Fed by a Cavity Resonator

    Seiji HOSONO  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  Hiroyuki ARAI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E78-B No:3

    A radial line slot antenna (RLSA) is a high gain and high efficiency planar antenna proposed for DBS subscribers. Spirally arrayed slots are excited by a cylindrical wave with the rotational symmetry. In a small sized antenna where large slot coupling is adopted, aperture efficiency reduction due to rotational asymmetry associated with a spiral arrangement of the slots becomes notable. Authors proposed a RLSA with a concentric slot arrangement excited by a rotating mode in order to enhance the rotational symmetry. This is the first report of the normal operation of a rotating mode RLSA fed by a cavity resonator. The experiments confirm the basic operation of this novel antenna; the gain of 27.8dBi and the efficiency of 68% is measured at 11.85GHz for the RLSA with 0.24mφ.

  • The Performance of the New Convolutional Coded ARQ Scheme for Moderately Time-Varying Channels

    Hiroyuki FUJIWARA  Hirosuke YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E78-A No:3

    The performance of the hybrid-ARQ scheme with a convolutional code, in which the retransmission criterion is based on an estimated decoding error rate, is evaluated for moderately time-varying channels. It is shown by computer simulations that the simple average diversity combining scheme can almost attain the same performance as the optimally weighted diversity combining scheme. For the whole and partial retransmission schemes with the average diversity combining, the theoretical bounds of throughput and bit error rate are derived, and it is shown that their bounds are tight and the treated schemes can attain a given error rate with good throughput for moderately time-varying channels. Furthermore, the throughput is shown to be improved by the partial retransmission scheme compared with the whole retransmission scheme.

  • Fabrication and Delay Time Analysis of Deep Submicron CMOS Devices

    Yasuo NARA  Manabu DEURA  Ken-ichi GOTO  Tatsuya YAMAZAKI  Tetsu FUKANO  Toshihiro SUGII  


    E78-C No:3

    This paper describes the fabrication of 0.1 µm gate length CMOS devices and analysis of delay time by circuit simulation. In order to reduce the gate resistance, TiN capped cobalt salicide technology is applied to the fabrication of 0.1 µm CMOS devices. Gate sheet resistance with a 0.1 µm gate is as low as 5 Ω/sq. Propagation delay times of 0.1 µm and 0.15 µm CMOS inverter are 21 ps and 36 ps. Simulated propagation delay time agreed fairly well with experimental results. For gate length over 0.15 µm, intrinsic delay in CMOS devices is the main dalay factor. This suggests that increasing current drivability is the most efficient way to improve propagation delay time. At 0.1 µm, each parasitic component and intrinsic delay have similar contributions on device speed due to the short channel effect. To improve delay time, we used rapid thermal annealing or a high dose LDD structure. With this structure, drain current increases by more than 1.3 times and simulation predicted a delay time of 28 ps is possible with 0.15 µm CMOS inverters.

  • An Optimal Scheduling Approach Using Lower Bound in High-Level Synthesis

    Seong Yong OHM  Fadi J. KURDAHI  Chu Shik JHON  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis

    E78-D No:3

    This paper describes an optimal scheduling approach which finds the scheduling result of the minimum functional unit cost under the given timing constraint. In this method, a well-defined search space is constructed incrementally and traversed in a branch-and-bound manner. During the traversal, tighter lower bounds are estimated and utilized coupled with the upper bound on the optimal solution in pruning the search space effectively. This method is extended to support multi-cycling operations, operation chaining, pipelined functional units, and pipelined data paths. Experimental results on some benchmarks show the efficiency of the proposed approach.

  • Asymmetric Neural Network and Its Application to Knapsack Problem

    Akira YAMAMOTO  Masaya OHTA  Hiroshi UEDA  Akio OGIHARA  Kunio FUKUNAGA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E78-A No:3

    We propose an asymmetric neural network which can solve inequality-constrained combinatorial optimization problems that are difficult to solve using symmetric neural networks. In this article, a knapsack problem that is one of such the problem is solved using the proposed network. Additionally, we study condition for obtaining a valid solution. In computer simulations, we show that the condition is correct and that the proposed network produces better solutions than the simple greedy algorithm.

  • A Hybrid Hierarchical Global Router for Multi-Layer VLSI's

    Masayuki HAYASHI  Shuji TSUKIYAMA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E78-A No:3

    In this paper, we propose a hybrid hierarchical global router for multi-layer VLSI's, which executes routing and layering simultaneously. This novel approach, a hybrid hierarchical global router, is a combination of a topdown and a bottomup hierarchical routers, and may be one of interesting routing techniques. We also show experimental results, which demonstrate the superiority of the hybrid hierarchical approach. This approach may have many possibilities to be used in a various fields.

  • Enhancement of Band-Edge Gain in Radial Line Slot Antennas Using the Power Divider--A Wide-Band Radial Line Slot Antenna--

    Tetsuya YAMAMOTO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E78-B No:3

    A Radial Line Slot Antenna (RLSA) is a planar antenna for DBS reception. It is a kind of slotted waveguide arrays. The conductor loss is so small that high efficiency is expected irrespective of the aperture diameter. On the other hand, since a RLSA utilizes the traveling waves, the frequency bandwidth is limited by the long line effect, particularly for a larger antenna. A new Wide-Band RLSA (WB-RLSA) is proposed which halves the waveguide length and widens the frequency bandwidth. This paper presents the design and experimental results of a model antenna. A gain of 33.7dBi is measured at the edge of 800MHz bandwidth and its high potential is demonstrated.

  • 0.15 µm CMOS Devices with Reduced Junction Capacitance

    Akira TANABE  Kiyoshi TAKEUCHI  Toyoji YAMAMOTO  Takeo MATSUKI  Takemitsu KUNIO  Masao FUKUMA  Ken NAKAJIMA  Naoki AIZAKI  Hidenobu MIYAMOTO  Eiji IKAWA  


    E78-C No:3

    0.15 µm CMOS transistors have been fabricated. TiSi2 salicide was used for the gate electrode and source/drain to reduce parasitic resistance. Electron beam (EB) lithography was used for the gate patterning. Since the channel impurity was implanted only around the gate to reduce the junction capacitance, a reasonably short ring oscillator delay of 33 ps was obtained at 1.9 V supply voltage. The parasitic resistance and capacitance contribution on the delay time was analyzed by SPICE simulation. It was shown that the localized channel implant is effective for scaling the delay time and power consumption, because the source/drain size difficult to scale down to as small as the gate length.

  • High-Level Synthesis of a Multithreaded Processor for Image Generation

    Takao ONOYE  Toshihiro MASAKI  Isao SHIRAKAWA  Hiroaki HIRATA  Kozo KIMURA  Shigeo ASAHARA  Takayuki SAGISHIMA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E78-A No:3

    The design procedure of a multithreaded processor dedicated to the image generation is described, which can be achieved by means of a high-level synthesis tool PARTHENON. The processor employs a multithreaded architecture which is a novel promising approach to the parallel image generation. This paper puts special stress on the high-level synthesis scheme which can simplify the behavioral description for the structure and control of a complex hardware, and therefore enables the design of a complicated mechanism for a multithreaded processor. Implementation results of the synthesis are also shown to demonstrate the performance of the designed processor. This processor greatly improves the throughput of the image generation so far attained by the conventional approach.
