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[Keyword] DR(1315hit)


  • A Temperature- and Supply-Insensitive Fully On-Chip 1 Gb/s CMOS Open-Drain Output Driver for High-Bandwidth DRAMs

    Young-Hee KIM  Jong-Doo JOO  Jae-Kyung WEE  Jin-Yong CHUNG  Young-Soo SOHN  Hong-June PARK  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E85-C No:1

    A fully on-chip open-drain CMOS output driver was designed for high bandwidth DRAMs, such that its output voltage swing was insensitive to the variations of temperature and supply voltage. An auto refresh signal was used to update the contents of the current control register, which determined the transistors to be turned-on among the six binary-weighted transistors of an output driver. Because the auto refresh signal is available in DRAM chips, the output driver of this work does not require any external signals to update the current control register. During the time interval while the update is in progress, a negative feedback loop is formed to maintain the low level output voltage (VOL) to be equal to the reference voltage (VOL.ref) which is generated by a low-voltage bandgap reference circuit. Test results showed the successful operation at the data rate up to 1 Gb/s. The worst-case variations of VOL.ref and VOL of the proposed output driver were measured to be 2.5% and 7.5% respectively within a temperature range of 20 to 90 and a supply voltage range of 2.25 V to 2.75 V, while the worst-case variation of VOL of the conventional output driver was measured to be 24% within the same ranges of temperature and supply voltage.

  • High Resolution Long Array Thermal Ink Jet Printhead with On-Chip LSI Heater Plate and Micromachined Si Channel Plate

    Michiaki MURATA  Masaki KATAOKA  Regan NAYVE  Atsushi FUKUGAWA  Yoshihisa UEDA  Tohru MIHARA  Masahiko FUJII  Toshimichi IWAMORI  


    E84-C No:12

    This paper presents a high resolution long array thermal ink jet (TIJ) printhead which has been developed and demonstrated to operate successfully by combining two functional Si wafers, a bubble generating heater plate fabricated using LSI process and a channel plate fabricated using Si bulk micromachining technology. The heater plate consists of logic LSIs, high voltage MOS transistor, polycrystalline Si (Poly Si) heating resistor and polyimide protective layer. The polymide layer is patterned by O2 plasma reactive ion etching (RIE) and is applicable to high resolution heater array. The Si channel plate consists of an ink chamber and an ink inlet formed by KOH etching, and a nozzle formed by inductively coupled plasma RIE (ICP RIE). The nozzle formed by RIE has squeezed structures which contribute to high energy efficiency of drop ejector and therefore successful ejection of small ink drop. These two wafers are directly bonded by using a novel electrostatic bonding of full-cured polyimide to Si. The adhesive-less bonding provided an ideal shaped small nozzle orifice. And also, the bonding method enabled to use an on-chip LSI wafer because of the contamination free material and the suitable processing conditions (low temperature). The bonded wafer is diced to form printhead chip. No delamination or displacement of the chip was observed even though the chip was subjected to thermal stress during assembly process. This is because of no difference in thermal expansion coefficient between both chips (Si and Si). And therefore it is suitable for long chip concept. With the above technologies, we have fabricated a 1.3" long printhead with 1024 nozzles having a 800 dots per inch (dpi) resolution, a 2.7 pl. ink drop volume, 14 m/sec. ink drop velocity and 18 kHz jetting frequency. And we have confirmed high speed printing and high quality printing.

  • Adaptive Detection for CDMA Multipath Signal Based on Signature Waveform Tracking

    Wei-Chiang WU  Jiang-Whai DAI  


    E84-A No:12

    This paper aims to provide a robust multiuser detection structure that adaptively tracks signature waveform distortion for CDMA multipath signals. In practical wireless environment, multipath fading leads to signature waveform distortion that severely degrades the performance of the linear multiuser detectors (LMDs) designed by exploiting the original signature waveform. In what follows, an iterative algorithm is proposed to track the signature waveform perturbation. The rationale of adaptive processing is based on the subspace method and the Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) beamforming concept. Performance evaluation reveals that the proposed adaptive multiuser detection structure reduces the impact of signature waveform perturbation on the performance of the LMDs to a great extent. Moreover, the proposed iterative algorithm is near-far resistant since both the subspace method and the MVDR beamforming technique are energy independent to the interferers.

  • Proposal of Hierarchical Mobile IP Supporting Private Addresses Utilizing NAT Function and Its Implementation on UNIX Operating System

    Akira IDOUE  Hidetoshi YOKOTA  Toshihiko KATO  

    PAPER-Mobile Service and Technologies

    E84-B No:12

    It is widely recognized that IP-based mobile network will be a dominant trend. For mobile IP networks, the address starvation problem and scalable mobility management for mobile nodes are important issues. In order to cope with these issues, we propose an approach to realize mobile IP network supporting private addresses for mobile nodes. Our approach introduces regional registration of mobile nodes (Hierarchical Mobile IPv4) and coordinates NAT and DNS functions with the Mobile IP protocol. It enables a mobile node to be assigned a global address temporally in a visited network and to accept a call initiated by a correspondent node connected to the global IP network. This paper describes the detailed design of our approach and the implementation of proposed procedures based on the Mobile IPv4 software developed by the CMU Monarch project.

  • Response Time Improvement of OCB Mode TFT-LCDs by Using Capacitively Coupled Driving Method

    Kenji NAKAO  Shoichi ISHIHARA  Yoshinori TANAKA  Daiichi SUZUKI  Ichirou SATOU  Tsuyoshi UEMURA  Keisuke TSUDA  Noriyuki KIZU  Junichi KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Active Matrix Displays

    E84-C No:11

    We have developed a super-fast response OCB (Optically self-Compensated Birefringence) mode TFT-LCD by using capacitively coupled driving method (CC driving method). Response time with this driving method has been improved by the twice or more compared with that of a conventionally driven TFT-LCD. Even at a low temperature, 0 degree, this panel can response within one field time, 16.7 ms, between every gray scale levels. We developed a prototype OCB mode LCD with newly designed compensation films, that achieved a wide viewing angle characteristic of 160 degrees horizontally and 140 degrees vertically under the condition of that the contrast ratio exceeds 10:1.

  • A Study on a Priming Effect in AC-PDPs and Its Application to Low Voltage and High Speed Addressing

    Makoto ISHII  Tomokazu SHIGA  Kiyoshi IGARASHI  Shigeo MIKOSHIBA  

    PAPER-Plasma Displays

    E84-C No:11

    A priming effect is studied for a three-electrode, surface-discharge AC-PDP, which has stripe barrier ribs of 0.22 mm pitch. It was found that by keeping the interval between the reset and address pulses within 24 µs, the data pulse voltage can be reduced while the data pulse width can be narrowed due to the priming effect. By adopting the primed addressing technique to the PDP, the data pulse voltage was reduced to 20 V when the data and scan pulse widths were 1 µs. Alternatively, the data pulse width could be narrowed to 0.33 µs when the data pulse voltage was 56 V. 69% of the TV field time could be assigned for the display periods with 12 sub-fields, assuring high luminance display.

  • Hydrogen Degradation of InP HEMTs and GaAs PHEMTs

    Jesus A. del ALAMO  Roxann R. BLANCHARD  Samuel D. MERTENS  

    INVITED PAPER-Hetero-FETs & Their Integrated Circuits

    E84-C No:10

    We have carried out a systematic study of the impact of hydrogen exposure on InP HEMTs and GaAs PHEMTs with Ti/Pt/Au gates. Hydrogen poisoning is an important reliability concern in these devices. Our work has provided ample evidence supporting the formation of TiH inside the gate structure upon exposure of HEMTs to a hydrogen environment. The resulting volume expansion of the gate stresses the semiconductor heterostructure underneath and, through the piezoelectric effect, results in a shift of the threshold voltage of the device. This mechanism is largely reversible. Independently of this, we have found that H2 upsets the stoichiometry of the exposed InAlAs barrier in the recessed region right next to the gate. This irreversebly changes the extrinsic sheet carrier concentration in the channel and affects other figures of merit such as the breakdown voltage. This understanding should be instrumental in identifying device-level solutions to this problem.

  • An Approach to Slicing Widget-Based Event-Driven Programs and Its Implementation

    Xinjun ZHANG  Takao SHIMOMURA  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E84-D No:10

    In program slicing, widget-based event-driven programs are different from conventional programs because of their particular features of object construction infrastructure and event-driven mechanism and asynchronous access of global variables. Therefore conventional slicing techniques cannot be applied to widget-based event-driven programs. To solve this problem, this paper first introduces a set of representing schemes including an object construction tree, an object dependence table, a global variable dependence table and an event-driven program dependence graph, then defines a WbEd slicing criterion through combining three kinds of slicing criteria: instruction criterion, event-loop criterion and obj-attr criterion. And a slicing method is developed based on these slicing criteria. Eventually a widget-based event-driven program slicer wbedSlicer is illustrated to verify the efficiency and correctness of the slicing approach.

  • GaN-Based Gunn Diodes: Their Frequency and Power Performance and Experimental Considerations

    Egor ALEKSEEV  Dimitris PAVLIDIS  William Earl SUTTON  Edwin PINER  Joan REDWING  

    PAPER-Novel Electron Devices

    E84-C No:10

    Theoretical and experimental aspects of GaN-based Gunn diodes are reviewed. Since the threshold field for Gunn effect in GaN (FTH>150 kV/cm) is reported to be much higher than in GaAs (FTH=3.5 kV/cm), the active layer of GaN-based devices can be made thinner (<3 µm) and doped higher (>1017 cm-3) than in conventional Gunn diodes. Consequently, GaN-based devices are expected to offer increased frequency and power capabilities. The advantages of GaN are demonstrated with the help of large-signal simulations of GaN and GaAs Gunn diodes. The simulations revealed that GaN diodes can be operated at a higher frequency (up to 760 GHz vs. 100 GHz) and with larger output power density (105 W/cm2 vs. 103 W/cm2) than GaAs diodes. Epitaxial layers of n+/n-/n+ GaN (1019 cm-3/1017 cm-3/1019 cm-3) designed for millimeter-wave operation were grown using MOCVD on SiC substrates. GaN Gunn diodes with 4 µm-thick active layers were fabricated using specially developed dry etching techniques. The RIE was optimized to allow deep low-damage etching and allowed reduction of contact resistivity of etched layers (RC10-6 Ωcm2). GaN diodes fabricated on SiC substrates with high thermal conductivity were tested on-wafer and demonstrated high voltage and current capability (60 V and 2.5 A). High frequency testing of these devices requires proper dicing, mounting on efficient heatsinks, and connection to appropriate oscillator cavities.

  • Cylindrical Multi-Sector Antenna with Self-Selecting Switching Circuit

    Tomohiro SEKI  Toshikazu HORI  

    PAPER-Millimeter-Wave Antennas

    E84-B No:9

    Sector antennas provide many advantages such as when combined with a narrow beam antenna, they become particularly effective in achieving high-speed wireless communication systems and they aid in simplifying the structure. These antennas have a drawback in that as the number of sectors increases, the antenna size rapidly increases. Therefore, downsizing the sector antenna has become a major research topic. A promising candidate is utilizing a phased-array type antenna; however, this antenna requires a phase-shifter circuit for beam scanning and generally the feeding circuit for this type of antenna is very complicated. To address these issues, we propose a self-selecting feeding circuit that is controlled by the same control circuit and is operated similarly to the conventional single port n-th throw (SPNT) switch. We fabricated a small cylindrical 12-sector antenna at 19 GHz employing the proposed feeding circuit for verification purposes. Furthermore, this paper clarifies the design method of this feeding circuit where the antenna diameter is 71 mm, and the results clearly show that the gain is more than 12 dBi.

  • Controller Synthesis for Feedback Systems with Saturation: An LPV-Based Approach

    Yasuyuki TOMIDA  Kiyotsugu TAKABA  

    PAPER-Circuits & Systems

    E84-A No:9

    This paper is concerned with the controller synthesis for feedback systems with saturation based on the LPV system representation. The LPV system representation, combined with use of the detailed structure of saturation nonlinearity, enables us to reduce the conservativeness. In this paper, we develop a new iterative algorithm for designing a linear time-invariant controller which locally stabilizes the nonlinear closed-loop system and achieves the prescribed quadratic control performance. The present design method provides an explicit expression for a guaranteed domain of attraction, and maximizes the estimated region of the plant states for which the stability and the prescribed quadratic performance are satisfied. A numerical example shows the effectiveness of the present design method.

  • Numerical Calculation of Cylindrical Functions in the Transitional Regions Using Asymptotic Series

    Mohd Abdur RASHID  Masao KODAMA  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E84-A No:9

    There are so many methods of calculating the cylindrical function Zν(x), but it seems that there is no method of calculating Zν(x) in the region of νx and |ν|»1 with high accuracy. The asymptotic series presented by Watson, et al. are frequently used for the numerical calculation of cylindrical function Zν(x) where νx and |ν|»1. However, the function Bm(εx) included in the m'th term of the asymptotic series is known only for m5. Hence, the asymptotic series can not give sufficiently accurate values of the cylindrical functions. The authors attempt to develop programs for the numerical calculation of the cylindrical functions using this asymptotic series. For this purpose, we must know the function Bm(εx) of arbitrary m. We developed a method of calculating Bm(εx) for arbitrary m, and then succeeded in calculating the cylindrical functions in the region νx with high precision.

  • A Simple Expression of Maximum SSN for CMOS Ground Distribution Networks

    Jong-Humn BAEK  Seok-Yoon KIM  

    LETTER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E84-C No:9

    We derive an efficient and simple analytical expression for estimating maximum simultaneous switching noise (SSN) on ground distribution networks in CMOS systems. In order to estimate maximum SSN voltages, we use α-power law MOS model and Taylor's series approximation. The accuracy of the proposed expression is verified by comparing the results with those of previous researches and HSPICE simulations under the contemporary process parameters and environmental conditions. The proposed method predicts the maximum SSN values more accurately when compared to existing approaches even in most practical cases such that there exist some output drivers not in transition.

  • Code Optimization Technique for Indirect Addressing DSPs with Consideration in Local Computational Order and Memory Allocation

    Nobuhiko SUGINO  Akinori NISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Implementations of Signal Processing Systems

    E84-A No:8

    Digital signal processors (DSPs) usually employ indirect addressing using address registers (ARs) to indicate their memory addresses, which often introduces overhead codes in AR updates for next memory accesses. Reduction of such overhead code is one of the important issues in automatic generation of highly-efficient DSP codes. In this paper, a new automatic address allocation method incorpolated with computational order rearrangement at local commutative parts is proposed. The method formulates a given memory access sequence by a graph representation, where several strategies to handle freedom in memory access orders at the computational commutative parts are introduced and examined. A compiler scheme is also extended such that computational order at the commutative parts is rearranged according to the derived memory allocation. The proposed methods are applied to an existing DSP compiler for µPD77230(NEC), and codes generated for several examples are compared with memory allocations by the conventional methods.

  • Detection of Nonlinearly Distorted M-ary QAM Signals Using Self-Organizing Map

    Xiaoqiu WANG  Hua LIN  Jianming LU  Takashi YAHAGI  

    PAPER-Applications of Signal Processing

    E84-A No:8

    Detection of nonlinearly distorted signals is an essential problem in telecommunications. Recently, neural network combined conventional equalizer has been used to improve the performance especially in compensating for nonlinear distortions. In this paper, the self-organizing map (SOM) combined with the conventional symbol-by-symbol detector is used as an adaptive detector after the output of the decision feedback equalizer (DFE), which updates the decision levels to follow up the nonlinear distortions. In the proposed scheme, we use the box distance to define the neighborhood of the winning neuron of the SOM algorithm. The error performance has been investigated in both 16 QAM and 64 QAM systems with nonlinear distortions. Simulation results have shown that the system performance is remarkably improved by using SOM detector compared with the conventional DFE scheme.

  • Stochastic Model of Internet Access Patterns

    Masaki AIDA  Tetsuya ABE  

    PAPER-Traffic Measurement and Analysis

    E84-B No:8

    This paper investigates the stochastic property of the packet destinations and proposes an address generation algorithm which is applicable for describing various Internet access patterns. We assume that a stochastic process of Internet access satisfies the stationary condition and derive the fundamental structure of the address generation algorithm. Pseudo IP-address sequence generated from our algorithm gives dependable cache performance and reproduces the results obtained from trace-driven simulation. The proposed algorithm is applicable not only to the destination IP address but also to the destination URLs of packets, and is useful for simulation studies of Internet performance, Web caching, DNS, and so on.

  • Efficient Power Management Policy in Bluetooth

    Kyunghun JANG  Tae-Jin LEE  Hyunsook KANG  Jonghun PARK  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E84-B No:8

    In Master-driven TDD based Bluetooth, active Slaves should always listen in the Master-Slave slots because a Slave can transmit packets only after the master polls the Slave. This paper proposes an efficient power management policy to minimize the receiving power which is unnecessarily wasted in Bluetooth. The proposed policy is not controlled by LM (Link manager) protocol, does not need the information about Master-Slave buffers, and guarantees that Slave is in a receive state at Master's polling time. Therefore, there is no degradation of throughput by the proposed policy. The mathematical analysis is carried out in order to investigate our proposed policy. The numerical results show that the proposed policy significantly reduces power consumption over the nave Bluetooth specification.

  • Effects of Source and Load Impedance on the Intermodulation Distortion Products of GaAs FETs

    Kwang-Ho AHN  Soong-Hak LEE  Yoon-Ha JEONG  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E84-C No:8

    The linearity of the GaAs Field Effect Transistor (FET) power amplifier is greatly influenced by the nonlinear characteristics of gate-source capacitance (Cgs) and drain-source current (Ids) for the FETs. However, previously suggested analysis methods of GaAs FET non-linearity are mainly focused on the investigations by each individual non-linear component (Cgs or Ids) without considering both non-linear effects. We analyze more accurately the non-linearity of GaAs FETs by considering non-linear effects of Cgs and Ids simultaneously. We also investigate the third-order intermodulation distortion (IMD3) of the GaAs FET in relation to source and load impedances that minimize FET non-linearities. From the simulation results by Volterra-series technique, we show that the least IMD3 is found at the minimum source resistance (RS) and maximum load resistance (RL) in the equivalent output power (Pout) contour. Simulated results are compared with the load and source pull data, with good agreement.

  • A Robust Speaker Identification System Based on Wavelet Transform

    Ching-Tang HSIEH  You-Chuang WANG  


    E84-D No:7

    A new approach for extracting significant characteristic within speech signal for distinct speaker is presented. Based on the multiresolution property of wavelet transform, quadrature mirror filters (QMFs) derived by Daubechies is used to decompose the input signal into varied frequency channels. Owning to the uncorrelation property of each resolution derived from QMFs, Linear Predict Coding Cepstrum (LPCC) of lower frequency region and entropy information of higher frequency region for each decomposition process are calculated as the speech feature vectors. In addition, a hard thresholding technique for lower resolution in each decomposition process is also used to remove the effect of noise interference. The experimental result shows that by using this mechanism, not only effectively reduce the effect of noise inference but improve the recognition rate. The proposed feature extraction algorithm is evaluated on MAT telephone speech database for Text-Independent speaker identification using vector quantization (VQ). Some popular existing methods are also evaluated for comparison in this paper. Experimental results show that the performance of the proposed method is more effective and robust than that of the other existing methods. For 80 speakers and 2 seconds utterance, the identification rate is 98.52%. In addition, the performance of our method is very satisfactory even at low SNR.

  • A High-Endurance Read/Write Scheme for Half-Vcc Plate Nonvolatile DRAMs with Ferroelectric Capacitors

    Hiroki FUJISAWA  Takeshi SAKATA  Tomonori SEKIGUCHI  Kazuyoshi TORII  Katsutaka KIMURA  Kazuhiko KAJIGAYA  


    E84-C No:6

    A small data-line-swing read/write scheme is described for half-Vcc plate nonvolatile DRAMs with ferroelectric capacitors designed to achieve high reliability for read/write operations. In this scheme, the normal read/write operation holds the data as a charge with a small data-line-swing, and the store operation provides sufficient polarization with a full data-line-swing. This scheme enables high read/write endurance, because the small data-line-swing reduces the fatigue of the ferroelectric capacitor. Two circuit technologies are used in this scheme to increase the operating margin. The first is a plate voltage control technique that solves the polarization retention problem of half-Vcc plate nonvolatile DRAM technologies. The second is a doubled data-line-capacitance recall technique that connects two data lines to a cell and enlarges the readout signal compared to normal operation, when only one data line is connected to a cell. These techniques and circuits improve the write-cycle endurance by almost three orders of magnitude, while reducing the array power consumption during read/write operations to one-third that of conventional nonvolatile DRAMs.
