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  • Stabilization and Timing Jitter Reduction of 160 GHz Colliding-Pulse Mode-Locked Laser Diode by Subharmonic-Frequency Optical Pulse Injection

    Shin ARAHIRA  Yukio KATOH  Daisuke KUNIMATSU  Yoh OGAWA  

    PAPER-High-Speed Optical Devices

    E83-C No:6

    A 160 GHz colliding-pulse mode-locked laser diode (CPM-LD) was stabilized by injection of a stable master laser pulse train repeated at a 16th-subharmonic-frequency (9.873 GHz) of the CPM-LD's mode-locking frequency. Synchroscan steak camera measurements revealed a clear pulse train with 16-times repetition frequency of the master laser pulse train for the stabilized CPM-LD output, indicating that CPM-LD output was synchronized to the master laser and that the timing jitter was also reduced. The timing jitter of the stabilized CPM-LD was quantitatively evaluated by an all-optical down converting technique using the nonlinearity of optical fiber. This technique is simple and has a wider bandwidth in comparison to a conventional technique, making it possible to accurately measure the phase noise of ultrafast optical pulse train when its repetition frequency exceeds 100 GHz. The electrical power spectra measurements indicated that the CPM-LD's mode-locking frequency was exactly locked by the injection of the master laser pulse train and that the timing jitter decreased as the injection power increased. The timing jitter was reduced from 2.2 ps in free running operation to 0.26 ps at an injection power of 57 mW, comparable to that of the master laser (0.21 ps).

  • A New Clock Routing Algorithm Using Link-Edge Insertion for High Performance IC Design

    Kwang-Ki RYOO  Hyunchul SHIN  Jong-Wha CHONG  


    E83-A No:6

    As the clock skew is one of the major constraints for high speed synchronous ICs, it must be minimized in order to obtain high performance. But clock skew minimization may increase the total wire length; therefore, clock routing is performed within the given skew bound. Clock routing under the specified skew bound can decrease the total wire length. A new efficient algorithm for bounded clock skew routing using link-edge insertion is proposed in this paper. It satisfies the given skew bound and prevents the total wire length from increasing. Not only the total wire length and delay time minimization algorithm using the new merging point relocation method but also the clock skew reduction algorithm using link-edge insertion technique for a pair of nodes whose delay difference is large is proposed. The proposed algorithm constructs a new clock routing topology which is a generalized graph model, while most previous methods use only tree-structured routing topology. A new cost function is designed in order to select two nodes for link-edge addition. Using this cost function, delay difference or clock skew is reduced by connecting two nodes whose delay difference is large and distance is small. Furthermore, routing topology construction and wire sizing algorithm is used to reduce the clock delay. The proposed algorithm is implemented in C programming language. The experimental results show that the total wire length can be reduced under the given skew bound.

  • HCC: Generalized Hierarchical Completely-Connected Networks

    Toshinori TAKABATAKE  Keiichi KANEKO  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E83-D No:6

    In this paper, a new network structure called generalized Hierarchical Completely-Connected networks (HCCs) is proposed, and its properties and features are evaluated. Simple routing strategies for HCCs are also developed for shortest-paths routing algorithms. A set of HCCs constructed by the proposed method includes some conventional hierarchical networks, then it is called generalized one. The construction of an HCC starts from a basic block (a level-1 block) which consists of n nodes of constant degree. Then a level-h block for h 2 is constructed recursively by interconnecting any pair of macro nodes (n level-(h-1) blocks) completely. An HCC has a constant node-degree regardless of an increase in its size (the number of nodes). Furthermore, since an HCC has a hierarchically structured topology and the feature of uniformity, a wide variety of inter-cluster connections is possible. Evaluation results show that an HCC is suitable for very large computer systems.

  • A Simulation Study to Analyze Unreliable File Systems with Checkpointing and Rollback Recovery

    Tadashi DOHI  Kouji NOMURA  Naoto KAIO  Shunji OSAKI  


    E83-A No:5

    This paper considers two simulation models for simple unreliable file systems with checkpointing and rollback recovery. In Model 1, the checkpoint is generated at a pre-specified time and the information on the main memory since the last checkpoint is back-uped in a secondary medium. On the other hand, in Model 2, the checkpointing is executed at the time when the number of transactions completed for processing is achieved at a pre-determined level. However, it is difficult to treat such models analytically without employing any approximation method, if queueing effects related with arrival and processing of transactions can not be ignored. We apply the generalized stochastic Petri net (GSPN) to represent the stochastic behaviour of systems under two checkpointing schemes. Throughout GSPN simulation, we evaluate quantitatively the maintainability of checkpoint models under consideration and examine the dependence of model parameters in the optimal checkpoint policies and their associated system availabilities.

  • Defect and Fault Tolerance SRAM-Based FPGAs by Shifting the Configuration Data

    Abderrahim DOUMAR  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerance

    E83-D No:5

    The homogeneous structure of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) suggests that the defect tolerance can be achieved by shifting the configuration data inside the FPGA. This paper proposes a new approach for tolerating the defects in FPGA's configurable logic blocks (CLBs). The defects affecting the FPGA's interconnection resources can also be tolerated with a high probability. This method is suited for the makers, since the yield of the chip is considerably improved, specially for large sizes. On the other hand, defect-free chips can be used as either maximum size, ordinary array chips or fault tolerant chips. In the fault tolerant chips, the users will be able to achieve directly the fault tolerance by only shifting the design data automatically, without changing the physical design of the running application, without loading other configurations data from the off-chip FPGA, and without the intervention of the company. For tolerating defective resources, the use of spare CLBs is required. In this paper, two possibilities for distributing the spare resources (king-shifting and Horse-allocation) are introduced and compared.

  • Realization of Admissibility for Supervised Learning

    Akira HIRABAYASHI  Hidemitsu OGAWA  Akiko NAKASHIMA  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E83-D No:5

    In supervised learning, one of the major learning methods is memorization learning (ML). Since it reduces only the training error, ML does not guarantee good generalization capability in general. When ML is used, however, acquiring good generalization capability is expected. This usage of ML was interpreted by one of the present authors, H. Ogawa, as a means of realizing 'true objective learning' which directly takes generalization capability into account, and introduced the concept of admissibility. If a learning method can provide the same generalization capability as a true objective learning, it is said that the objective learning admits the learning method. Hence, if admissibility does not hold, making it hold becomes important. In this paper, we introduce the concept of realization of admissibility, and devise a realization method of admissibility of ML with respect to projection learning which directly takes generalization capability into account.

  • CM1: Communication Monitor for Applications Adaptive to Execution Environments

    Takamichi TATEOKA  Hideki SUNAHARA  Fumio TERAOKA  Yoshikatsu TADA  


    E83-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose an architecture for environmental information services that make it possible for applications to adapt in dynamically changing environments. These services provide information necessary for applications to adapt to its environment. Unlike other information services, the information provided includes not only raw information but also abstract or policy-applied information. The variety of information enables applications to choose suitable level of information. A simple adaptive application can use highly abstract information instead of detailed raw information required by complicated adaptive applications. The policy-applied information enables adaptive applications to share decisions by the user and cooperate among them. Applications can efficiently adapt to changes in the environment since our architecture provides notification of these changes. This notification does not disturb applications since the conditions for the notification are controlled by each application. We apply the proposed architecture to a mobile internetworking environment and present a prototype implementation of environmental information services called CM1. We also discuss our primary evaluation of CM1 with the Personal File System, which is a network file system with dynamic adaptation features, for mobile internetworking environments.

  • Design and Evaluation of Computer Telephony Services in a Distributed Processing Environment

    Shinji MOTEGI  Masaru ENOMOTO  Eiji UTSUNOMIYA  Hiroki HORIUCHI  Toshikane ODA  

    PAPER-Novel Applications

    E83-B No:5

    TINA (Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture) has been developed to support efficient operation of a wide range of complex services. TINA is effective in building advanced multimedia related services and provides effective solutions for complex service control and management along with a high level of quality of services. However the benefits and effectiveness of TINA for other types of services such as ordinary telephone services and facsimile messaging services are not clear. This paper clarifies how to apply TINA to control and management of computer telephony (CT) services and ordinary telephony services. We designed and implemented CT services in a distributed processing environment (DPE), and in particular a click-to-dial service, as a target for our study. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the design through qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The results of our study show that the distributed processing technique, based on component concepts makes it easy to build and extend CT services, and also that TINA service architecture is applicable to ordinary telephony and advanced CT services.

  • Fast Testable Design for SRAM-Based FPGAs

    Abderrahim DOUMAR  Toshiaki OHMAMEUDA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerance

    E83-D No:5

    This paper presents a new design for testing SRAM-based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The original FPGA's SRAM memory is modified so that the FPGA may have the facility to loop the testing configuration data inside the chip. The full testing of the FPGA is achieved by loading typically only one carefully chosen testing configuration data instead of the whole configurations data. The other required configurations data are obtained by shifting the first one inside the chip. As a result, the test becomes faster. This method does not need a large off-chip memory for the test. The evaluation results prove that this method is very effective when the complexity of the configurable blocks (CLBs) or the chip size increases.

  • An Electronic Soccer Lottery System that Uses Bit Commitment

    Kunio KOBAYASHI  Hikaru MORITA  Mitsuari HAKUTA  Takanori NAKANOWATARI  


    E83-D No:5

    This paper proposes an electronic soccer lottery protocol suitable for the Internet environment. Recently, protocols based on public-key schemes such as digital signature have been proposed for electronic voting systems or other similar systems. For a soccer lottery system in particular, it is important to reduce the computational complexity and the amount of communication data required, because we must expect that a large number of tickets will be purchased simultaneously. These problems can be solved by introducing hash functions as the core of protocol. This paper shows a practical soccer lottery system based on bit commitment and hash functions, in which the privacy of prize-winners is protected and illegal acts by the lottery promoter or lottery ticket shops can be revealed.

  • Dynamic Multicast Routing Algorithm Using Predetermined Path Search

    Takuya ASAKA  Takumi MIYOSHI  Yoshiaki TANAKA  


    E83-B No:5

    With conventional dynamic routing algorithms, many query messages are required in a distributed environment for efficient multicast routing of any traffic volume. We have developed a dynamic routing algorithm that uses a predetermined path search in which an appropriate multicast path is dynamically constructed by searching only a few nodes. This algorithm can construct an efficient multicast tree for any traffic volume. Simulation has shown that the proposed algorithm is advantageous compared with conventional dynamic routing algorithms when nodes are added to or removed from the multicast group during steady-state simulation.

  • Duplicated Hash Routing: A Robust Algorithm for a Distributed WWW Cache System

    Eiji KAWAI  Kadohito OSUGA  Ken-ichi CHINEN  Suguru YAMAGUCHI  


    E83-D No:5

    Hash routing is an algorithm for a distributed WWW caching system that achieves a high hit rate by preventing overlaps of objects between caches. However, one of the drawbacks of hash routing is its lack of robustness against failure. Because WWW becomes a vital service on the Internet, the capabilities of fault tolerance of systems that provide the WWW service come to be important. In this paper, we propose a duplicated hash routing algorithm, an extension of hash routing. Our algorithm introduces minimum redundancy to keep system performance when some caching nodes are crashed. In addition, we optionally allow each node to cache objects requested by its local clients (local caching), which may waste cache capacity of the system but it can cut down the network traffic between caching nodes. We evaluate various aspects of the system performance such as hit rates, error rates and network traffic by simulations and compare them with those of other algorithms. The results show that our algorithm achieves both high fault tolerance and high performance with low system overhead.

  • Current-Writing Active-Matrix Circuit for Organic Light-Emitting Diode Display Using a-Si:H Thin-Film-Transistors

    Reiji HATTORI  Tsutomu TSUKAMIZU  Ryusuke TSUCHIYA  Kazunori MIYAKE  Yi HE  Jerzy KANICKI  

    LETTER-Electronic Displays

    E83-C No:5

    In this letter, we describe a four thin-film-transistor (TFT) pixel circuit based on hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) technology for the active-matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED) display applications. The circuit uses current-writing mechanism and can automatically adjust the threshold-voltage shifts of both the organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and the TFTs induced by the circuit aging or process variations. Experimental results indicate virtually no variation of the output driving current after long-term bias-temperature-stress (BTS).

  • Continuous Wave Operation of InGaN Laser Diodes Fabricated on SiC Substrates

    Akito KURAMATA  Shin-ichi KUBOTA  Reiko SOEJIMA  Kay DOMEN  Kazuhiko HORINO  Peter HACKE  Toshiyuki TANAHASHI  


    E83-C No:4

    We introduce the characteristics for continuous wave operation at room temperature of InGaN laser diodes fabricated on SiC substrates. The threshold current was 60 mA, the threshold voltage was 8.3 V, and the oscillation wavelength was 404.4 nm. The lifetime of the laser diodes with a constant light output of 1 mW at 25 was 57 hours. The heat dissipation of the devices mounted p-side-up on a stem without using a heat sink was shown to be as good as that of devices mounted p-side-down with an external heat sink, owing to the high thermal conductivity of SiC substrates.

  • OTA-C Based BIST Structure for Analog Circuits

    Cheng-Chung HSU  Wu-Shiung FENG  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E83-A No:4

    In this letter, a novel built-in self-test (BIST) structure based on operational transconductance amplifiers and grounded capacitors (OTA-Cs) for the fault diagnosis of analog circuits is proposed. The proposed analog BIST structure, namely ABIST, can be used to increase the number of test points, sampling and controlling of all test points with voltage data, and making less time for test signal observable. Experimental measurements have been made to verify that the proposed ABIST structure is effective.

  • Copy-Token Allocation Control for Adaptive Multicast Routing and Its Performance

    Hideki TODE  Hiroki YAMAUCHI  Hiromasa IKEDA  


    E83-B No:4

    An efficient scheme for establishing the multicast-path on ATM network is to configure the tree-shaped path via several intermediate copy nodes. This scheme needs the multicast routing control. Thus, restricting the number of copy nodes was proposed since it make this control fast and simple. However, if restricted number of copy nodes is fixed in the network design, multicast traffic will concentrate around copy nodes, and as a result, the possibility of occurring congestion will be higher. In our research, we permit restricted number of nodes as intermediate nodes which branch the tree-shaped path at routing, and name this permission "copy-token. " Namely, the node which has "copy-token" is defined as the copy node. Our research purpose is to distribute the multicast traffic by adaptively allocating "copy-token" to nodes which satisfy the conditions of both the priority for multicasting such as lower offered load and the geographical distribution at the same time. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our proposed routing scheme on the blocking probability through computer simulations.

  • Investigations on Strained AlGaN/GaN/Sapphire and GaInN Multi-Quantum-Well Surface LEDs Using AlGaN/GaN Bragg Reflectors

    Hiroyasu ISHIKAWA  Naoyuki NAKADA  Masaharu NAKAJI  Guang-Yuan ZHAO  Takashi EGAWA  Takashi JIMBO  Masayoshi UMENO  


    E83-C No:4

    Investigations were carried out on metalorganic-chemical-vapor-deposition (MOCVD)-grown strained AlGaN/ GaN/sapphire structures using X-ray diffratometry. While AlGaN with lower AlN molar fraction (< 0.1) is under the in-plane compressive stress, it is under the in-plane tensile stress with high AlN molar fraction (> 0.1). Though tensile stress caused the cracks in AlGaN layer with high AlN molar fraction, we found that the cracks dramatically reduced when the GaN layer quality was not good. Using this technique, we fabricated a GaInN multi-quantum-well (MQW) surface emitting diodes were fabricated on 15 pairs of AlGaN/GaN distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) structures. The reflectivity of 15 pairs of AlGaN/GaN DBR structure has been shown as 75% at 435 nm. Considerably higher output power (1.5 times) has been observed for DBR based GaInN MQW LED when compared with non-DBR based MQW structures.

  • Cubic GaN Light Emitting Diode Grown by Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy

    Hidenao TANAKA  Atsushi NAKADAIRA  


    E83-C No:4

    We studied Si and Mg doping characteristics in cubic GaN and fabricated a light emitting diode of cubic GaN on a GaAs substrate by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy. The diode structure consisted of undoped and Mg-doped GaN stacking layers deposited on Si-doped GaN and AlGaN layers. The electron-beam-induced-current signal and current injection characteristics of this diode structure were measured. There was a peak at the interface between the Mg-doped and undoped GaN in the electron-beam-induced-current signal. This shows successful growth of the p-n junction. Light emitting operation was achieved by currents injected through the conducting GaAs substrate of this diode at room temperature. We observed electroluminescence below the bandgap energy of cubic GaN with a peak at 2.6 eV.

  • Optical Properties of Bound Excitons and Biexcitons in GaN

    Yoichi YAMADA  Chiharu SASAKI  Yohei YOSHIDA  Satoshi KURAI  Tsunemasa TAGUCHI  Tomoya SUGAHARA  Katsushi NISHINO  Shiro SAKAI  


    E83-C No:4

    Excitonic optical properties of GaN homoepitaxial layers have been studied by means of magneto-luminescence and time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy. The luminescence lines due to the radiative recombination of excitons bound to neutral donors and acceptors have been measured under magnetic field up to 8 T, which was aligned perpendicular and parallel to the hexagonal c-axis. Under the magnetic field aligned perpendicular to the hexagonal c-axis, both the donor- and acceptor-bound-exciton lines clearly split into two components, which originated from the Zeeman splitting. The effective g-factors for both the donor- and acceptor-bound excitons were estimated to be 2.02 and 2.47, respectively. Under the magnetic field aligned parallel to the hexagonal c-axis, slight broadening of the bound-exciton lines was observed and the Zeeman splitting was too small to be detected. On the other hand, the diamagnetic shift for both the donor- and acceptor-bound-exciton luminescence lines was observed under the magnetic field aligned both perpendicular and parallel to the hexagonal c-axis. It was found that the diamagnetic shift of the donor-bound exciton was smaller than that of the acceptor-bound exciton. Furthermore, recombination dynamics of excitonic transitions was measured under high-density excitation. An excitation-density-dependent transition of the dominant radiative recombination process from donor-bound excitons to biexcitons was clearly observed in the temporal behavior. In addition, double-exponential decay of biexciton luminescence was observed, which is one of the characteristics of biexciton luminescence at high excitation densities.

  • Architecture of a VOD System with Proxy Servers

    Kyung-Ah AHN  Hoon CHOI  Won-Ok KIM  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems

    E83-B No:4

    We present an architecture of a VOD system employing proxy servers. The proposed VOD system provides efficient and reliable VOD services and solves the problems caused by traditional VOD systems of centralized, hierarchical or distributed architecture. The proxy servers are placed between video servers and user systems. The proxy server is a small size video server that has not only caching function but also intelligence such as VCR-like video stream control or navigation of other proxy/video servers to search for a selected video program. Using a VOD system of the proposed architecture, the VOD services can be provided to more users because it reduces the workload of video servers and network traffic. We provide the performance model of the system. Service availability is also analyzed. The proposed architecture shows better performance and availability than the traditional VOD architectures.
