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  • CPNet: Covariance-Improved Prototype Network for Limited Samples Masked Face Recognition Using Few-Shot Learning Open Access

    Sendren Sheng-Dong XU  Albertus Andrie CHRISTIAN  Chien-Peng HO  Shun-Long WENG  


    E107-A No:8

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, a robust system for masked face recognition has been required. Most existing solutions used many samples per identity for the model to recognize, but the processes involved are very laborious in a real-life scenario. Therefore, we propose “CPNet” as a suitable and reliable way of recognizing masked faces from only a few samples per identity. The prototype classifier uses a few-shot learning paradigm to perform the recognition process. To handle complex and occluded facial features, we incorporated the covariance structure of the classes to refine the class distance calculation. We also used sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) to improve the classifier. Extensive in-depth experiments on a variety of datasets show that our method achieves remarkable results with accuracy as high as 95.3%, which is 3.4% higher than that of the baseline prototype network used for comparison.

  • RIS-Assisted MIMO OFDM Dual-Function Radar-Communication Based on Mutual Information Optimization Open Access

    Nihad A. A. ELHAG  Liang LIU  Ping WEI  Hongshu LIAO  Lin GAO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E107-A No:8

    The concept of dual function radar-communication (DFRC) provides solution to the problem of spectrum scarcity. This paper examines a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) DFRC system with the assistance of a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS). The system is capable of sensing multiple spatial directions while serving multiple users via orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). The objective of this study is to design the radiated waveforms and receive filters utilized by both the radar and users. The mutual information (MI) is used as an objective function, on average transmit power, for multiple targets while adhering to constraints on power leakage in specific directions and maintaining each user’s error rate. To address this problem, we propose an optimal solution based on a computational genetic algorithm (GA) using bisection method. The performance of the solution is demonstrated by numerical examples and it is shown that, our proposed algorithm can achieve optimum MI and the use of RIS with the MIMO DFRC system improving the system performance.

  • Constructions of 2-Correlation Immune Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions Open Access

    Jiao DU  Ziwei ZHAO  Shaojing FU  Longjiang QU  Chao LI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E107-A No:8

    In this paper, we first recall the concept of 2-tuples distribution matrix, and further study its properties. Based on these properties, we find four special classes of 2-tuples distribution matrices. Then, we provide a new sufficient and necessary condition for n-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions to be 2-correlation immune. Finally, we give a new method for constructing such functions when n=4t - 1 is prime, and we show an illustrative example.

  • Feistel Ciphers Based on a Single Primitive Open Access

    Kento TSUJI  Tetsu IWATA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E107-A No:8

    We consider Feistel ciphers instantiated with tweakable block ciphers (TBCs) and ideal ciphers (ICs). The indistinguishability security of the TBC-based Feistel cipher is known, and the indifferentiability security of the IC-based Feistel cipher is also known, where independently keyed TBCs and independent ICs are assumed. In this paper, we analyze the security of a single-keyed TBC-based Feistel cipher and a single IC-based Feistel cipher. We characterize the security depending on the number of rounds. More precisely, we cover the case of contracting Feistel ciphers that have d ≥ 2 lines, and the results on Feistel ciphers are obtained as a special case by setting d = 2. Our indistinguishability security analysis shows that it is provably secure with d + 1 rounds. Our indifferentiability result shows that, regardless of the number of rounds, it cannot be secure. Our attacks are a type of a slide attack, and we consider a structure that uses a round constant, which is a well-known countermeasure against slide attacks. We show an indifferentiability attack for the case d = 2 and 3 rounds.

  • Accurate False-Positive Probability of Multiset-Based Demirci-Selçuk Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks Open Access

    Dongjae LEE  Deukjo HONG  Jaechul SUNG  Seokhie HONG  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E107-A No:8

    In this study, we focus on evaluating the false-positive probability of the Demirci-Selçuk meet-in-the-middle attack, particularly within the context of configuring precomputed tables with multisets. During the attack, the adversary effectively reduces the size of the key space by filtering out the wrong keys, subsequently recovering the master key from the reduced key space. The false-positive probability is defined as the probability that a wrong key will pass through the filtering process. Due to its direct impact on the post-filtering key space size, the false-positive probability is an important factor that influences the complexity and feasibility of the attack. However, despite its significance, the false-positive probability of the multiset-based Demirci-Selçuk meet-in-the-middle attack has not been thoroughly discussed, to the best of our knowledge. We generalize the Demirci-Selçuk meet-in-the-middle attack and present a sophisticated method for accurately calculating the false-positive probability. We validate our methodology through toy experiments, demonstrating its high precision. Additionally, we propose a method to optimize an attack by determining the optimal format of precomputed data, which requires the precise false-positive probability. Applying our approach to previous attacks on AES and ARIA, we have achieved modest improvements. Specifically, we enhance the memory complexity and time complexity of the offline phase of previous attacks on 7-round AES-128/192/256, 7-round ARIA-192/256, and 8-round ARIA-256 by factors ranging from 20.56 to 23. Additionally, we have improved the overall time complexity of attacks on 7-round ARIA-192/256 by factors of 20.13 and 20.42, respectively.

  • New Classes of Permutation Quadrinomials Over 𝔽q3 Open Access

    Changhui CHEN  Haibin KAN  Jie PENG  Li WANG  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E107-A No:8

    Permutation polynomials have been studied for a long time and have important applications in cryptography, coding theory and combinatorial designs. In this paper, by means of the multivariate method and the resultant, we propose four new classes of permutation quadrinomials over 𝔽q3, where q is a prime power. We also show that they are not quasi-multiplicative equivalent to known ones. Moreover, we compare their differential uniformity with that of some known classes of permutation trinomials for some small q.

  • SAT-Based Analysis of Related-Key Impossible Distinguishers on Piccolo and (Tweakable) TWINE Open Access

    Shion UTSUMI  Kosei SAKAMOTO  Takanori ISOBE  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E107-A No:8

    Lightweight block ciphers have gained attention in recent years due to the increasing demand for sensor nodes, RFID tags, and various applications. In such a situation, lightweight block ciphers Piccolo and TWINE have been proposed. Both Piccolo and TWINE are designed based on the Generalized Feistel Structure. However, it is crucial to address the potential vulnerability of these structures to the impossible differential attack. Therefore, detailed security evaluations against this attack are essential. This paper focuses on conducting bit-level evaluations of Piccolo and TWINE against related-key impossible differential attacks by leveraging SAT-aided approaches. We search for the longest distinguishers under the condition that the Hamming weight of the active bits of the input, which includes plaintext and master key differences, and output differences is set to 1, respectively. Additionally, for Tweakable TWINE, we search for the longest distinguishers under the related-tweak and related-tweak-key settings. The result for Piccolo with a 128-bit key, we identify the longest 16-round distinguishers for the first time. In addition, we also demonstrate the ability to extend these distinguishers to 17 rounds by taking into account the cancellation of the round key and plaintext difference. Regarding evaluations of TWINE with a 128-bit key, we search for the first time and reveal the distinguishers up to 19 rounds. For the search for Tweakable TWINE, we evaluate under the related-tweak-key setting for the first time and reveal the distinguishers up to 18 rounds for 80-bit key and 19 rounds for 128-bit key.

  • Privacy Preserving Function Evaluation Using Lookup Tables with Word-Wise FHE Open Access

    Ruixiao LI  Hayato YAMANA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E107-A No:8

    Homomorphic encryption (HE) is a promising approach for privacy-preserving applications, enabling a third party to assess functions on encrypted data. However, problems persist in implementing privacy-preserving applications through HE, including 1) long function evaluation latency and 2) limited HE primitives only allowing us to perform additions and multiplications. A homomorphic lookup-table (LUT) method has emerged to solve the above problems and enhance function evaluation efficiency. By leveraging homomorphic LUTs, intricate operations can be substituted. Previously proposed LUTs use bit-wise HE, such as TFHE, to evaluate single-input functions. However, the latency increases with the bit-length of the function’s input(s) and output. Additionally, an efficient implementation of multi-input functions remains an open question. This paper proposes a novel LUT-based privacy-preserving function evaluation method to handle multi-input functions while reducing the latency by adopting word-wise HE. Our optimization strategy adjusts table sizes to minimize the latency while preserving function output accuracy, especially for common machine-learning functions. Through our experimental evaluation utilizing the BFV scheme of the Microsoft SEAL library, we confirmed the runtime of arbitrary functions whose LUTs consist of all input-output combinations represented by given input bits: 1) single-input 12-bit functions in 0.14 s, 2) single-input 18-bit functions in 2.53 s, 3) two-input 6-bit functions in 0.17 s, and 4) three-input 4-bit functions in 0.20 s, employing four threads. Besides, we confirmed that our proposed table size optimization strategy worked well, achieving 1.2 times speed up with the same absolute error of order of magnitude of -4 (a × 10-4 where 1/$\sqrt{10}$ ≤ a < $\sqrt{10})$ for Swish and 1.9 times speed up for ReLU while decreasing the absolute error from order -2 to -4 compared to the baseline, i.e., polynomial approximation.

  • Analytical Model of Maximum Operating Frequency of Class-D ZVS Inverter with Linearized Parasitic Capacitance and any Duty Ratio Open Access

    Yi XIONG  Senanayake THILAK  Yu YONEZAWA  Jun IMAOKA  Masayoshi YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E107-A No:8

    This paper proposes an analytical model of maximum operating frequency of class-D zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) inverter. The model includes linearized drain-source parasitic capacitance and any duty ratio. The nonlinear drain-source parasitic capacitance is equally linearized through a charge-related equation. The model expresses the relationship among frequency, shunt capacitance, duty ratio, load impedance, output current phase, and DC input voltage under the ZVS condition. The analytical result shows that the maximum operating frequency under the ZVS condition can be obtained when the duty ratio, the output current phase, and the DC input voltage are set to optimal values. A 650 V/30 A SiC-MOSFET is utilized for both simulated and experimental verification, resulting in good consistency.

  • Controlling Chaotic Resonance with Extremely Local-Specific Feedback Signals Open Access

    Takahiro IINUMA  Yudai EBATO  Sou NOBUKAWA  Nobuhiko WAGATSUMA  Keiichiro INAGAKI  Hirotaka DOHO  Teruya YAMANISHI  Haruhiko NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E107-A No:8

    Stochastic resonance is a representative phenomenon in which the degree of synchronization with a weak input signal is enhanced using additive stochastic noise. In systems with multiple chaotic attractors, the chaos-chaos intermittent behavior in attractor-merging bifurcation induces chaotic resonance, which is similar to the stochastic resonance and has high sensitivity. However, controlling chaotic resonance is difficult because it requires adjusting the internal parameters from the outside. The reduced-region-of-orbit (RRO) method, which controls the attractor-merging bifurcation using an external feedback signal, is employed to overcome this issue. However, the lower perturbation of the feedback signal requires further improvement for engineering applications. This study proposed an RRO method with more sophisticated and less perturbed feedback signals, called the double-Gaussian-filtered RRO (DG-RRO) method. The inverse sign of the map function and double Gaussian filters were used to improve the local specification, i.e., the concentration around the local maximum/minimum in the feedback signals, called the DG-RRO feedback signals. Owing to their fine local specification, these signals achieved the attractor-merging bifurcation with significantly smaller feedback perturbation than that in the conventional RRO method. Consequently, chaotic resonance was induced through weak feedback perturbation. It exhibited greater synchronization against weak input signals than that induced by the conventional RRO feedback signal and sustained the same level of response frequency range as that of the conventional RRO method. These advantages may pave the way for utilizing chaotic resonance in engineering scenarios where the stochastic resonance has been applied.

  • Synchronization of Canards in Coupled Canard-Generating Bonhoeffer-Van Der Pol Oscillators Subject to Weak Periodic Perturbations Open Access

    Kundan Lal DAS  Munehisa SEKIKAWA  Tadashi TSUBONE  Naohiko INABA  Hideaki OKAZAKI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E107-A No:8

    This paper discusses the synchronization of two identical canard-generating oscillators. First, we investigate a canard explosion generated in a system containing a Bonhoeffer-van der Pol (BVP) oscillator using the actual parameter values obtained experimentally. We find that it is possible to numerically observe a canard explosion using this dynamic oscillator. Second, we analyze the complete and in-phase synchronizations of identical canard-generating coupled oscillators via experimental and numerical methods. However, we experimentally determine that a small decrease in the coupling strength of the system induces the collapse of the complete synchronization and the occurrence of a complex synchronization; this finding could not be explained considering four-dimensional autonomous coupled BVP oscillators in our numerical work. To numerically investigate the experimental results, we construct a model containing coupled BVP oscillators that are subjected to two weak periodic perturbations having the same frequency. Further, we find that this model can efficiently numerically reproduce experimentally observed synchronization.

  • Improved PBFT-Based High Security and Large Throughput Data Resource Sharing for Distribution Power Grid Open Access

    Zhimin SHAO  Chunxiu LIU  Cong WANG  Longtan LI  Yimin LIU  Zaiyan ZHOU  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E107-A No:8

    Data resource sharing can guarantee the reliable and safe operation of distribution power grid. However, it faces the challenges of low security and high delay in the sharing process. Consortium blockchain can ensure the security and efficiency of data resource sharing, but it still faces problems such as arbitrary master node selection and high consensus delay. In this paper, we propose an improved practical Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) consensus algorithm based on intelligent consensus node selection to realize high-security and real-time data resource sharing for distribution power grid. Firstly, a blockchain-based data resource sharing model is constructed to realize secure data resource storage by combining the consortium blockchain and interplanetary file system (IPFS). Then, the improved PBFT consensus algorithm is proposed to optimize the consensus node selection based on the upper confidence bound of node performance. It prevents Byzantine nodes from participating in the consensus process, reduces the consensus delay, and improves the security of data resource sharing. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

  • Real-Time Safety Driving Advisory System Utilizing a Vision-Based Driving Monitoring Sensor Open Access

    Masahiro TADA  Masayuki NISHIDA  

    LETTER-Human-computer Interaction

    E107-D No:7

    In this study, we use a vision-based driving monitoring sensor to track drivers’ visual scanning behavior, a key factor for preventing traffic accidents. Our system evaluates driver’s behaviors by referencing the safety knowledge of professional driving instructors, and provides real-time voice-guided safety advice to encourage safer driving. Our system’s evaluation of safe driving behaviors matched the instructor’s evaluation with accuracy over 80%.

  • Channel Pruning via Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer Pruner Open Access

    Xueying WANG  Yuan HUANG  Xin LONG  Ziji MA  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E107-D No:7

    In recent years, the increasing complexity of deep network structures has hindered their application in small resource constrained hardware. Therefore, we urgently need to compress and accelerate deep network models. Channel pruning is an effective method to compress deep neural networks. However, most existing channel pruning methods are prone to falling into local optima. In this paper, we propose a channel pruning method via Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer Pruner which called IGWO-Pruner to prune redundant channels of convolutional neural networks. It identifies pruning ratio of each layer by using Improved Grey Wolf algorithm, and then fine-tuning the new pruned network model. In experimental section, we evaluate the proposed method in CIFAR datasets and ILSVRC-2012 with several classical networks, including VGGNet, GoogLeNet and ResNet-18/34/56/152, and experimental results demonstrate the proposed method is able to prune a large number of redundant channels and parameters with rare performance loss.

  • Research on Mask-Wearing Detection Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOv7-Tiny Open Access

    Min GAO  Gaohua CHEN  Jiaxin GU  Chunmei ZHANG  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E107-D No:7

    Wearing a mask correctly is an effective method to prevent respiratory infectious diseases. Correct mask use is a reliable approach for preventing contagious respiratory infections. However, when dealing with mask-wearing in some complex settings, the detection accuracy still needs to be enhanced. The technique for mask-wearing detection based on YOLOv7-Tiny is enhanced in this research. Distribution Shifting Convolutions (DSConv) based on YOLOv7-tiny are used instead of the 3×3 convolution in the original model to simplify computation and increase detection precision. To decrease the loss of coordinate regression and enhance the detection performance, we adopt the loss function Intersection over Union with Minimum Points Distance (MPDIoU) instead of Complete Intersection over Union (CIoU) in the original model. The model is introduced with the GSConv and VoVGSCSP modules, recognizing the model’s mobility. The P6 detection layer has been designed to increase detection precision for tiny targets in challenging environments and decrease missed and false positive detection rates. The robustness of the model is increased further by creating and marking a mask-wearing data set in a multi environment that uses Mixup and Mosaic technologies for data augmentation. The efficiency of the model is validated in this research using comparison and ablation experiments on the mask dataset. The results demonstrate that when compared to YOLOv7-tiny, the precision of the enhanced detection algorithm is improved by 5.4%, Recall by 1.8%, mAP@.5 by 3%, mAP@.5:.95 by 1.7%, while the FLOPs is decreased by 8.5G. Therefore, the improved detection algorithm realizes more real-time and accurate mask-wearing detection tasks.

  • Conflict Management Method Based on a New Belief Divergence in Evidence Theory Open Access

    Zhu YIN  Xiaojian MA  Hang WANG  

    PAPER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E107-D No:7

    Highly conflicting evidence that may lead to the counter-intuitive results is one of the challenges for information fusion in Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. To deal with this issue, evidence conflict is investigated based on belief divergence measuring the discrepancy between evidence. In this paper, the pignistic probability transform belief χ2 divergence, named as BBχ2 divergence, is proposed. By introducing the pignistic probability transform, the proposed BBχ2 divergence can accurately quantify the difference between evidence with the consideration of multi-element sets. Compared with a few belief divergences, the novel divergence has more precision. Based on this advantageous divergence, a new multi-source information fusion method is devised. The proposed method considers both credibility weights and information volume weights to determine the overall weight of each evidence. Eventually, the proposed method is applied in target recognition and fault diagnosis, in which comparative analysis indicates that the proposed method can realize the highest accuracy for managing evidence conflict.

  • Power Peak Load Forecasting Based on Deep Time Series Analysis Method Open Access

    Ying-Chang HUNG  Duen-Ren LIU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E107-D No:7

    The prediction of peak power load is a critical factor directly impacting the stability of power supply, characterized significantly by its time series nature and intricate ties to the seasonal patterns in electricity usage. Despite its crucial importance, the current landscape of power peak load forecasting remains a multifaceted challenge in the field. This study aims to contribute to this domain by proposing a method that leverages a combination of three primary models - the GRU model, self-attention mechanism, and Transformer mechanism - to forecast peak power load. To contextualize this research within the ongoing discourse, it’s essential to consider the evolving methodologies and advancements in power peak load forecasting. By delving into additional references addressing the complexities and current state of the power peak load forecasting problem, this study aims to build upon the existing knowledge base and offer insights into contemporary challenges and strategies adopted within the field. Data preprocessing in this study involves comprehensive cleaning, standardization, and the design of relevant functions to ensure robustness in the predictive modeling process. Additionally, recognizing the necessity to capture temporal changes effectively, this research incorporates features such as “Weekly Moving Average” and “Monthly Moving Average” into the dataset. To evaluate the proposed methodologies comprehensively, this study conducts comparative analyses with established models such as LSTM, Self-attention network, Transformer, ARIMA, and SVR. The outcomes reveal that the models proposed in this study exhibit superior predictive performance compared to these established models, showcasing their effectiveness in accurately forecasting electricity consumption. The significance of this research lies in two primary contributions. Firstly, it introduces an innovative prediction method combining the GRU model, self-attention mechanism, and Transformer mechanism, aligning with the contemporary evolution of predictive modeling techniques in the field. Secondly, it introduces and emphasizes the utility of “Weekly Moving Average” and “Monthly Moving Average” methodologies, crucial in effectively capturing and interpreting seasonal variations within the dataset. By incorporating these features, this study enhances the model’s ability to account for seasonal influencing factors, thereby significantly improving the accuracy of peak power load forecasting. This contribution aligns with the ongoing efforts to refine forecasting methodologies and addresses the pertinent challenges within power peak load forecasting.

  • VH-YOLOv5s: Detecting the Skin Color of Plectropomus leopardus in Aquaculture Using Mobile Phones Open Access

    Beibei LI  Xun RAN  Yiran LIU  Wensheng LI  Qingling DUAN  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E107-D No:7

    Fish skin color detection plays a critical role in aquaculture. However, challenges arise from image color cast and the limited dataset, impacting the accuracy of the skin color detection process. To address these issues, we proposed a novel fish skin color detection method, termed VH-YOLOv5s. Specifically, we constructed a dataset for fish skin color detection to tackle the limitation posed by the scarcity of available datasets. Additionally, we proposed a Variance Gray World Algorithm (VGWA) to correct the image color cast. Moreover, the designed Hybrid Spatial Pyramid Pooling (HSPP) module effectively performs multi-scale feature fusion, thereby enhancing the feature representation capability. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that VH-YOLOv5s achieves excellent detection results on the Plectropomus leopardus skin color dataset, with a precision of 91.7%, recall of 90.1%, mAP@0.5 of 95.2%, and mAP@0.5:0.95 of 57.5%. When compared to other models such as Centernet, AutoAssign, and YOLOX-s, VH-YOLOv5s exhibits superior detection performance, surpassing them by 2.5%, 1.8%, and 1.7%, respectively. Furthermore, our model can be deployed directly on mobile phones, making it highly suitable for practical applications.

  • Understanding Characteristics of Phishing Reports from Experts and Non-Experts on Twitter Open Access

    Hiroki NAKANO  Daiki CHIBA  Takashi KOIDE  Naoki FUKUSHI  Takeshi YAGI  Takeo HARIU  Katsunari YOSHIOKA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E107-D No:7

    The increase in phishing attacks through email and short message service (SMS) has shown no signs of deceleration. The first thing we need to do to combat the ever-increasing number of phishing attacks is to collect and characterize more phishing cases that reach end users. Without understanding these characteristics, anti-phishing countermeasures cannot evolve. In this study, we propose an approach using Twitter as a new observation point to immediately collect and characterize phishing cases via e-mail and SMS that evade countermeasures and reach users. Specifically, we propose CrowdCanary, a system capable of structurally and accurately extracting phishing information (e.g., URLs and domains) from tweets about phishing by users who have actually discovered or encountered it. In our three months of live operation, CrowdCanary identified 35,432 phishing URLs out of 38,935 phishing reports. We confirmed that 31,960 (90.2%) of these phishing URLs were later detected by the anti-virus engine, demonstrating that CrowdCanary is superior to existing systems in both accuracy and volume of threat extraction. We also analyzed users who shared phishing threats by utilizing the extracted phishing URLs and categorized them into two distinct groups - namely, experts and non-experts. As a result, we found that CrowdCanary could collect information that is specifically included in non-expert reports, such as information shared only by the company brand name in the tweet, information about phishing attacks that we find only in the image of the tweet, and information about the landing page before the redirect. Furthermore, we conducted a detailed analysis of the collected information on phishing sites and discovered that certain biases exist in the domain names and hosting servers of phishing sites, revealing new characteristics useful for unknown phishing site detection.

  • Determination Method of Cascaded Number for Lumped Parameter Models Oriented to Transmission Lines Open Access

    Risheng QIN  Hua KUANG  He JIANG  Hui YU  Hong LI  Zhuan LI  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E107-C No:7

    This paper proposes a determination method of the cascaded number for lumped parameter models (LPMs) of the transmission lines. The LPM is used to simulate long-distance transmission lines, and the cascaded number significantly impacts the simulation results. Currently, there is a lack of a system-level determination method of the cascaded number for LPMs. Based on the theoretical analysis and eigenvalue decomposition of network matrix, this paper discusses the error in resonance characteristics between distributed parameter model and LPMs. Moreover, it is deduced that optimal cascaded numbers of the cascaded π-type and T-type LPMs are the same, and the Γ-type LPM has a lowest analog accuracy. The principle that the maximum simulation frequency is less than the first resonance frequency of each segment is presented. According to the principle, optimal cascaded numbers of cascaded π-type, T-type, and Γ-type LPMs are obtained. The effectiveness of the proposed determination method is verified by simulation.
