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[Keyword] array(959hit)


  • Structured Analog Circuit and Layout Design with Transistor Array

    Bo YANG  Qing DONG  Jing LI  Shigetoshi NAKATAKE  

    PAPER-Physical Level Design

    E96-A No:12

    This paper proposes a novel design method involving the stages from analog circuit design to layout synthesis in hope of suppressing the process-induced variations with a design style called transistor array. We manage to decompose the transistors into unified sub-transistors, and arrange the sub-transistors on a uniform placement grid so that a better post-CMP profile is expected to be achieved, and that the STI-stress is evened up to alleviate the process variations. However, since lack of direct theoretical support to the transistor decomposition, we analyze and evaluate the errors arising from the decomposition in both large and small signal analysis. A test chip with decomposed transistors on it confirmed our analysis and suggested that the errors are negligibly small and the design with transistor array is applicable. Based on this conclusion, a design flow with transistor array covering from circuit design to layout synthesis is proposed, and several design cases, including three common-source amplifiers, three two-stage OPAMPS and a nano-watt current reference, are implemented on a test chip with the proposed method, to demonstrate the feasibility of our idea. The measurement results from the chip confirmed that the designs with transistor array are successful, and the proposed method is applicable.

  • A Partially Driven Array Antenna Backed by a Reflector with a Reduction in the Number of Driven Elements by Up to 67%

    Tadashi TAKANO  Takehiro IMURA  Midori OKUMURA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E96-B No:11

    This paper describes a novel technique to replace some of the driven elements in an array antenna with parasitic elements. First, the antenna characteristics are studied by simulation for a basic unit array with one driven and two parasitic elements. The entire antenna is backed with a flat reflector to conform to practical applications. The parasitic elements are excited by the neighboring driven elements through the electromagnetic coupling effect. It is shown that at the optimal coupling condition, the radiation patterns are almost identical with those of an array antenna whose elements are all driven without coupling. The simulation result is confirmed by performing an experiment at 5.8GHz (λ =51.7mm). Finally, a 12-element array is formed by combining four unit arrays. The simulation results show that the maximum antenna gain is 19.4dBi, indicating that there is no penalty with respect to the antenna gain of a fully driven 12-element array. Therefore, the array antenna can be considerably simplified by replacing 67% of its elements with parasitic elements.

  • Bitstream Protection in Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration Systems Using Authenticated Encryption

    Yohei HORI  Toshihiro KATASHITA  Hirofumi SAKANE  Kenji TODA  Akashi SATOH  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E96-D No:11

    Protecting the confidentiality and integrity of a configuration bitstream is essential for the dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This is because erroneous or falsified bitstreams can cause fatal damage to FPGAs. In this paper, we present a high-speed and area-efficient bitstream protection scheme for DPR systems using the Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM), which is an authenticated encryption algorithm. Unlike many previous studies, our bitstream protection scheme also provides a mechanism for error recovery and tamper resistance against configuration block deletion, insertion, and disorder. The implementation and evaluation results show that our DPR scheme achieves a higher performance, in terms of speed and area, than previous methods.

  • A Calibrationless Si-CMOS 5-bit Baseband Phase Shifter Using a Fixed-Gain-Amplifier Matrix

    Tuan Thanh TA  Shoichi TANIFUJI  Suguru KAMEDA  Noriharu SUEMATSU  Tadashi TAKAGI  Kazuo TSUBOUCHI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E96-C No:10

    In this paper, we propose a novel baseband (BB) phase shifter (PS) using a fixed-gain-amplifier (FGA) matrix. The proposed BB PS consists of 5 stages of a vector synthesis type FGA matrix with in-phase/quadrature-phase (I/Q) input/output interfaces. In order to achieve low gain variation between phase shift states, 3rd to 5th stages are designed to have a phase shift of +φi and -φi (i=3,4,5). To change between +φi and -φi phase shift states, two FGAs with DC bias in-phase/out-phase switches are used. The two FGAs have the same gain, therefore ideally no gain variation can be achieved. Using this configuration, phase shift error and gain variation caused by process mismatch and temperature variation can be reduced. Fabricated 5-bit BB PS has 3-dB bandwidth of 1.05GHz, root-mean-square (rms) phase errors lower than 2.2°, rms gain variations lower than 0.42dB. Power consumption of the PS core and output buffer are 4.9mW and 14.3mW, respectively. 1-dB compression output power is -12.5dBm. The fabricated PS shows that the total phase shift error and gain variation are within the required accuracy of a 5-bit PS with no requirement of calibration.

  • High Resolution 2-D DOA Estimation by Low-Cost Antenna Array Based on Synthesized Covariance Matrix via Antenna Switching

    Yuki DOI  Hiroki MORIYA  Koichi ICHIGE  Hiroyuki ARAI  Takahiro HAYASHI  Hiromi MATSUNO  Masayuki NAKANO  


    E96-A No:10

    This paper presents a method of synthesizing covariance matrix elements of array input signal for high resolution 2-D Direction-Of-Arrival (DOA) estimation via antenna (sensor) switching. Antenna array generally has the same number of array elements and receiver modules which often leads large receiver hardware cost. Two of the authors have already studied a way of antenna switching to reduce receiver cost, but it can be applied only for periodic incident signals like sinusoid. In this paper, we propose two simple methods of DOA estimation from sparse data by synthesizing covariance matrix elements of array input signal via antenna switching, which can also be applied to DOA estimation of antiperiodic incident signals. Performance of the proposed approach is evaluated in detail through some computer simulation.

  • A Novel DOA Estimation Error Reduction Preprocessing Scheme of Correlated Waves for Khatri-Rao Product Extended-Array

    Satoshi SHIRAI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Adaptive Array Antennas/MIMO

    E96-B No:10

    In this paper, we study on direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation error reduction by Khatri-Rao (KR) product extended array in the presence of correlated waves. Recently, a simple array signal processing technique called KR product extended array has been proposed. By using the technique, degrees-of-freedom of an array can be easily increased. However, DOA estimation accuracy deteriorates when correlated or coherent waves arrive. Such highly correlated waves often arrive for radar application, hence error reduction technique has been desired. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new method for error reduction preprocessing scheme by using N-th root of matrix. The N-th root of matrix has a similar effect to the spatial smoothing preprocessing for highly correlated signals. As a result, DOA estimation error due to signal correlation will be reduced. The optimal order of N depends on the data itself. In this paper, a simple iterative method to obtain adaptive N is also proposed. Computer simulation results are provided to show performance of the proposed method.

  • Application of Optimized Sparse Antenna Array in Near Range 3D Microwave Imaging

    Yaolong QI  Weixian TAN  Xueming PENG  Yanping WANG  Wen HONG  


    E96-B No:10

    Near range microwave imaging systems have broad application prospects in the field of concealed weapon detection, biomedical imaging, nondestructive testing, etc. In this paper, the technique of optimized sparse antenna array is applied to near range microwave imaging, which can greatly reduce the complexity of imaging systems. In detail, the paper establishes three-dimensional sparse array imaging geometry and corresponding echo model, where the imaging geometry is formed by arranging optimized sparse antenna array in elevation, scanning in azimuth and transmitting broadband signals in range direction; and by analyzing the characteristics of near range imaging, that is, the maximum interval of transmitting and receiving elements is limited by the range from imaging system to targets, we propose the idea of piecewise sparse line array; secondly, by analyzing the convolution principle, we develop a method of arranging piecewise sparse array which can generate the same distribution of equivalent phase centers as filled antenna array; then, the paper deduces corresponding imaging algorithm; finally, the imaging geometry and corresponding algorithm proposed in this paper are investigated and verified via numerical simulations and near range imaging experiments.

  • Performance Evaluation of Short-Range MIMO Using a Method for Controlling Phase Difference between Each Propagation Channel

    Kazumitsu SAKAMOTO  Ken HIRAGA  Tomohiro SEKI  Tadao NAKAGAWA  Kazuhiro UEHARA  

    PAPER-Adaptive Array Antennas/MIMO

    E96-B No:10

    A Simple decoding method for short-range MIMO (SR-MIMO) transmission can reduce the power consumption for MIMO decoding, but the distance between the transceivers requires millimeter-order accuracy in order to satisfy the required transmission quality. In this paper, we propose a phase difference control method between each propagation channel to alleviate the requirements for the transmission distance accuracy. In the proposed method, the phase difference between each propagation channel is controlled by changing the transmission (or received) power ratio of each element of sub-array antennas. In millimeter-wave broadband transmission simulation, we clarified that when sub-array antenna spacing is set to 6.6 mm and element spacing of sub-array antenna is set to 2.48mm, the proposed method can extend the transmission distance range satisfying the required transmission quality, which is that bit error rate (BER) before error correction is less than 10-2 from 9∼29mm to 0∼50mm in QPSK, from 15∼19mm to 0∼30mm in 16QAM, and from only 15mm to 4∼22mm in 64QAM.

  • Subarray-Processing Iterative SISO Multi-User Detection and Multi-Beam Directivity Control for Large-Scale Antenna Array in Quasi-Millimeter-Wave SDMA Systems

    Masaaki FUJII  Ji-Yun SEOL  TaeYoung KIM  JaeWeon CHO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:10

    A subarray signal processing scheme is described for a large-scale two-dimensional analog-digital hybrid beamformer to be used in quasi-millimeter-wave-band mobile communication systems. Multiple analog phased arrays direct their respective beams to multiple users, enabling space-division multiple access (SDMA). An iterative soft-input soft-output (SISO) multi-user detector recovers multi-user signals from subarray output signals corrupted by inter-user interference (IUI). In addition, a phased-array directivity control algorithm is derived based on inter-subarray signal phase-difference estimation from inter-beam-interference (IBI)-cancelled subarray output signals. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed scheme achieves reduced hardware complexity, IUI-resistant multi-user signal detection, and IBI-resistant multi-user-tracking phased-array directivity control.

  • Radiation Properties of a Linearly Polarized Radial Line MSA Array with Stacked Circular Patch Elements

    Yuki KIMURA  Sakuyoshi SAITO  Yuichi KIMURA  


    E96-B No:10

    This paper presents design and radiation properties of a radial line microstrip antenna array (RL-MSAA) for linear polarization. A stacked circular microstrip antenna (C-MSA) is used as a radiation element for the RL-MSAA. Radiation phase of the stacked C-MSA is controlled by tuning radii of the lower and upper patches, therefore, the desired phase distribution of the RL-MSAA can be designed. In this paper, a linearly polarized RL-MSAA with three concentric rows of the stacked C-MSAs at a spacing of 0.65 wavelengths for uniform aperture distribution is designed and tested in 12GHz. The experimental results reveal that validity of the linearly polarized RL-MSAA with the stacked C-MSAs for radiation phase control is demonstrated.

  • New Construction of Symmetric Orthogonal Arrays of Strength t

    Jiao DU  Qiaoyan WEN  Jie ZHANG  Xin LIAO  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E96-A No:9

    Orthogonal arrays have important applications in statistics and computer science, as well as in coding theory. In this letter, a new construction method of symmetric orthogonal arrays of strength t is proposed, which is a concatenation of two orthogonal partitions according to a latin square. As far as we know, this is a new construction of symmetric orthogonal arrays of strength t, where t is a given integer. Based on the different latin squares, we also study the enumeration problem of orthogonal partitions, and a lower bound on the count of orthogonal partitions is derived.

  • Detection of the Number of Signals with Fewer Sensors than Sources

    Masashi TSUJI  Kenta UMEBAYASHI  Yasuo SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E96-B No:9

    In this paper, a method is introduced that can detect the number of incident signals (NIS) even there are fewer antennas than NIS. Previous works on NIS detection methods assumed that the number of antennas always exceeded NIS. In the DOA estimation field, the DOA estimation is possible, even if NIS exceeds the number of antennas, by extending the degrees of freedom of array (DOFA) using a modified array configuration, such as a nested array (NA). The information of NIS is required in advance to accurately estimate DOA, however, it has not been investigated deeply when NIS is larger than the number of antennas. In this paper, a NIS detection method based on the DOFA extending process using NA is proposed. One of the important issues in NIS detection is the detection metric. As one of the simple metrics, the ratio of adjacent eigenvalues (RAE) has been used. However, the direct application of RAE may not achieve adequate NIS detection performance. Therefore, we propose a metric based on the modified ratio of adjacent eigenvalues (MRAE) avoids the issue of RAE. Numerical results show that the metric based on MRAE can achieve proper NIS detection performance even if NIS is larger than the number of antennas.

  • An Estimation Method of Sound Source Orientation Using Eigenspace Variation of Spatial Correlation Matrix

    Kenta NIWA  Yusuke HIOKA  Sumitaka SAKAUCHI  Ken'ichi FURUYA  Yoichi HANEDA  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E96-A No:9

    A method to estimate sound source orientation in a reverberant room using a microphone array is proposed. We extend the conventional modeling of a room transfer function based on the image method in order to take into account the directivity of a sound source. With this extension, a transfer function between a sound source and a listener (or a microphone) is described by the superposition of transfer functions from each image source to the listener multiplied by the source directivity; thus, the sound source orientation can be estimated by analyzing how the image sources are distributed (power distribution of image sources) from observed signals. We applied eigenvalue analysis to the spatial correlation matrix of the microphone array observation to obtain the power distribution of image sources. Bsed on the assumption that the spatial correlation matrix for each set of source position and orientation is known a priori, the variation of the eigenspace can be modeled. By comparing the eigenspace of observed signals and that of pre-learned models, we estimated the sound source orientation. Through experiments using seven microphones, the sound source orientation was estimated with high accuracy by increasing the reverberation time of a room.

  • Generation of Controllable Heating Patterns for Interstitial Microwave Hyperthermia by Coaxial-Dipole Antennas

    Kazuyuki SAITO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E96-C No:9

    Hyperthermia is one of the modalities for cancer treatment, utilizing the difference of thermal sensitivity between tumor and normal tissue. Interstitial microwave hyperthermia is one of the heating schemes and it is applied to a localized tumor. In the treatments, heating pattern control around antennas are important, especially for the treatment in and around critical organs. This paper introduces a coaxial-dipole antenna, which is one of the thin microwave antennas and can generate a controllable heating pattern. Moreover, generations of an arbitrary shape heating patterns by an array applicator composed of four coaxial-dipole antennas are described.

  • Selective Check of Data-Path for Effective Fault Tolerance

    Tanvir AHMED  Jun YAO  Yuko HARA-AZUMI  Shigeru YAMASHITA  Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA  

    PAPER-Design Methodology

    E96-D No:8

    Nowadays, fault tolerance has been playing a progressively important role in covering increasing soft/hard error rates in electronic devices that accompany the advances of process technologies. Research shows that wear-out faults have a gradual onset, starting with a timing fault and then eventually leading to a permanent fault. Error detection is thus a required function to maintain execution correctness. Currently, however, many highly dependable methods to cover permanent faults are commonly over-designed by using very frequent checking, due to lack of awareness of the fault possibility in circuits used for the pending executions. In this research, to address the over-checking problem, we introduce a metric for permanent defects, as operation defective probability (ODP), to quantitatively instruct the check operations being placed only at critical positions. By using this selective checking approach, we can achieve a near-100% dependability by having about 53% less check operations, as compared to the ideal reliable method, which performs exhaustive checks to guarantee a zero-error propagation. By this means, we are able to reduce 21.7% power consumption by avoiding the non-critical checking inside the over-designed approach.

  • Parallelism Analysis of H.264 Decoder and Realization on a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable SoC

    Gugang GAO  Peng CAO  Jun YANG  Longxing SHI  


    E96-D No:8

    One of the largest challenges for coarse-grained reconfigurable arrays (CGRAs) is how to efficiently map applications. The key issues for mapping are (1) how to reduce the memory bandwidth, (2) how to exploit parallelism in algorithms and (3) how to achieve load balancing and take full advantage of the hardware potential. In this paper, we propose a novel parallelism scheme, called ‘Hybrid partitioning’, for mapping a H.264 high definition (HD) decoder onto REMUS-II, a CGRA system-on-chip (SoC). Combining good features of data partitioning and task partitioning, our methodology mainly consists of three levels from top to bottom: (1) hybrid task pipeline based on slice and macroblock (MB) level; (2) MB row-level data parallelism; (3) sub-MB level parallelism method. Further, on the sub-MB level, we propose a few mapping strategies such as hybrid variable block size motion compensation (Hybrid VBSMC) for MC, 2D-wave for intra 44, parallel processing order for deblocking. With our mapping strategies, we improved the algorithm's performance on REMUS-II. For example, with a luma 1616 MB, the Hybrid VBSMC achieves 4 times greater performance than VBSMC and 2.2 times greater performance than fixed 44 partition approach. Finally, we achieve 1080p@33fps H.264 high-profile (HiP)@level 4.1 decoding when the working frequency of REMUS-II is 200 MHz. Compared with typical hardware platforms, we can achieve better performance, area, and flexibility. For example, our performance achieves approximately 175% improvement than that of a commercial CGRA processor XPP-III while only using 70% of its area.

  • Design for Delay Measurement Aimed at Detecting Small Delay Defects on Global Routing Resources in FPGA

    Kazuteru NAMBA  Nobuhide TAKASHINA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Test and Verification

    E96-D No:8

    Small delay defects can cause serious issues such as very short lifetime in the recent VLSI devices. Delay measurement is useful to detect small delay defects in manufacturing testing. This paper presents a design for delay measurement to detect small delay defects on global routing resources, such as double, hex and long lines, in a Xilinx Virtex 4 based FPGA. This paper also shows a measurement method using the proposed design. The proposed measurement method is based on an existing one for SoC using delay value measurement circuit (DVMC). The proposed measurement modifies the construction of configurable logic blocks (CLBs) and utilizes an on-chip DVMC newly added. The number of configurations required by the proposed measurement is 60, which is comparable to that required by stuck-at fault testing for global routing resources in FPGAs. The area overhead is low for general FPGAs, in which the area of routing resources is much larger than that of the other elements such as CLBs. The area of every modified CLB is 7% larger than an original CLB, and the area of the on-chip DVMC is 22% as large as that of an original CLB. For recent FPGAs, we can estimate that the area overhead is approximately 2% or less of the FPGAs.

  • Non-iterative Algorithm of MIMO Adaptive Array Based on Correlation Matrix Including Parasitic Antennas

    Naoki HONMA  Kentaro NISHIMORI  Takefumi HIRAGURI  Yoshitaka TSUNEKAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E96-B No:7

    Parasitic antenna elements with tunable terminations can be used for interference suppression in multi-antenna systems without using the degrees of freedom. The authors have proposed a fast non-iterative algorithm for optimizing the termination conditions. However, this method cannot be used for suppressing the interference from unknown systems since it requires the channel state information. In this paper, a fast non-iterative algorithm based on the correlation matrix, which can be obtained even from unknown interference sources, is proposed for the multi-antenna system with parasitic antenna elements. The correlation matrix including both receiving and parasitic antennas can be estimated from a few observations of the signals even without receiving signals at the parasitic antenna. By using this correlation matrix, the power of the interference with the arbitrary termination conditions can be easily estimated. Therefore, the termination condition, which minimizes the interference power, can be calculated without knowledge of the channel state information or additional estimations. The results of a numerical analysis indicate that proposed method works well in suppressing the interference without the perfect channel state information.

  • Bistatic Ocean Wave Remote Sensing System by GPS

    Jian CUI  Nobuyoshi KOUGUCHI  


    E96-B No:6

    This paper presents a bistatic remote sensing system to efficiently estimate the characteristics of sea swell near a harbor by receiving and processing global navigation satellite system signals transmitted in line-of-sight channels and fading multipath channels. The new system is designed to measure and monitor sea swell to improve the safety of mooring and navigation services in or around harbors, and long-term measurement also will provide valuable hydrologic data for harbor construction or reconstruction. The system uses two sets of antennas. One is a conventional antenna to receive line-of-sight signal and mitigate the disturbances from multiple propagation paths, and the other is a left hand circular polarization arrayed antenna to receive reflected signals from sea-surface. In particular, a wide bandwidth RF/IF front-end is designed to process reflected signals with high sampling frequency. A software receiver is developed to provide information from satellites and line-of-sight signals, and a wave characteristic estimator is also developed to process reflected signals. More specifically, correlators and Teager-Kaiser energy operator are combined to detect and depict reflected signals. Wave propagation of sea swell can be accurately mapped using intensity and relative time delays of reflected signals. The operational performance of the remote sensing system was also evaluated by numerical simulations. The results confirm that wavelength and wave period can be measured precisely by the proposed bistatic ocean wave remote sensing system.

  • Interference Rejection Characteristics by Adaptive Array at User Equipment Using Measured K-Factor in Heterogeneous Networks

    Kentaro NISHIMORI  Keisuke KUSUMI  Misaki HORIO  Koshiro KITAO  Tetsuro IMAI  


    E96-B No:6

    In LTE-Advanced heterogeneous networks, a typical cell layout to enhance frequency utilization is to incorporate picocells and femtocells in a macrocell. However, the co-channel interference between the marcocell and picocell/femtocell is an important issue when the same frequency band is used between these systems. We have already clarified how the interference from the femto(macro) cell affects on the macro(femto) cell. In this paper, we evaluate the interference rejection characteristics by an adaptive array with user equipment (UE). The characteristics are evaluated based on the K-factor used in the Nakagami-Race Fading model and the spatial correlation that is obtained in an actual outdoor environment. It is shown that a two-element adaptive array at the macro UE (M-UE) can sufficiently reduce the interference from the femto base station (F-BS) to the M-UE even if the number of total signals exceeds the degrees of freedom of the array.
