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[Keyword] test generation(37hit)


  • Universal Testing for Linear Feed-Forward/Feedback Shift Registers

    Hideo FUJIWARA  Katsuya FUJIWARA  Toshinori HOSOKAWA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E103-D No:5

    Linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers are used as an effective tool of testing circuits in various fields including built-in self-test and secure scan design. In this paper, we consider the issue of testing linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers themselves. To test linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers, it is necessary to generate a test sequence for each register. We first present an experimental result such that a commercial ATPG (automatic test pattern generator) cannot always generate a test sequence with high fault coverage even for 64-stage linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers. We then show that there exists a universal test sequence with 100% of fault coverage for the class of linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers so that no test generation is required, i.e., the cost of test generation is zero. We prove the existence theorem of universal test sequences for the class of linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers.

  • A Low Capture Power Test Generation Method Based on Capture Safe Test Vector Manipulation

    Toshinori HOSOKAWA  Atsushi HIRAI  Yukari YAMAUCHI  Masayuki ARAI  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E100-D No:9

    In at-speed scan testing, capture power is a serious problem because the high power dissipation that can occur when the response for a test vector is captured by flip-flops results in excessive voltage drops, known as IR-drops, which may cause significant capture-induced yield loss. In low capture power test generation, the test vectors that violate capture power constraints in an initial test set are defined as capture-unsafe test vectors, while faults that are detected solely by capture-unsafe test vectors are defined as unsafe faults. It is necessary to regenerate the test vectors used to detect unsafe faults in order to prevent unnecessary yield losses. In this paper, we propose a new low capture power test generation method based on fault simulation that uses capture-safe test vectors in an initial test set. Experimental results show that the use of this method reduces the number of unsafe faults by 94% while requiring just 18% more additional test vectors on average, and while requiring less test generation time compared with the conventional low capture power test generation method.

  • Test Generation for Delay Faults on Clock Lines under Launch-on-Capture Test Environment

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Shin-ya KOBAYASHI  Kewal K. SALUJA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E96-D No:6

    This paper deals with delay faults on clock lines assuming the launch-on-capture test. In this realistic fault model, the amount of delay at the FF driven by the faulty clock line is such that the scan shift operation can perform correctly even in the presence of a fault, but during the system clock operation, capturing functional value(s) at faulty FF(s), i.e. FF(s) driven by the clock with delay, is delayed and correct value(s) may not be captured. We developed a fault simulator that can handle such faults and using this simulator we investigate the relation between the duration of the delay and the difficulty of detecting clock delay faults in the launch-on-capture test. Next, we propose test generation methods for detecting clock delay faults that affect a single or two FFs. Experimental results for benchmark circuits are given in order to establish the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

  • Generation of Diagnostic Tests for Transition Faults Using a Stuck-At ATPG Tool

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Satoshi OHNO  Hironori YAMAOKA  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Yoshihiro SHIMIZU  Takashi AIKYO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E95-D No:4

    In this paper, we propose a test generation method for diagnosing transition faults. The proposed method assumes launch on capture test, and it generates test vectors for given fault pairs using a stuck-at ATPG tool so that they can be distinguished. If a given fault pair is indistinguishable, it is identified, and thus the proposed method achieves a complete diagnostic test generation. The conditions for distinguishing a fault pair are carefully considered, and they are transformed into the conditions of the detection of a stuck-at fault, and some additional logic gates are inserted in a CUT during the test generation process. Experimental results show that the proposed method can generate test vectors for distinguishing the fault pairs that are not distinguished by commercial tools, and also identify indistinguishable fault pairs.

  • A Practical Threshold Test Generation for Error Tolerant Application

    Hideyuki ICHIHARA  Kenta SUTOH  Yuki YOSHIKAWA  Tomoo INOUE  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E93-D No:10

    Threshold testing, which is an LSI testing method based on the acceptability of faults, is effective in yield enhancement of LSIs and selective hardening for LSI systems. In this paper, we propose test generation models for threshold test generation. Using the proposed models, we can efficiently identify acceptable faults and generate test patterns for unacceptable faults with a general test generation algorithm, i.e., without a test generation algorithm specialized for threshold testing. Experimental results show that our approach is, in practice, effective.

  • A Study of Capture-Safe Test Generation Flow for At-Speed Testing

    Kohei MIYASE  Xiaoqing WEN  Seiji KAJIHARA  Yuta YAMATO  Atsushi TAKASHIMA  Hiroshi FURUKAWA  Kenji NODA  Hideaki ITO  Kazumi HATAYAMA  Takashi AIKYO  Kewal K. SALUJA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E93-A No:7

    Capture-safety, (defined as the avoidance of timing error due to unduly high launch switching activity in capture mode during at-speed scan testing), is critical in avoiding test induced yield loss. Although several sophisticated techniques are available for reducing capture IR-drop, there are few complete capture-safe test generation flows. This paper addresses the problem by proposing a novel and practical capture-safe test generation flow, featuring (1) a complete capture-safe test generation flow; (2) reliable capture-safety checking; and (3) effective capture-safety improvement by combining X-bit identification & X-filling with low launch-switching-activity test generation. The proposed flow minimizes test data inflation and is compatible with existing automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) flow. The techniques proposed in the flow achieve capture-safety without changing the circuit-under-test or the clocking scheme.

  • Addressing Defect Coverage through Generating Test Vectors for Transistor Defects

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Kewal K. SALUJA  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Shin-ya KOBAYASHI  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis, Test and Verfication

    E92-A No:12

    Shorts and opens are two major kind of defects that are most likely to occur in Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits. In modern Integrated Circuit devices these defects must be considered not only at gate-level but also at transistor level. In this paper, we propose a method for generating test vectors that targets both transistor shorts (tr-shorts) and transistor opens (tr-opens). Since two consecutive test vectors need to be applied in order to detect tr-opens, we assume launch on capture (LOC) test application mechanism. This makes it possible to detect delay type defects. Further, the proposed method employs existing stuck-at test generation tools thus requiring no change in the design and development flow and development of no new tools is needed. Experimental results for benchmark circuits demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method by providing 100% fault efficiency while the test set size is still moderate.

  • Maximizing Stuck-Open Fault Coverage Using Stuck-at Test Vectors

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Kewal K. SALUJA  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Shin-ya KOBAYASHI  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis, Test and Verification

    E91-A No:12

    Physical defects that are not covered by stuck-at fault or bridging fault model are increasing in LSI circuits designed and manufactured in modern Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to target non-stuck-at and non-bridging faults. A stuck-open is one such fault model that captures transistor level defects. This paper presents two methods for maximizing stuck-open fault coverage using stuck-at test vectors. In this paper we assume that a test set to detect stuck-at faults is given and we consider two formulations for maximizing stuck-open coverage using the given test set as follows. The first problem is to form a test sequence by using each test vector multiple times, if needed, as long as the stuck-open coverage is increased. In this case the target is to make the resultant test sequence as short as possible under the constraint that the maximum stuck-open coverage is achieved using the given test set. The second problem is to form a test sequence by using each test vector exactly once only. Thus in this case the length of the test sequence is maintained as the number of given test vectors. In both formulations the stuck-at fault coverage does not change. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is established by experimental results for benchmark circuits.

  • Fault Simulation and Test Generation for Transistor Shorts Using Stuck-at Test Tools

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Kewal K. SALUJA  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Shin-ya KOBAYASHI  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  

    PAPER-Defect-Based Testing

    E91-D No:3

    This paper presents methods for detecting transistor short faults using logic level fault simulation and test generation. The paper considers two types of transistor level faults, namely strong shorts and weak shorts, which were introduced in our previous research. These faults are defined based on the values of outputs of faulty gates. The proposed fault simulation and test generation are performed using gate-level tools designed to deal with stuck-at faults, and no transistor-level tools are required. In the test generation process, a circuit is modified by inserting inverters, and a stuck-at test generator is used. The modification of a circuit does not mean a design-for-testability technique, as the modified circuit is used only during the test generation process. Further, generated test patterns are compacted by fault simulation. Also, since the weak short model involves uncertainty in its behavior, we define fault coverage and fault efficiency in three different way, namely, optimistic, pessimistic and probabilistic and assess them. Finally, experimental results for ISCAS benchmark circuits are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

  • Analysis of Test Generation Complexity for Stuck-At and Path Delay Faults Based on τk-Notation

    Chia Yee OOI  Thomas CLOUQUEUR  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Complexity Theory

    E90-D No:8

    In this paper, we discuss the relationship between the test generation complexity for path delay faults (PDFs) and that for stuck-at faults (SAFs) in combinational and sequential circuits using the recently introduced τk-notation. On the other hand, we also introduce a class of cyclic sequential circuits that are easily testable, namely two-column distributive state-shiftable finite state machine realizations (2CD-SSFSM). Then, we discuss the relevant conjectures and unsolved problems related to the test generation for sequential circuits with PDFs under different clock schemes and test generation models.

  • Acceleration of Test Generation for Sequential Circuits Using Knowledge Obtained from Synthesis for Testability

    Masato NAKAZATO  Satoshi OHTAKE  Kewal K. SALUJA  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E90-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose a method of accelerating test generation for sequential circuits by using the knowledge about the availability of state justification sequences, the bound on the length of state distinguishing sequences, differentiation between valid and invalid states, and the existence of a reset state. We also propose a method of synthesis for testability (SfT) which takes the features of our test generation method into consideration to synthesize sequential circuits from given FSM descriptions. The SfT method guarantees that the test generator will be able to find a state distinguishing sequence. The proposed method extracts the state justification sequence from the FSM produced by the synthesizer to improve the performance of its test generation process. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve 100% fault efficiency in relatively short test generation time.

  • On Finding Don't Cares in Test Sequences for Sequential Circuits


    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E89-D No:11

    Recently there are various requirements for LSI testing, such as test compaction, test compression, low power dissipation or increase of defect coverage. If test sequences contain lots of don't cares (Xs), then their flexibility can be used to meet the above requirements. In this paper, we propose methods for finding as many Xs as possible in test sequences for sequential circuits. Given a fully specified test sequence generated by a sequential ATPG, the proposed methods produce a test sequence containing Xs without losing stuck-at fault coverage of the original test sequence. The methods apply an approach based on fault simulation, and they introduce some heuristics for reducing the simulation effort. Experimental results for ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

  • Classification of Sequential Circuits Based on τk Notation and Its Applications

    Chia Yee OOI  Thomas CLOUQUEUR  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-VLSI Systems

    E88-D No:12

    This paper introduces τk notation to be used to assess test generation complexity of classes of sequential circuits. Using τk notation, we reconsider and restate the time complexity of test generation for existing classes of acyclic sequential circuits. We also introduce a new DFT method called feedback shift register (FSR) scan design technique, which is extended from the scan design technique. Therefore, for a given sequential circuit, the corresponding FSR scan designed circuit has always equal or lower area overhead and test application time than the corresponding scan designed circuit. Furthermore, we identify some new classes of sequential circuits that contain some cyclic sequential circuits, which are τ-equivalent and τ2-bounded. These classes are the l-length-bounded testable circuits, l-length-bounded validity-identifiable circuits, t-time-bounded testable circuits and t-time-bounded validity-identifiable circuits. In addition, we provide two examples of circuits belonging to these classes, namely counter-cycle finite state machine realizations and state-shiftable finite state machine realizations. Instead of using a DFT method, a given sequential circuit described at the finite state machine (FSM) level can be synthesized using another test methodology called synthesis for testability (SFT) into a circuit that belongs to one of the easily testable classes of cyclic sequential circuits.

  • Deterministic Delay Fault BIST Using Adjacency Test Pattern Generation

    Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E88-D No:9

    In delay fault BIST (Built-In-Self-Test), an adjacency test pattern generation scheme effectively generates robust test patterns. The traditional adjacency test pattern generation schemes use LFSR to generate first patterns, and thus they cannot generate test patterns for circuits with more than 30 inputs with high fault coverage in a practical amount of time. This paper proposes a deterministic delay fault BIST method using adjacency test pattern generation. The proposed scheme uses first patterns generated by a deterministic algorithm based on the analysis of independent partial circuits on the circuit under test. Experiments show that test patterns generated by the proposed method have both high fault coverage and short test length, resulting in a short test time.

  • Generation of Test Sequences with Low Power Dissipation for Sequential Circuits

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Shin-ya KOBAYASHI  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  

    PAPER-Test Generation and Compaction

    E87-D No:3

    When LSIs that are designed and manufactured for low power dissipation are tested, test vectors that make the power dissipation low should be applied. If test vectors that cause high power dissipation are applied, incorrect test results are obtained or circuits under test are permanently damaged. In this paper, we propose a method to generate test sequences with low power dissipation for sequential circuits. We assume test sequences generated by an ATPG tool are given, and modify them while keeping the original stuck-at fault coverages. The test sequence is modified by inverting the values of primary inputs of every test vector one by one. In order to keep the original fault coverage, fault simulation is conducted whenever one value of primary inputs is inverted. We introduce heuristics that perform fault simulation for a subset of faults during the modification of test vectors. This helps reduce the power dissipation of the modified test sequence. If the fault coverage by the modified test sequence is lower than that by the original test sequence, we generate a new short test sequence and add it to the modified test sequence.

  • Don't Care Identification and Statistical Encoding for Test Data Compression

    Seiji KAJIHARA  Kenjiro TANIGUCHI  Kohei MIYASE  Irith POMERANZ  Sudhakar M. REDDY  

    PAPER-Test Generation and Compaction

    E87-D No:3

    This paper describes a method of test data compression for a given test set using statistical encoding. In order to maximize the effectiveness of statistical encoding, the method first converts some specified input values in the test set to unspecified ones without losing fault coverage, and then reassigns appropriate logic values to the unspecified inputs. Experimental results for ISCAS-89 benchmark circuits show that the proposed method can on the average reduce the test data volume to less than 25% of that required for the original test set.

  • An Alternative Test Generation for Path Delay Faults by Using Ni-Detection Test Sets

    Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Kewal K. SALUJA  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  


    E86-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose an alternative method that does not generate a test for each path delay fault directly to generate tests for path delay faults. The proposed method generates an N-propagation test-pair set by using an Ni-detection test set for single stuck-at faults. The N-propagation test-pair set is a set of vector pairs which contains N distinct vector pairs for every transition faults at a check point. Check points consist of primary inputs and fanout branches in a circuit. We do not target the path delay faults for test generation, instead, the N-propagation test-pair set is generated for the transition (both rising and falling) faults of check points in the circuit. After generating tests, tests are simulated to determine their effectiveness for singly testable path delay faults and robust path delay faults. Results of experiments on the ISCAS'85 benchmark circuits show that the N-propagation test-pair sets obtained by our method are effective in testing path delay faults.

  • A Test Plan Grouping Method to Shorten Test Length for RTL Data Paths under a Test Controller Area Constraint

    Toshinori HOSOKAWA  Hiroshi DATE  Masahide MIYAZAKI  Michiaki MURAOKA  Hideo FUJIWARA  


    E86-D No:12

    This paper proposes a test generation method using several partly compacted test plan tables for RTL data paths. Combinational modules in data paths are tested using several partly compacted test plan tables. Each partly compacted test plan table is generated from each grouped test plan set and is used to test combinational modules corresponding to the grouped test plans. The values of control signals in a partly compacted test plan table are supplied by a test controller. This paper also proposes the architecture of a test controller which can be synthesized in a reasonable amount of time, and proposes a test plan grouping method to shorten test length for data paths under a test controller area constraint. Experimental results for benchmarks show that the test lengths are shortened by 4 to 36% with -9 to 8% additional test controller area compared with the test generation method using test plans.

  • A Method of Test Generation for Acyclic Sequential Circuits Using Single Stuck-at Fault Combinational ATPG

    Hideyuki ICHIHARA  Tomoo INOUE  

    PAPER-Timing Verification and Test Generation

    E86-A No:12

    A test generation method with time-expansion model can achieve high fault efficiency for acyclic sequential circuits, which can be obtained by partial scan design. This method, however, requires combinational test pattern generation algorithm that can deal with multiple stuck-at faults, even if the target faults are single stuck-at faults. In this paper, we propose a test generation method for acyclic sequential circuits with a circuit model, called MS-model, which can express multiple stuck-at faults in time-expansion model as single stuck-at faults. Our procedure can generate test sequences for acyclic sequential circuits with just combinational test pattern generation algorithm for single stuck-at faults. Experimental results show that test sequences for acyclic sequential circuits with high fault efficiency are generated in small computational effort.

  • High Quality Delay Test Generation Based on Multiple-Threshold Gate-Delay Fault Model

    Michinobu NAKAO  Yoshikazu KIYOSHIGE  Yasuo SATO  Kazumi HATAYAMA  Satoshi FUKUMOTO  Kazuhiko IWASAKI  

    PAPER-Test and Diagnosis for Timing Faults

    E85-D No:10

    This paper presents a practical fault model for delay testing, called a multiple-threshold gate-delay fault model, to obtain high quality tests that guarantee the detection of delay faults for various extra-delays. Fault efficiencies for multiple thresholds of the extra-delay are introduced as a coverage metric that describes the quality of tests. Our approach guarantees that each gate-delay fault is tested on the path that is almost the longest one passing through the faulty line by using two-pattern tests with pattern-independent timing. We present the procedures of the path selection, fault simulation, and the test generation, where the path-status graph technique is used as not to rely on the enumeration of paths. Experimental results for benchmark circuits demonstrate that the proposed metric gives useful information that transition fault efficiency cannot, and that the proposed test generation can achieve high fault efficiencies for multiple-threshold gate-delay faults.
