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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E92-C No.1  (Publication Date:2009/01/01)

    Special Section on Recent Progress in Electromagnetic Theory and its Application
  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Toyohiko ISHIHARA  Mitsuru TANAKA  


  • The Vacuum Impedance and Unit Systems

    Masao KITANO  



    In the electromagnetic theory, the vacuum impedance Z0 is a universal constant, which is as important as the velocity of light c0 in vacuum. Unfortunately, however, its significance is not appreciated so well and sometimes the presence itself is ignored. It is partly because in the Gaussian system of units, which has widely been used for long time, Z0 is a dimensionless constant and of unit magnitude. In this paper, we clarify that Z0 is a fundamental parameter in electromagnetism and plays major roles in the following scenes: reorganizing the structure of the electromagnetic formula in reference to the relativity; renormalizing the quantities toward natural unit systems starting from the SI unit system; and defining the magnitudes of electromagnetic units.

  • Energy Velocity Defined by Brillouin

    Hiroyuki HOSONO  Toshio HOSONO  



    The physical meaning of the energy velocity in lossy Lorentz media is clarified. First, two expressions for the energy velocity, one by Brillouin and another by Diener, are examined. We show that, while Diener's is disqualified, Brillouin's is acceptable as energy velocity. Secondly, we show that the signal velocity defined by Brillouin and Baerwald is exactly identical with the Brillouin's energy velocity. Thirdly, by using triangle-modulated harmonic wave, we show that the superluminal group velocity plays its role as a revelator only after the arrival of the signal traveling at the subluminal energy velocity. In short, nothing moves at the group velocity, and every frequency component of a signal propagates at its own energy velocity.

  • Shadow Theory of Diffraction Grating

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  



    This paper deals with a new formulation for the diffraction of a plane wave by a periodic grating. As a simple example, the diffraction of a transverse magnetic wave by a perfectly conductive periodic array of rectangular grooves is discussed. On the basis of a shadow hypothesis such that no diffraction takes place and only the reflection occurs with the reflection coefficient -1 at a low grazing limit of incident angle, this paper proposes the scattering factor as a new concept. In terms of the scattering factor, several new formulas on the diffraction amplitude, the diffraction efficiency and the optical theorem are obtained. It is newly found that the scattering factor is an even function due to the reciprocity. The diffraction efficiency is defined for a propagating incident wave as well as an evanescent incident wave. Then, it is theoretically found that the 0th order diffraction efficiency becomes unity and any other order diffraction efficiencies vanish when a real angle of incidence becomes low grazing. Numerical examples of the scattering factor and diffraction efficiency are illustrated in figures.

  • High-Frequency Analyses for Scattered Fields by a Cylindrically Curved Conducting Surface

    Keiji GOTO  Toru KAWANO  Toyohiko ISHIHARA  



    We study the high-frequency asymptotic analysis methods for the scattered fields by a cylindrically curved conducting surface excited by the incident wave on the curved surface from the convex side. We first derive the novel hybrid ray-mode solution for the scattered fields near the concave surface by solving a canonical problem formulated under the assumption that the cylindrically curved conducting surface possesses only one edge. Then by applying the ray tracing technique and the idea of Keller's GTD (Geometrical Theory of Diffraction), the solutions derived for the canonical problem are extended to account for the problem of the radiation from and the scattering by the other edge of the cylindrically curved surface. We confirm the validity of the novel asymptotic representations proposed in the present study by comparing both with the numerical results obtained from the method of moment and the experimental results performed in the anechoic chamber.

  • PO with Modified Surface-Normal Vectors for RCS Calculation of Scatterers with Edges and Wedges

    Nobutaka OMAKI  Tetsu SHIJO  Makoto ANDO  



    We have proposed a unique and simple modification to the definition of surface-normal vectors in Physical optics (PO). The modified surface-normal vectors are so defined as that the reflection law is satisfied at every point on the surface. The PO with currents defined by this new surface-normal vector has the enhanced accuracy for the edged scatterers to the level of Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD), though it dispenses with the knowledge of high frequency asymptotic techniques. In this paper, firstly, the remarkable simplicity and the high accuracy of the modified PO as applied to the analysis of Radar Cross Section (RCS) is demonstrated for 2 dimensional problems. Noteworthy is that the scattering not only from edge but also from wedge is accurately predicted. This fringe advantage is confirmed asymptotically by comparing the edge and wedge diffraction coefficients of GTD. Finally, the applicability for three dimensional cube is also demonstrated by comparison with experimental data.

  • Efficient Ray-Launching Method For 2D Indoor Propagation Analysis

    Ryoichi SATO  Hiroshi SHIRAI  



    This paper presents an easy and efficient modification of simplified 2D ray-launching method, by approximately including multiple reflection effect inside walls for indoor environment. In order to precisely carry out the ray-launching procedure inside lossy wall, a simple modification using a true real refraction angle is first introduced, instead of complex one. Furthermore, an efficient approximation is carried out to collect the internal multiple reflected rays into the primary one. We here call it collective ray approach. Consequently, it is confirmed from the detailed considerations that the present ray representations obtained by introducing the real refraction angle are well suitable for indoor propagation analysis, and in particular the collective ray solution can be utilized confidently even when the internal reflections strongly contribute to the propagation feature of the considered indoor environment.

  • Analysis of Ground Wave Propagation over Land-to-Sea Mixed-Path by Using Equivalent Current Source on Aperture Plane

    Toru KAWANO  Keiji GOTO  Toyohiko ISHIHARA  



    In this paper, we have obtained the integral representation for the ground wave propagation over land-to-sea mixed-paths which uses the equivalent current source on an aperture plane. By extending the integral to the complex plane and deforming the integration path into the steepest descent path, we have derived a simple integral representation for the mixed-path ground wave propagation. We have also derived the hybrid numerical and asymptotic representation for an efficient calculation of the ground wave and for easy understanding of the diffraction phenomena. By using the method of the stationary phase applicable uniformly as the stationary phase point approaches the endpoint, we have derived the high-frequency asymptotic solution for the ground wave propagation over the mixed-path. We have confirmed the validity of the various representations by comparing both with the conventional mixed-path theory and with the experimental results performed in Kanto areas including the sea near Tokyo bay. By examining the asymptotic solution in detail, we have found out the cause or the mechanism of the recovery effect occurring on the portion of the sea over the land-to-sea mixed-path.

  • 4-Branch Power Splitters Designed by Ideal Field Method

    Tetsuro YABU  Masahiro GESHIRO  Masaharu OHASHI  



    The design of multi-branch optical waveguides having 3 or more output ports is not so easy as that of 2-output branches because some innovative geometry is required to realize equal power splitting. All previous studies take the same approach in which they first introduce innovative geometries and then adjust the structural parameters for equal splitting. On the other hand, we propose quite a different method where distribution of refractive index is calculated from an ideal field distribution which is synthesized artificially. The method is extended to design 3-D 4-branch waveguides. It is exemplified that 4-branch waveguides with low-loss and equal splitting can be realized by the proposed method.

  • Analysis of Post-Wall Waveguide Based on H-Plane Planar Circuit Approach

    Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA  Isao OHTA  Kensuke OKUBO  Jiro YAMAKITA  



    In this paper, we suggest a method of analyzing the post-wall waveguide (PWW) or the substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) by applying the analytical technique of the H-plane waveguide discontinuities based on the planar circuit approach. The analytical procedure consists of the derivation of the mode impedance matrices for regular-shaped circuits and the short-circuiting operation on fictitious ports arranged at the peripheries of the metallic posts. First, a straight section of the PWW is treated as an example and the analytical method for the calculation of the S-parameters is described in detail. Then the attenuation and phase constants of the PWW are computed with the aid of the Thru-Reflect Line (TRL) calibration technique. Next, the analytical method is applied to the design of two types of right-angled corners. The analysis and the design results are verified using an em-simulator (HFSS).

  • Artificial Dielectric Resonator Made of Spherical Metal Particles

    Ikuo AWAI  Osamu MIZUE  Arun Kumar SAHA  



    A microwave resonator is fabricated by a lump of spherical metal particles for the first time. It is the evidence that those particles constitute artificial dielectrics. The effective permittivity is calculated numerically together with the permeability. Resonant mode frequencies in the experiment are compared with the theoretical result obtained by the effective material constants above. Their reasonable agreement indicates the validity of material constant extraction. The unique diamagnetism of spherical particles could be utilized for improvement of spurious property of a resonator.

  • TE Plane Wave Reflection and Transmission from a Two-Dimensional Random Slab

    Yasuhiko TAMURA  



    This paper reexamines reflection and transmission of a TE plane wave from a two-dimensional random slab discussed in the previous paper [IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol.E79-C, no.10, pp.1327-1333, October 1996] by means of the stochastic functional approach with the multiply renormalizing approximation. A random wavefield representation is explicitly shown in terms of a Wiener-Hermite expansion. The first-order incoherent scattering cross section and the optical theorem are numerically calculated. Enhanced scattering as gentle peaks or dips on the angular distribution of the incoherent scattering is reconfirmed in the directions of reflection and backscattering, and is newly found in the directions of forward scattering and 'symmetrical forward scattering.' The mechanism of enhanced scattering is deeply discussed.

  • Asymptotic Analysis of the Light Propagation in a Random Waveguide System

    Akira KOMIYAMA  



    The asymptotic behaviour of the light power at large distance in a random waveguide system with a short correlation length and a mathematical mechanism of the asymptotic behaviour are clarified. The discussion is based on the coupled mode theory. First, for the light propagation in an ordered waveguide system a new description in terms of the light power is presented. A solution of the integro-differential equation describing the light power is expressed as a contour integral in the Laplace transform domain. Singularities of the integrand are branch points and the branch cut integral determines the asymptotic behaviour of the solution. The light power decreases in inverse proportion to the distance. Secondly the description is extended to the case of a random waveguide system. The differential equation of the recurrence type describing the incoherent power is reduced to the integro-differential equation and it is shown that the kernel is the product of the kernel for an ordered system and the damping term. The equation is solved by using the same procedure as that for an ordered system and a contour integral representation of the solution is obtained. Singularities of the integrand are poles and branch points. The poles arise from the damping term of the kernel and the residues of the poles determine the asymptotic behaviour of the solution. The incoherent power decreases in inverse proportion to the square root of the distance.

  • Estimation of Reflection Coefficient and Surface Impedance from Absolute Values of the Near Field with Periodic Change

    Michinari SHIMODA  Masazumi MIYOSHI  Kazunori MATSUO  Yoshitada IYAMA  



    An inverse scattering problem of estimating the reflection coefficient and the surface impedance from two sets of absolute values of the near field with periodic change is investigated. The problem is formulated in terms of a nonlinear simultaneous equations which is derived from the relation between the two sets of absolute values and the field defined by a finite summation of the modal functions by applying the Fourier analysis. The reflection coefficient is estimated by solving the equations by Newton's method through the successive algorithm with the increment of the number of truncation in the summation one after another. Numerical examples are given and the accuracy of the estimation is discussed.

  • Improvement of Plastic Landmine Visualization Performance by Use of Ring-CSOM and Frequency-Domain Local Correlation

    Yukimasa NAKANO  Akira HIROSE  



    The complex-valued self-organizing map (CSOM) realizes an adaptive distinction between plastic landmines and other objects in landmine visualization systems. However, when the spatial resolution in electromagnetic-wave measurement is not sufficiently high, the distinction sometimes fails. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose two techniques to enhance the visualization ability. One is the utilization of SOM-space topology in the CSOM adaptive classification. The other is a novel feature extraction method paying attention to local correlation in the frequency domain. In experimental results, we find that these two techniques significantly improve the visualization performance. The local-correlation method contributes also to the reduction of the number of tuning parameters in the CSOM classification.

  • Some Remarks on the Extension of Numerical Data to the Complex Space for Radiation Patterns in Electromagnetic Scattering Problems

    Masahiro HASHIMOTO  



    A numerical scheme for the analytic continuation of radiation patterns of the azimuthal coordinate θ into the whole space over the complex plane is given. The scattering data given over the real space [0, 2π] are extended into the complex plane by using the recurrence formulas. An example shows the validity of mathematically exact evaluation for the scattering from polygonal cylinders.

  • Evaluation of Trihedral Corner Reflector for SAR Polarimetric Calibration

    Shunichi KUSANO  Motoyuki SATO  



    A trihedral corner reflector is often used for SAR polarimetric calibration. However, the scattering property of the reflector used for the calibration may not be correct if the high frequency approximation is not satisfied or if an incident angle deviates from the symmetric axis of the reflector. In order to know the conditions for precise SAR polarimetric calibration, we evaluated the polarimetric response of the reflector by a numerical simulation using the method of moment (MoM). It is found that allowable incident angle deviation is 5 degree to azimuth direction and 4 degree to elevation direction for precise SAR polarimetric calibration when the size of the reflector is 7.5 times larger than the wavelength of an incident wave.

  • An Accurate Scheme for Channel Parameter Estimation in Mobile Propagations

    Jingyu HUA  Limin MENG  Gang LI  Dongming WANG  Xiaohu YOU  



    In this letter, we first investigate the bias of Doppler shift estimator based on autocorrelation function (ACF). Then we derive a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) independent condition for Doppler shift estimation and achieve this condition by a adaptive process. Moreover, we present theoretical analysis about the convergency of our adaptive Doppler shift estimator, and derive a close-form expression for its mean square error (MSE). We verify the proposed estimator by computer simulation, the results of which are in agreement with the analysis, i.e., the proposed method achieves a good SNR-independent performance in a wide range of velocities and SNRs.

  • Regular Section
  • Bandwidth Enhancement of Aperture Feed by an Air Rectangular Cavity Backing in a LTCC Post-Wall Waveguide

    JungAun LEE  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves


    The aperture feed with an air cavity in a LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics) post-wall waveguide with dielectric constant εr more than 5 is proposed for bandwidth enhancement in the millimeter wave band. A rectangular cavity is adopted because only one mask pattern of a rectangular can be used for each layer of LTCC for reducing the number of the design parameters and the cost. The fabrication limitation such as the spacing between the post edge and the aperture edge reduces the bandwidth. The feeding structures are designed at 61.25 GHz for a range of εr from 2.0 to 9.0. In the case of εr = 7.0, the bandwidth for reflection below -15 dB with the air cavity is 4.25 times that without the air cavity in simulation, and 3.10 times in measurement.

  • A Fully Digital AGC System with 100 MHz Bandwidth and 35 dB Dynamic Range Power Detectors for DVB-S2 Application

    YoungGun PU  Kang-Yoon LEE  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits


    This paper presents a fully digital gain control system with a new high bandwidth and wide dynamic range power detector for DVB-S2 application. Because the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of DVB-S2 system is so high and the settling time requirement is so stringent, the conventional closed-loop analog gain control scheme cannot be used. The digital gain control is necessary for the robust gain control and the direct digital interface with the baseband modem. Also, it has several advantages over the analog gain control in terms of the settling time and insensitivity to the process, voltage and temperature variation. In order to have a wide gain range with fine step resolution, a new AGC system is proposed. The system is composed of high-bandwidth digital VGAs, wide dynamic range power detectors with RMS detector, low power SAR type ADC, and a digital gain controller. To reduce the power consumption and chip area, only one SAR type ADC is used, and its input is time-interleaved based on four power detectors. Simulation and measurement results show that the new AGC system converges with gain error less than 0.25 dB to the desired level within 10 µs. It is implemented in a 0.18 µm CMOS process. The measurement results of the proposed IF AGC system exhibit 80-dB gain range with 0.25-dB resolution, 8nV/ input referred noise, and 5-dBm IIP3 at 60-mW power consumption. The power detector shows the 35 dB dynamic range for 100 MHz input.

  • Analysis and Design of Sub-Threshold R-MOSFET Tunable Resistor

    Apisak WORAPISHET  Phanumas KHUMSAT  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits


    The sub-threshold R-MOSFET resistor structure which enables tuning range extension below the threshold voltage in the MOSFET with moderate to weak inversion operation is analyzed in detail. The principal operation of the sub-threshold resistor is briefly described. The analysis of its characteristic based on approximations of a general MOS equation valid for all regions is given along with discussion on design implication and consideration. Experiments and simulations are provided to validate the theoretical analysis and design, and to verify the feasibility at a supply voltage as low as 0.5 V using a low-threshold devices in a 1.8-V 0.18 µm CMOS process.

  • Development of an Enterprise-Wide Yield Management System Using Critical Area Analysis for High-Product-Mix Semiconductor Manufacturing

    Yuichi HAMAMURA  Chizu MATSUMOTO  Yoshiyuki TSUNODA  Koji KAMODA  Yoshio IWATA  Kenji KANAMITSU  Daisuke FUJIKI  Fujihiko KOJIKA  Hiromi FUJITA  Yasuo NAKAGAWA  Shun'ichi KANEKO  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices


    To improve product yield in high-product-mix semiconductor manufacturing, it is important to estimate the systematic yield inherent to each product and to extract problematic products that have low systematic yields. We propose a simplified and available yield model using a critical area analysis. This model enables the extraction of problematic products by the relationship between actual yields and the short sensitivities of the products. Furthermore, we present an enterprise-wide yield management system using this model and some useful applications. As a result, the system increases the efficiency of the yield management and enhancement dramatically.

  • Self-Vth-Cancellation High-Efficiency CMOS Rectifier Circuit for UHF RFIDs

    Koji KOTANI  Takashi ITO  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics


    A high-efficiency CMOS rectifier circuit for UHF RFID applications was developed. The rectifier utilizes a self-Vth-cancellation (SVC) scheme in which the threshold voltage of MOSFETs is cancelled by applying gate bias voltage generated from the output voltage of the rectifier itself. A very simple circuit configuration and zero power dissipation characteristics in biasing enable excellent power conversion efficiency (PCE), especially under small RF input power conditions. At higher RF input power conditions, the PCE of the rectifier automatically decreases. This is the built-in self-power-regulation function. The proposed SVC CMOS rectifier was fabricated with a 0.35-µm CMOS process and the measured performance was compared with those of conventional nMOS, pMOS, and CMOS rectifiers and other types of Vth cancellation rectifiers as well. The SVC CMOS rectifier achieves 32% of PCE at the -10 dBm RF input power condition. This PCE is larger than rectifiers reported to date under this condition.

  • A Study on Temporal Dark Image Sticking in AC-PDP Using Vacuum-Sealing Method

    Choon-Sang PARK  Heung-Sik TAE  

    PAPER-Electronic Displays


    Minimizing the residual impurity gases is a key factor for reducing temporal dark image sticking. Therefore, this paper uses a vacuum-sealing method that minimizes the residual impurity gases by enhancing the base vacuum level, and the resultant change in temporal dark image sticking is then examined in comparison to that with the conventional sealing method using 42-in. ac-PDPs with a high Xe (11%) content. As a result of monitoring the difference in the display luminance, infrared emission, and perceived luminance between the cells with and without temporal dark image sticking, the vacuum-sealing method is demonstrated to reduce temporal dark image sticking by decreasing the residual impurity gases and increasing the oxygen vacancy in the MgO layer. Furthermore, the use of a modified driving waveform along with the vacuum-sealing method is even more effective in reducing temporal dark image sticking.

  • Low Grazing Scattering from a Surface with a Finite Periodic Array of Rectangular Grooves

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  Yasuhiko TAMURA  Kiyoshi TSUTSUMI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory


    This paper deals with the scattering of a transverse magnetic (TM) plane wave from a perfectly conductive surface with a finite periodic array of rectangular grooves. By use of the method in a previous paper [IEICE TRANS. ELECTRON. VOL.E90-C, no.4, pp.903-906, APRIL 2007], the total scattering cross section is numerically calculated for several different numbers of grooves at a low grazing angle of incidence. It is newly found that, when the corrugation width becomes thousands times of wavelength, the total scattering cross section slightly depends on the groove depth and the period, and becomes almost proportional to square root of the corrugation width with a small correction.

  • Error Bounds of the Fast Inhomogeneous Plane Wave Algorithm

    Shinichiro OHNUKI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory


    The Green's function of free space for the fast inhomogeneous plane wave algorithm is represented by an integration in the complex plane. The error in the computational process is determined by the number of sampling points, the truncation of the integration path, and the extrapolation. Therefore, the error control method is different from that for the fast multipole method. We will discuss the worst-case interactions of the fast inhomogeneous plane wave algorithm for the box implementation and define the upper and lower bounds of the computational error.

  • Design of Asynchronous Multi-Bit OTP Memory

    Chul-Ho CHOI  Jae-Hyung LEE  Tae-Hoon KIM  Oe-Yong SHIM  Yoon-Geum HWANG  Kwang-Seon AHN  Pan-Bong HA  Young-Hee KIM  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits


    We designed an asynchronous multi-bit one-time-programmable (OTP) memory which is useful for micro control units (MCUs) of general mobile devices, automobile appliances, power ICs, display ICs, and CMOS image sensors. A conventional OTP cell consists of an access transistor, a NMOS capacitor as antifuse, and a gate-grounded NMOS diode for electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection to store a single bit per cell. On the contrary, a newly proposed OTP cell consists of a PMOS program transistor, a NMOS read transistor, n NMOS capacitors as antifuses, and n NMOS switches selecting antifuse to store n bits per cell. We used logic supply voltage VDD (=1.5 V) and an external program voltage VPPE (=8.5 V). Also, we simplified the sens amplifier circuit by using the sense amplifier of clocked inverter type [3] instead of the conventional current sens amplifier [2]. The asynchronous multi-bit OTP of 128 bytes is designed with Magnachip 0.13 µm CMOS process. The layout area is 229.52495.78 µm2.

  • Double-Capacitor Technique for Wide Frequency Range Phase Compensation in Gm-C and MOSFET-C Filters


    LETTER-Electronic Circuits


    A double-capacitor phase error compensation configuration is proposed for Gm-C and MOSFET-C filters. The use of two capacitors enables the effective compensation capacitance to track with the tuning resistance, thereby making it more effective over a wider frequency tuning range as compared to the conventional single-capacitor configuration. Simulations of 5th-order Chebyshev filters in a 0.18 µm CMOS process with more than one octave tuning range were carried out to demonstrate the viability of the proposed double-capacitor configuration for both Gm-C and MOSFET-C filters.