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[Keyword] Cu(4258hit)


  • A Circuit Partitioning Algorithm with Replication Capability for Multi-FPGA Systems

    Nozomu TOGAWA  Masao SATO  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  


    E78-A No:12

    In circuit partitioning for FPGAs, partitioned signal nets are connected using I/O blocks, through which signals are coming from or going to external pins. However, the number of I/O blocks per chip is relatively small compared with the number of logic-blocks, which realize logic functions, accommodated in the FPGA chip. Because of the I/O block limitation, the size of a circuit implemented on each FPGA chip is usually small, which leads to a serious decrease of logic-block utilization. It is required to utilize unused logic-blocks in terms of reducing the number of I/O blocks and realize circuits on given FPGA chips. In this paper, we propose an algorithm which partitions an initial circuit into multi-FPGA chips. The algorithm is based on recursive bi-partitioning of a circuit. In each bi-partitioning, it searches a partitioning position of a circuit such that each of partitioned subcircuits is accommodated in each FPGA chip with making the number of signal nets between chips as small as possible. Such bi-partitioning is achieved by computing a minimum cut repeatedly applying a network flow technique, and replicating logic-blocks appropriately. Since a set of logic-blocks assigned to each chip is computed separately, logic-blocks to be replicated are naturally determined. This means that the algorithm makes good use of unused logic-blocks from the viewpoint of reducing the number of signal nets between chips, i.e. the number of required I/O blocks. The algorithm has been implemented and applied to MCNC PARTITIONING 93 benchmark circuits. The experimental results demonstrate that it decreases the maximum number of I/O blocks per chip by a maximum of 49% compared with conventional algorithms.

  • Noninvasive Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Diseases Based on the Characterisitics of Blood Flow Noise



    E78-A No:12

    Intracranial blood flow noise measuring and analyzing system were developed to detect the cerebrovascular diseases such as aneurysm, stenosis and occlusion in their early stage. To realize the effective measuring of the sound known as the 'bruit,' dedicated PVDF-film based sensor working on the closed eyelid was designed. FFT spectrums and Wigner distributions were used as analyzing methods to clarify both the precise spectrum and the time variance of the signals. Thirty normal people without any history of cerebrovascular disease were tested with the system to estimate the characteristics of the background noise. Thirteen patients, including eight stenosis, four aneurysm and one occlusion, were studied with the system. FFT spectral differences between patient and normal existed over the frequency range from 0.5kHz to 1.2kHz. In this range apparent increases of the signal components' power were observed for the patients. Numerically, this tendency was confirmed by the power difference between 750Hz and 1.5kHz, which could be the possible index of the existence diagnosis for cerebrovascular diseases. The shape of the FFT spectral pattern showed some difference between stenosis and aneurysm. In stenosis cases, it seemed that there existed the flat level from 0.4kHz to 1.2kHz, while in aneurysm cases the power decreases smoothly as frequency increases from the peak around 0.7kHz. Time variance of the bruit according to the cardiac cycle could be seen in the cases of stenosis from 30% to 50%, but not in the cases from 40% to 90%. This fact suggested the possibility to diagnose the extent of the stenosis. In most cases, recognizable spectral peak around 0.7 kHz were observed. Although the physical meanings of those peaks were not so clear, still it was the apparent characteristics and might be including important information.

  • Mincut Partitioning Acceleration Using Hardware CAD Accelerator TP5000

    Masahiro SANO  Shintaro SHIMOGORI  Fumiyasu HIROSE  


    E78-A No:12

    This paper presents a new approach of data pipelining for mincut partitioning acceleration using a parallel computer. When using a parallel computer, it is important to have many processors always active, also the quality of the partitioning must not be sacrificed. Out approach covers both speed and quality. We choose the hardware CAD accelerator TP5000 to implement our approach, which consists of dedicated Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors with high-speed interconnections. The TP5000 allows its connections to be reconfigured to optimize the data pipelines. We estimate that the speed of our approach using 10 processors on the TP5000 is 30 times faster than a SPARCStation-10.

  • A Substrate Current Model for Analog CMOS Circuit Simulations

    Kwang Sub YOON  Jong Kug SEON  


    E78-A No:12

    This paper presents an accurate and semi-physical MOSFET substrate current model suitable for analog circuit simulations. The proposed model is valid over a wide range of the electric field present in MOSFET devices and is continuous from cut off region to saturation region. The developed model was implemented into the circuit simulator, SPICE3. Benchmark of the developed model was achieved by making comparisons between the measured data and the simulated data for MOSFET devices, push-pull CMOS inverters, a regulated cascode CMOS operational amplifier. The experimental results showed that the developed model was more accurate and computationally efficient than the conventional models.

  • An Autonomous Three-Dimensional Vision Sensor with Ears

    Shigeru ANDO  


    E78-D No:12

    This paper describes our newly developed intelligent sensor system which comprises two eyes and four ears on a movable head. It can acquire its dynamical visual and auditory image of its surrouding 3-D environment while showing humanlike behavior naturally and autonomously. The most important feature of the sensor system is in an autonomous and optimum sensory architecture of it. This enables the sensor to achieve 1) repid (5 ms) and accurate (2 deg) auditory localization, 2) rapid (0.5 s/65536 pixel) extraction of visual motion in marginal view, 3) rapid (several TV frames' time) eye movement and binocular fixation to a suddenly appeared object, 3) rapid (0.1 s/4096 pixel) extraction of 3-D object profile and image features, which is activated by its own auditory localization and motion detection. We describe in this paper the several key items for realizing this sensor.

  • Shape Reconstruction of Hybrid Reflectance Object Using Indirect Diffuse Illumination

    Tae Eun KIM  Jong Soo CHOI  


    E78-D No:12

    A new approach is presented for recovering the 3-D shape from shading image. Photometric Stereo Method (PSM) is generally based on the direct illumination. PSM in this paper is modified with the indirect diffuse illumination method (IDIM), and then applied to hybrid reflectance model which consists of two components; the Lambertian reflectance and the specular reflectance. Under the hybrid reflectance model and the indirect diffuse illumination circumstances, the 3-D shape of objects can be recovered from the surface normal vector extracted from the surface roughness, the surface reflectance ratio, and the intensity value of a pixel. This method is rapid because of using the reference table, simplifies the restriction condition about the reflectance function in prior studies without any loss in performance, and can be applied to various types of surfaces by defining general reflectance function.

  • 622 Mbps 8 mW CMOS Low-Voltage Interface Circuit

    Takashi TOMITA  Koichi YOKOMIZO  Takao HIRAKOSO  Kazukiyo HAGA  Kuniharu HIROSE  


    E78-C No:12

    This paper describes ALINX (Advanced Low-voltage Interface Circuit System), a low-power and high-speed interface circuit of submicron CMOS LSI for digital information and telecommunications systems. Differential and single-ended ALINXs are low-voltage swing I/O interface circuits with less than 1.0 V swing from a 1.2 V supply. Specifically, the differential ALINX features a pair of complementary NMOS push-pull drivers operating from a 1.2 V supply, reducing power consumption compared to conventional high-speed interface circuits operating from a 5 V or 3.3 V supply. The DC power consumption is approximately 11% of ECL. We observed 622 Mbps differential transmission with 8 mW power consumption and single-ended transmission at 311 Mbps with 14 mW with a PN23 pseudo-random pattern. We also describe a noise characteristic and ALINX applications to high-speed data buses and LSI for telecommunications systems. A time/space switch LSI with 0.9 W total power consumption was fabricated by 0.5 µm CMOS process technology. This chip can use a plastic QFP.

  • Disparity Selection in Binocular Pursuit

    Atsuko MAKI  Tomas UHLIN  


    E78-D No:12

    This paper presents a technique for disparity selection in the context of binocular pursuit. For vergence control in binocular pursuit, it is a crucial problem to find the disparity which corresponds to the target among multiple disparities generally observed in a scene. To solve the problem of the selection, we propose an approach based on histogramming the disparities obtained in the scene. Here we use an extended phase-based disparity estimation algorithm. The idea is to slice the scene using the disparity histogram so that only the target remains. The slice is chosen around a peak in the histogram using prediction of the target disparity and target location obtained by back projection. The tracking of the peak enables robustness against other, possibly dominant, objects in the scene. The approach is investigated through experiments and shown to work appropriately.

  • ILAS, the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer, on the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite

    Makoto SUZUKI  Akiyoshi MATSUZAKI  Takeo ISHIGAKI  Norio KIMURA  Nobuhiro ARAKI  Tatsuya YOKOTA  Yasuhiro SASANO  


    E78-B No:12

    Overview of Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS) instrument design, band selection studies, and operation plan is described. The ILAS is a solar occultation instrument onboard ADEOS spacecraft with two grating spectrometers: one is for measurement for O3, HNO3, NO2, N2O, H2O, CH4 CFC11 and CFC12 in the infrared band (850-1610cm-1, 11.76µm-6.21m), and another is for aerosols, temperature and air density measurement in the visible band (753-784nm, O2 atmospheric A band). The ILAS will observe the ozone layer over high-latitudes (N55-70, S63-87) regions with a high vertical resolution (2km) for a period of 3 years after launch in 1996.

  • Extremely High-Density Magnetic Information Storage--Outlook Based on Analyses of Magnetic Recording Mechanisms--

    Yoshihisa NAKAMURA  


    E78-C No:11

    Tremendous progress has been made in magnetic data storage by applying theoretical considerations to technologies accumulated empirically through a great deal of research and development. In Japan, the recording demagnetization phenomenon was eagerly analyzed by many researchers because it was a serious problem in analogue signal recording such as video tape recording using a relatively thick magnetic recording medium. Consequently, perpendicular magnetic recording was proposed as a method for extremely high-bit-density recording. This paper describes the theoretical background which has resulted in the idea of perpendicular magnetic recording. Furthermore, the possibility of magnetic recording is discussed on the basis of the results obtained theoretically by magnetic recording simulators. Magnetic storage has the potential for extremely high-bit-density recording exceeding 1 Tb/cm2. We propose the idea of 'spinic data storage' in which binary digital data could be stored into each ferromagnetic single-domain columnar particle when the perpendicular magnetizing method is used.

  • Automatic Transistor-Level Performance Fault Tracing by Successive Circuit Extraction from CAD Layout Data for VLSI in the CAD-Linked EB Test System

    Katsuyoshi MIURA  Koji NAKAMAE  hiromu FUJIOKA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E78-C No:11

    An automatic transistor-level performance fault tracing method is proposed which is applicable to the case where only CAD layout data is available in the CAD-linked electron beam test system. The technique uses an integrated algorithm that combines a previously proposed transistor-level fault tracing algorithm and a successive circuit extraction from CAD layout data. An expansion of the algorithm to the fault tracing in a combined focused ion beam and electron beam test system which enables us to measure signals on the interconnections in the lower layers is also described. An application of the technique to a CMOS model layout with about 100 transistors shows its validity.

  • A Clock-Feedthrough and Offset Compensated Fully-Differential Switched-Current Circuit

    Hyeong-Woo CHA  Kenzo WATANABE  


    E78-A No:11

    A fully-differential switched-current (SI) circuit provided with clock-feedthrough (CFT) and common mode rejection and offset compensation schemes is described. Different from a conventional SI memory cell, it takes the difference between two differential inputs to deliver the balanced differential currents. Transistor level simulations and error analyses are given to demonstrate its performance.

  • Eigenmode Analysis of Whispering Gallery Modes of Pillbox-Type Optical Resonators Utilizing the FE-BPM Formulation

    Anis AHMED  Ryuichi KOYA  Osami WADA  Ming WANG  Ryuji KOGA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E78-C No:11

    To evaluate the radial eigenmode field distributions and the resonance wavelengths of axially symmetric pillbox resonator, a numerical method is described which is based on the FE-BPM expression in cylindrical coordinates. Under the weakly guiding approximation, we solve Fresnel equation and can get a fairly accurate result. By using effective index method, 3-D pillbox guiding structure is reduced to 2-D one which is then used for the analysis. One advantage of this method is that it is applicable for the axially symmetric optical waveguides with arbitrary index distribution. The validity of this method is checked by comparing the results of this method with those of the analytical ones. This method is applied for the evaluation of the coupling properties of a coupled structure consisting of a pillbox resonator and a curved waveguide placed outside the pillbox. This coupled structure has a good prospect to be used as optical wavelength filter. By varying the separation distance between the pillbox and the outer curved waveguide, the power transfer due to coupling is determined near the resonance wavelength 0.9 µm.

  • An Efficient State Space Search for the Synthesis of Asynchronous Circuits by Subspace Construction

    Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  Dong-Ik LEE  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  


    E78-A No:11

    In this paper, an approach to derive a logic function of asynchronous circuits from a graph-based model called Signal Transition Graphs (STG) is discussed. STG's are Petri nets, whose transitions are interpreted as a signal transition on the circuit inputs or gate outputs, and its marking represents a binary state of the circuit. STG's can represent a behavior of circuit, to derive logic functions, however, the reachability graph should be constructed. In the verification of STG's some method based on Occurrence nets (OCN) and its prefix, called unfolding, has been proposed. OCN's can represent both causality and concurrency between two nodes by net structure. In this paper, we propose a method to derive a logic function by generating substate space of a given STG using the structural properties of OCN. The proposed method can be seem as a parallel algorithm for deriving a logic function.

  • Data Model and Architecture of Multimedia Database for Engineering Applications

    Hiroshi ARISAWA  Takashi TOMII  Hitoshi YUI  Hidehiko ISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Advanced Applications

    E78-D No:11

    This papaer presents a data model and the database system architecture to handle multimedia data, especially video (or image sequence) data. A new scheme AIS diagram" is introduced, by which all informations about entities and relationships among bitmap frames or textual informations are described in a uniform way. We focus on the integration of engineering data. The most important problem to be solved is how to capture the objects" in each frame and to represent them in the data model. For this purpose we propose physical cut" and logical cut" as a unit of information in image sequences and, using those concepts, we developed a prototype system for multimedia data processing on a conventional database system.

  • Point Magnetic Recording Using a Force Microscope Tip on Co-Cr Perpendicular Media with Compositionally Separated Microstructures

    Toshifumi OHKUBO  Yasushi MAEDA  Yasuhiro KOSHIMOTO  


    E78-C No:11

    A soft magnetic force microscope (MFM) tip was used to evaluate the magnetic recording characteristics of compositionally separated Co-Cr perpendicular media. Small magnetic bits were recorded on thick (350 nm). and thin (100 nm) films, focusing on the fineness of compositionally separated microstructures. MFM images showed bit marks 230 and 150 nm in diameter, measured at full-width at half maximum (FWHM) for the thick and thin films, respectively. These results verify that the recordable bit size can be decreased by using a thinner film with a finer compositionally separated microstructure. Simulation was used to clarify the relationship between the actual sizes of the recorded bits and the sizes of their MFM images. The recorded bit size was found to closely correspond to the FWHM of the MFM bit images.

  • Development of Particulate Recording Media with Ultrathin Magnetic Layer

    Hiroo INABA  Shinji SAITOH  Toshiyuki KITAHARA  Akira KASHIWAGI  


    E78-C No:11

    A particulate recording medium with an ultrathin magnetic layer is presented in this paper. This medium consists of a magnetic layer and a nonmagnetic underlayer composed of very fine titanium dioxide powder. When metal powder was employed, we observed the anticipated advantages of decreasing the thickness of the magnetic layer in tapes and diskettes. By reducing the layer thickness to below 0.3 µm we were able to increase the reproduced output at short wavelengths, and improve both the overwrite erasability and the D50. There was also a decrease in the half peak width of an isolated pulse and a peak shift. Tribological advantages were also observed with this medium. When barium ferrite was employed as the magnetic powder, we observed that the modulation noise of thin-layer barium ferrite medium was less than that of a thinlayer MP medium while it generated an output as high as that of the MP medium. The advantages of the barium ferrite medium lie in its two-layer construction. Particulate media will continue to develop as magnetic powder is improved mainly in terms of its size, saturation magnetization, and coercivity.

  • An Analysis of Simulation between Petri Nets through Rewriting Logic

    Yasuyuki TAHARA  Shinichi HONIDEN  


    E78-A No:11

    Rewriting logic has been proposed as a unified model of parallel and concurrent computation, especially concurrent object-oriented computation and agent oriented computation. In this paper, we present a category-theoretic technique in which simulation relation between concurrent processes described by rewriting logic is analyzed. In this technique, simulation relation is represented by morphisms in the category of concurrent processes. Moreover, this technique is shown to be applicable to Petri nets by modeling them by rewriting logic. By this method, it is acknowledged that our technique is applicable to Petri nets including multi-loops whose treatment is limited in other techniques.

  • Improvement of Performance by Method for Predicting Targets in Pointing by Mouse

    Atsuo MURATA  


    E78-A No:11

    Two method to predict targets which a user is about to point with a mouse on the basis of the trajectory of the mouse cursor were proposed. The effects of the interval between targets, the position of targets, the sampling interval and the number of sampling on the pointing time and the prediction accuracy were investigated. In both methods, the distance between targets had little effects on the pointing time. The prediction accuracy was found to be affected by the position of targets. In both prediction methods, the angle between the cursor movement vector and the vector which connects the current cursor position and the center of each target is calculated every st. As for Prediction Method1 that regards the target which correspond to the minimum angle continuously 5 times as the candidate target, the optimal condition of the sampling interval was found to be 0.06 sec or 0.08 sec. Concerning Prediction Method2 that calculates the angle n times and determines the minimum cumulative value as the candidate, the optimal condition of the number of sampling was 8.

  • On Locking Protocols in Object-Oriented Database Systems

    Shinichi TANIGUCHI  Budiarto  Shojiro NISHIO  


    E78-D No:11

    As Object-Oriented Database Systems (OODBS) play an increasingly important role in advanced database systems, OODBS performance becomes a significant issue. It is well known that there is a strong relationship between performance and the concurrency control algorithms employed by the Database Management System (DBMS). Class Granularity Locking (CGL) and Class Hierarchy Granularity Locking (CHGL) are proposed as the concurrency control algorithms for OODBS to minimize the locking overhead. However, their basic characteristics, including the licking overhead and concurrency, have not been extensively investigated and it is not known which one is most appropriate for the general case. In this paper, we construct a simulation model for OODBS and carry out several performance evaluation studies on these two Class-Hierarchy Locking protocols and the Non Class-Hierarchy Locking (NCL) protocol. The NCL protocal is a variation of the conventional two phase locking protocol being applied to OODBS data structures.
