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[Keyword] speed(385hit)


  • An Improved Adaptive Notch Filter for Detection of Multiple Sinusoids

    Shotaro NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:6

    In this paper, a new structure which is useful for the detection of multiple sinusoids is presented. The proposed structure is based on the direct form second-order IIR notch filter using simplified adaptive algorithm. It has been shown that the convergence characteristics of the proposed structure are much improved compared with the previously proposed structure. A cascaded adaptive notch filter using the proposed second-order section is also shown. It takes multiple sinusoids corrupted by white Gaussian noise and produces the individual sinusoids at each of the outputs. The results of computer simulation are shown which confirm the theoretical prediction.

  • LATID (Large-Angle-Tilt Implanted Drain) FETs with Buried n- Profile for Deep-Submicron ULSIs

    Junji HIRASE  Takashi HORI  Yoshinori ODAKE  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E77-C No:3

    This paper proposes a buried-LATID structure featuring a peaked vertical profile around gate edge for the n- drain unlike the reported conventional LATID structure. As compared to the conventional LATID FETs, the deep-submicron buried-LATID FETs achieve improved circuit speed by 7% (50% compared to LDD FETs) due to suppressed gate-to-drain capacitance and improved lifetime by 10 times (300 times compared to LDD FETs). The buried-LATID FETs are very promising for deep-submicron MOSFETs to achieve improved performance and hot-carrier reliability at the same time.

  • Selective Order-Preserving Broadcast (SP) Protocol

    Akihito NAKAMURA  Makoto TAKIZAWA  


    E77-B No:3

    This paper discusses how to provide selective broadcast communication for a group of multiple entities in a distributed system by using high-speed communication networks. In the group communication, protocol data units (PDUs) sent by each entity have to be delivered atomically in some order to all the destinations in the group. In distributed applications, each entity sends a PDU only to a subset rather than all the entities, and each entity needs to receive all the PDUs destined to it from every entity in the same order as they are sent. We name such a broadcast service a selective order-preserving broadcast (SP) service. In this paper, we discuss how to design a distributed, asynchronous protocol which provides the SP service for entities.

  • Mechanical Stress Analysis of Trench Isolation Using a Two-Dimensional Simulation

    Satoshi MATSUDA  Nobuyuki ITOH  Chihiro YOSHINO  Yoshiroh TSUBOI  Yasuhiro KATSUMATA  Hiroshi IWAI  

    PAPER-Process Simulation

    E77-C No:2

    Junction leakage current of trench isolation devices is strongly influenced by trench configuration. The origin of the leakage current is the mechanical stress that is generated by the differential thermal expansion between the Si substrate and the SiO2 filled isolation trench during the isolation forming process. A two-dimensional mechanical stress simulation was used to analyze trench-isolated devices. The simulated distribution and magnitude of stress were found to agree with Raman spectroscopic measurements of actual devices. The stress in the deeper regions between deep trenches is likely to increase greatly as the size of devices diminishes, so it is important to reduce this stress and thus suppress junction leakage current.

  • RookNet: A Switching Network for High Speed Communication

    Yuji OIE  Yasuhito SASAKI  Hideo MIYAHARA  


    E77-B No:2

    Central switches are expected to operate at the rate of Terabit per second in high speed networks, like the B-ISDN. Photonic switches using lightwave technology based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and frequency division multiplexing (FDM) are promising ones for high speed switching. Such lightwave networks are mainly divided into two groups, according to the number of hops required for packets to arrive at their destinations: single-hop networks such as networks using star coupler and multihop networks such as Manhattan Street Network and ShuffleNet. In this paper we focus our attention on multihop networks and propose a mesh network, referred to as RookNet, for high speed communication. The average transmission delay time and maximum throughput of RookNet is approximately analyzed. It is shown that, as the number of nodes goes to infinity, the maximum throughput aproaches 0.433 and 0.485 when each node is equipped with no internal buffer and internal buffers of infinite capacity for relayed packets, respectively.

  • A Combined Fast Adaptive Filter Algorithm with an Automatic Switching Method

    Youhua WANG  Kenji NAKAYAMA  

    PAPER-Adaptive Signal Processing

    E77-A No:1

    This paper proposes a new combined fast algorithm for transversal adaptive filters. The fast transversal filter (FTF) algorithm and the normalized LMS (NLMS) are combined in the following way. In the initialization period, the FTF is used to obtain fast convergence. After converging, the algorithm is switched to the NLMS algorithm because the FTF cannot be used for a long time due to its numerical instability. Nonstationary environment, that is, time varying unknown system for instance, is classified into three categories: slow time varying, fast time varying and sudden time varying systems. The NLMS algorithm is applied to the first situation. In the latter two cases, however, the NLMS algorithm cannot provide a good performance. So, the FTF algorithm is selected. Switching between the two algorithms is automatically controlled by using the difference of the MSE sequence. If the difference exceeds a threshold, then the FTF is selected. Other wise, the NLMS is selected. Compared with the RLS algorithm, the proposed combined algorithm needs less computation, while maintaining the same performance. Furthermore, compared with the FTF algorithm, it provides numerically stable operation.

  • An Effective Defect-Repair Scheme for a High Speed SRAM

    Sadayuki OOKUMA  Katsuyuki SATO  Akira IDE  Hideyuki AOKI  Takashi AKIOKA  Hideaki UCHIDA  


    E76-C No:11

    To make a fast Bi-CMOS SRAM yield high without speed degradation, three defect-repair methods, the address comparison method, the fuse decoder method and the distributed fuse method, were considered in detail and their advantages and disadvantages were made clear. The distributed fuse method is demonstrated to be further improved by a built-in fuse word driver and a built-in fuse column selector, and fuse analog switches. This enhanced distributed fuse scheme was examined in a fast Bi-CMOS SRAM. A maximun access time of 14 ns and a chip size of 8.8 mm17.4 mm are expected for a 4 Mb Bi-CMOS SRAM in the future.

  • A Simplified Realization of Adaptive Notch Filter and Its Convergence Properties

    Shotaro NISHIMURA  


    E76-A No:7

    In this letter, a new structure of adaptive IIR notch filter is presented. The structure is based on direct form realization and uses the similar adaptation algorithm given in Ref. (4). A quantitative analysis for convergence properties is developed. It is shown that the proposed structure shows superior performance comparing with previously proposed designs. The results of computer simulations are presented to substantiate the analysis.

  • A High-Speed ATM Switching Architecture Using Small Shared Switch Blocks

    Ken-ichi ENDO  Naoaki YAMANAKA  


    E76-B No:7

    This paper proposes a compact high-speed ATM switching architecture that employs a novel arbitration method. The NN matrix shaped crosspoint switch is realized with D small switch blocks (SSBs). The number of crosspoints and address comparators is reduced from N2 to (N/D)2. Each block contains N/D input lines and N/D output lines. The association between output lines and output ports is logically changed each cell period. This arrangement permits each input port to be connected to N/D output ports in each cell period. Output-line contention control is realized block-by-block so high-speed operation is realized. The traffic characteristics of the proposed switch architecture are analyzed using computer simulations. According to the simulation results, the cell loss rate of 10-8 is achieved with only 100-cell input and output-buffers under the heavy random load of 0.9 for any size switch. The proposed ATM switching architecture can construct the Gbit/s high-speed ATM switch fabric needed for B-ISDN.

  • Overlapped Partitioning Algorithm for the Solution of LSEs with Fixed Size Processor Array

    Ben CHEN  Mahoki ONODA  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E76-A No:6

    In this paper we present an Overlapped Block Gauss-Seidel (OBGS) algorithm for the solution of large scale LSEs (Linear System of Equations) based on array architecture which we have already proposed. Better partitioning for processor array usually requires (1) balanced block size, and (2) minimum coupling between blocks for better convergence. These conditions can well be satisfied by overlapping some variables in computation algorithm. The mathematical implication of overlapped partitioning is discussed at first, and some examples show the effectiveness of OBGS algorithm. Conclusion points out that the convergence properties can well be improved by proper choice of overlapped variables. An efficient algorithm is given for choosing block and variables in order to realize above conditions.

  • Process and Device Technologies of CMOS Devices for Low-Voltage Operation

    Masakazu KAKUMU  


    E76-C No:5

    Process and device technologies of CMOS devices for low-voltage operation are described. First, optimum power-supply voltage for CMOS devices is examined in detail from the viewpoints of circuit performance, device reliability and power dissipation. As a result, it is confirmed that power-supply voltage can be reduced without any speed loss of the CMOS device. Based upon theoretical understanding, the author suggests that lowering threshold voltage and reduction of junction capacitance are indispensable for CMOS devices with low-voltage supply, in order to improve the circuit performance, as expected from MOS device scaling. Process and device technologies such as Silicon On Insulator (SOI) device, low-temperature operation and CMOS Shallow Junction Well FET (CMOS-SJET) structure are reviewed for reduction of the threshold voltage and junction capacitance which lead to high-seed operation of the COMS device at low-voltage.

  • A 10-b 300-MHz Interpolated-Parallel A/D Converter

    Hiroshi KIMURA  Akira MATSUZAWA  Takashi NAKAMURA  Shigeki SAWADA  


    E76-C No:5

    This paper describes a monolithic 10-b A/D converter that realized a maximum conversion frequency of 300 MHz. Through the development of the interpolated-parallel scheme, the severe requirement for the transistor Vbe matching can be alleviated drastically, which improves differential nonlinearity (DNL) significantly to within 0.4 LSB. Furthermore, an extremely small input capacitance of 8 pF can be attained, which translates into better dynamic performance such as SNR of 56 dB and THD of 59 dB for an input frequency of 10 MHz. Additionally, the folded differential logic circuit has been developed to reduce the number of elements, power dissipation, and die area drastically. Consequently, the A/D converter has been implemented as a 9.0 4.2-mm2 chip integrating 36K elements, which consumes 4.0 W using a 1.0-µm-rule, 25-GHz ft, double-polysilicon self-aligned bipolar technology.

  • A Frequency Utilization Ffficiency Improvement on Superposed SSMA-QPSK Signal Transmission over High Speed QPSK Signals in Nonlinear Channels

    Takatoshi SUGIYAMA  Hiroshi KAZAMA  Masahiro MORIKURA  Shuji KUBOTA  Shuzo KATO  


    E76-B No:5

    This paper proposes a superposed SSMA (Spread Spectrum Multiple Access)-QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) signal transmission scheme over high speed QPSK signals to achieve higher frequency utilization efficiency and to facilitate lower power transmitters for SSMA-QPSK signal transmission. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme which employs the coding-rate of one-half FEC (Forward Error Correction) and a newly proposed co-channel interference cancellation scheme for SSMA-QPSK signals can transmit twenty SSMA-QPSK channels simultaneously over a nonlinearly amplified high speed QPSK signal transmission channel and achieve as ten times SSMA channels transmission as that without co-channel interference cancellation when the SSMA-QPSK signal power to the high speed QPSK signal power ratio equals -30dB. Moreover, cancellation feasibility generation of the interference signals replica through practical hardware implementation is clarified.

  • VLSI-Oriented Multiple-Valued Current-Mode Arithmetic Circuits Using Redundant Number Representations

    Shoji KAWAHITO  Yasuhiro MITSUI  Tetsuro NAKAMURA  


    E76-C No:3

    This paper presents a VLSI-oriented arithmetic design method using a radix-2 redundant number representation with digit set {0, 1, 2} and multiple-valued current-mode (MVCM) circuit technology. We propose a carry-propagation-free (CPF) parallel addition method with redundant digit set {0, 1, 2} which is suitable for the design with MVCM circuits. Several types of CPF parallel adders are compared and the proposed CPF parallel adder with MVCM circuits offers the best total performance with respect to speed, complexity, and power dissipation. The designed basic arithmetic circuits has sufficient noise immunity to the supply voltage fluctuation which is important for stable operations of the VLSI circuits. The CPF parallel adder is effectively used as the reduction scheme of partial products in a high-speed compact multiplier. For example, the designed 3232 bit multiplier reduces the number of active elements to two-third and the number of interconnections to one-fifth of the corresponding binary Wallace tree multiplier, where the speed is almost the same. The structure is simple and regular. The static power dissipation of the designed 32-bit multiplier is estimated to be the mean value of 212 mW and the worst case of 708 mW. The total power including dynamic power dissipation would not be so large compared with that of the 32-bit binary CMOS multiplier reported under 10 MHz operation.

  • Hybrid Photonic-Microwave Systems and Devices

    Peter R. HERCZFELD  


    E76-C No:2

    Research in optical microwave interaction, at its earlier stages, was spured by the desire to make an optically fed and controlled phased array antenna with monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) transmit/receive (T/R) modules. In the first part of this paper experimental results are presented demonstrating an optically fed phased array antenna operating at C-band in the 5.5 to 5.8 GHz frequency range. The present system consists of two optically fed 14 subarrays with MMIC based active T/R modules. Custom designed fiber optic links have been employed to provide distribution of data and frequency reference signals to phased array antenna. One of the challenges of the future is the development of better interfaces between electronic (microwave) and optical components, including the chip level merging of photonic and electronic components on III-V compounds. This aspect of the research is covered in the second half of the paper.

  • Transient Analysis of Packet Transmission Rate Control to Release Congestion in High Speed Networks

    Hiroshi INAI  Manabu KATO  Yuji OIE  Masayuki MURATA  Hideo MIYAHARA  


    E75-B No:12

    Rate based control is a promising way to achieve an efficient packet transmission especially in high speed packet switching networks where round trip delay is much larger than packet transmission time. Although inappropriate tuning for the parameters, increasing and decreasing factors, of the rate control function causes the performance degradation, most of the previous works so far have not studied the effect of the parameters on the performance. In this paper, we investigate the effect of the rate control parameters on the throughput under the condition that the packet loss probability is kept below a specific value, say 10-6. For this purpose, we build a queueing model and carry out a transient analysis to examine the dynamic behavior of the queue length at an intermediate node in a high speed network suffering from large propagation delay. Numerical examples exploit the optimal value of the parameters when one or two source-destination pairs transmit packets. We also discuss the effect of the propagation delay on the performance. Our model can be applicable to investigate the performance of various kinds of rate-based congestion control when the relation between the congestion measure and the rate control mechanism is given explicitly.

  • Performance Evaluation of Block SR-ARQ Scheme in High-Speed Communication Environments

    Chunxiang CHEN  Masaharu KOMATSU  Kozo KINOSHITA  


    E75-B No:12

    In high-speed packet networks, protocol processing overhead time becomes remarkable in determining the system performance. In this paper, we present a new Selective-Repeat ARQ scheme (called Block SR-ARQ sheme), in which a packet is transmitted or retransmitted in the same way as basic SR-ARQ scheme, but a single acknowledgement packet is used to acknowledge a block of packets. The maximum number of packets acknowledged by an acknowledgement packet is defined as block size. We analyze the system throughput and the average packet delay over the system, and the accuracy of approximately analyzed results is validated by simulation. Furthermore, we show that there exists an optimal block size which obtains both the maximum throughput and the minimum average packet delay.

  • Investigation on High-Speed Performance of 0.1-µm-Gate, Ultrathin-Film CMOS/SIMOX

    Yasuhisa OMURA  Sadao NAKASHIMA  Katsutoshi IZUMI  

    PAPER-Deep Sub-micron SOI CMOS

    E75-C No:12

    A 0.1-µm-gate CMOS/SIMOX has been successfully fabricated using high quality SIMOX substrates. The propagation delay time for the 0.1-µm-gate CMOS/SIMOX is not so noticeable due to the parasitic resistance of the source and drain regions. We anticipate 0.1-µm-gate CMOS/SIMOX devices with a delay time of less than 20 ps at a supply voltage of 1.5 V by reducing the remaining parasitic resistance and capacitances.

  • A Timing Calibration Technique for High-Speed Memory Test

    Mitsuhiro HAMADA  Yasumasa NISHIMURA  Mitsutaka NIIRO  


    E75-C No:11

    This paper describes a new timing calibration method for IC testers that uses a Timing Calibration Device (TCD). The TCD is a chip fabricated using the same process the device to be tested. Since the TCD has the same assignment pins as the LSI memory device under test (called the "MUT"), it enables an IC tester to evaluate the timing accuracy at the input/output terminal of MUT. The block-select-access time of a 1 K ECL RAM, which is less than 3.0 nanoseconds, has been accurately measured using this device. A timing-calibration subsystem is proposed for IC testers as an application of the TCD. Such a device would achieve precise measurement of high-speed LSI memory devices.

  • Rete-Based Congestion Control in High Speed Packet-Switching Networks

    Hiroshi INAI  Yuji KAMICHIKA  Masayuki MURATA  Hideo MIYAHARA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E75-B No:11

    Rate-based congestion/flow control is a promising way to achieve high throughput in high speed packet-switching networks. We consider a rate-based congestion control to aim at obtaining high throughput and fair sharing of the communication resources. In the scheme, each intermediate node informs its congestion status to the source node. Two kinds of control packets are used for this mechanism. One (a choke packet) is to throttle the rate and another (a loosen packet) is to allow increase of the rate. The source node initiates transmission with a low rate and increases the rate slowly to avoid a rapid increase of the packet queueing at an intermediate node. When the source node receives a choke packet, it decreases the rate rapidly to relieve congestion as soon as possible. The source node upon receipt a loosen packet increases the rate slowly again. We develop a queueing model to investigate the parameter settings to provide a good performance via simulation. The increasing and decreasing parameters of the rate control function are first investigated in various load conditions. We next examine the effect of the queue-length threshold value for the indication of congestion at the intermediate node. The numerical results indicate that the threshold value should be small to obtain a good performance. We finally introduce a technique which accurately recognizes congestion and inhibits an acceptable queueing of the packets at intermediate nodes.
