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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E81-D No.9  (Publication Date:1998/09/25)

    Special Issue on Multisensor Fusion and Integration

    Masatoshi ISHIKAWA  


  • Robust Visual Tracking by Integrating Various Cues

    Yoshiaki SHIRAI  Tsuyoshi YAMANE  Ryuzo OKADA  



    This paper describes methods of tracking of moving objects in a cluttered background by integrating optical flow, depth data, and/or uniform brightness regions. First, a basic method is introduced which extracts a region with uniform optical flow as the target region. Then an extended method is described in which optical flow and depth are fused. A target region is extracted by Baysian inference in term of optical flow, depth and the predicted target location. This method works only for textured objects because optical flow or depth are extracted for textured objects. In order to solve this problem, uniform regions in addition to the optical flow are used for tracking. Realtime human tracking is realized for real image sequences by using a real time processor with multiple DSPs.

  • Emergent Behavior Based Sensor Fusion for Mobile Robot Navigation System

    Yasushi NAKAUCHI  Yasuchika MORI  



    This paper proposes Emergent Behavior Based Architecture (EBBA) that fusions heterogeneous sensor information at the level of behavior modules. The characteristics of EBBA are as follows. i) sensor based architecture, ii) constructed by a set of concurrently executable behavior modules, iii) to have multiple methods to achieve given tasks by utilizing behavior modules, iv) a planner can control emergent behaviors. We also have developed mobile robot navigation system based on EBBA and confirmed the efficiency by experiments in the various situations.

  • Facial Region Detection Using Range Color Information

    Sang-Hoon KIM  Hyoung-Gon KIM  



    This paper proposes an object oriented face region detection and tracking method using range color information. Range segmentation of the objects are obtained from the complicated background using disparity histogram (DH). The facial regions among the range segmented objects are detected using skin-color transform technique that provides a facial region enhanced gray-level image. Computationally efficient matching pixel count (MPC) disparity measure is introduced to enhance the matching accuracy by removing the effect of the unexpected noise in the boundary region. Redundancy operations inherent in the area-based matching operation are removed to enhance the processing speed. For the skin-color transformation, the generalized facial color distribution (GFCD) is modeled by 2D Gaussian function in a normalized color space. Disparity difference histogram (DDH) concept from two consecutive frames is introduced to estimate the range information effectively. Detailed geometrical analysis provides exact variation of range information of moving object. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm works well in various environments, at a rate of 1 frame per second with 512 480 resolution in general purpose workstation.

  • Information Integration Architecture for Agent-Based Computer Supported Cooperative Work System

    Shigeki NAGAYA  Yoshiaki ITOH  Takashi ENDO  Jiro KIYAMA  Susumu SEKI  Ryuichi OKA  



    We propose an information integration architecture for a man-machine interface to construct a new agent-based Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) system. The system acts as a clerk in cooperative work giving users the advantage of using cooperative work space. The system allows users to do their work in the style of an ordinary meeting because spontaneous expressions of speech and gestures by users are detected by sensors so that they can be integrated with a task model at several levels to create suitable responses in a man-machine interface. As a result, users can dedicate themselves to mutually understand other meeting members with no awareness of direction to the CSCW system. In this paper, we describe the whole system and its information integration architecture for the man-machine interface including, the principle of functions, the current status of the system and future directions.

  • An Improved Recursive Decomposition Ordering for Higher-Order Rewrite Systems

    Munehiro IWAMI  Masahiko SAKAI  Yoshihito TOYAMA  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing


    Simplification orderings, like the recursive path ordering and the improved recursive decomposition ordering, are widely used for proving the termination property of term rewriting systems. The improved recursive decomposition ordering is known as the most powerful simplification ordering. Recently Jouannaud and Rubio extended the recursive path ordering to higher-order rewrite systems by introducing an ordering on type structure. In this paper we extend the improved recursive decomposition ordering for proving termination of higher-order rewrite systems. The key idea of our ordering is a new concept of pseudo-terminal occurrences.

  • Fast Evaluation of Join and Aggregate Conditions in Active Databases

    Dongwook KIM  Myoung Ho KIM  Yoon Joon LEE  



    Complex rule conditions are commonly required to describe complicated business semantics. In these cases, efficient condition evaluation is crucial for high performance of active database systems. Most previous works used the incremental evaluation techniques, whose operations are relatively expensive due to the processing based on the exact calculation of the condition expression. In this paper we propose a new filtering technique that effectively identifies false condition in an early stage of condition monitoring. Since the results of condition evaluation tend to be false in most practical cases, an efficient filtering method can highly facilitate fast condition evaluation. The proposed filtering technique is developed based on the new perspective of database state and database operations, i. e. , a vector space model. We first present vector representations of database states, database operations, and complex condition expressions. Then, we propose a filtering method based on the properties of a vector space, called the sphere containment test. Our proposed method determines the truth value of the rule conditions only with the delta vectors maintained in main memory. We compare our method with a typical incremental evaluation method and show that the proposed method can give a significant performance enhancement.

  • Planar Projection Stereopsis Method for Road Extraction

    Kazunori ONOGUCHI  Nobuyuki TAKEDA  Mutsumi WATANABE  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition


    This paper presents a method which can effectively acquire free space on a plane for moving forward in safety by using height information of objects. This method can be applied to free space extraction on a road, and, in short, it is a road extraction method for an autonomous vehicle. Since a road area can be assumed to be a sequence of flat planes in front of a vehicle, it is effective to apply the inverse perspective projection model to the ground plane. However, conventional methods using this model have a drawback in that some areas on the road plane are wrongly detected as obstacle areas since these methods are sensitive to the error of the camera geometry with respect to the assumed plane. In order to overcome this drawback, the proposed approach named the Planar Projection Stereopsis (PPS) method supplies, to the road extraction method using the inverse perspective projection model, a contrivance for removing these erroneous areas effectively. Since PPS uses the inverse perspective projection model, both left and right images are projected to the road plane and obstacle areas are detected by examining the difference between these projected images. Because detected obstacle areas include a lot of erroneous areas, PPS examines the shapes of the obstacle areas and eliminates falsely detected areas on the road plane by using the following properties: obstacles whose heights are different from the road plane are projected to the shapes falling backward from the location where the obstacles touch the road plane; and the length of shapes falling backward depends on the location of obstacles in relation to the stereoscopic cameras and the height of obstacles in relation to the road plane. Experimental results for real road scenes have shown the effectiveness of the proposed method. The quantitative evaluation of the results has shown that on average 89. 3% of the real road area can be extracted and the average of the falsely extracted ratio is 1. 4%. Since the road area can be extracted by simple projection of images and subtraction of projected images from a set of stereo images, our method can be applied to real-time operation.

  • A GUI-Interaction Aiding System for Cut-and-Paste Operation Based on Image Processing for the Visually Impaired

    Alberto TOMITA,Jr.  Tsuyoshi EBINA  Rokuya ISHII  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition


    In this paper we propose a method to aid a visually impaired person in the operation of a computer running a graphical user interface (GUI). It is based on image processing techniques, using images taken by a color camera placed over a Braille display. The shape of the user's hand is extracted from the image by analyzing the hue and saturation histograms. The orientation of the hand, given by an angle θ with the vertical axis, is calculated based on central moments. The image of the hand is then rotated to a normalized position. The number of pixels in each column of the normalized image is counted, and the result is put in a histogram. By analyzing the coefficient of asymmetry of this histogram, it can be determined whether the thumb is positioned along the pointing finger, or whether it is far from the other fingers. These two positions define two states that correspond to a mouse button up or down. In this way, by rotating the hand and moving the thumb, we can emulate the acts of moving a scroll bar and depressing a mouse button, respectively. These operations can be used to perform tasks in a GUI, such as cut-and-paste, for example. Experimental results show that this method is fast and efficient for the proposed application.

  • Evaluating Dialogue Strategies under Communication Errors Using Computer-to-Computer Simulation

    Taro WATANABE  Masahiro ARAKI  Shuji DOSHITA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science


    In this paper, experimental results of evaluating dialogue strategies of confirmation with a noisy channel are presented. First, the types of errors in task-oriented dialogues are investigated and classified as communication, dialogue, knowledge, problem solving, or objective errors. Since the errors are of different levels, the methods for recovering from errors must be examined separately. We have investigated that the dialogue and knowledge errors generated by communication errors can be recovered through system confirmation with the user. In addition, we examined that the manner in which a system initiates dialogue, namely, dialogue strategies, might influence the cooperativity of their interactions depending on the frequency of confirmations and the amount of information conveyed. Furthermore, the choice of dialogue strategies will be influenced by the rate of occurrence of communication errors in a communication channel and related to the properties of the task, for example, the difficulty in achieving a goal or the frequency of the movement of initiatives. To verify these hypotheses, we prepared a testbed task, the Group Scheduling Task, and examined it through a computer-to-computer dialogue simulation in which one system took the part of a scheduling system and the other system acted as a user. In this simulation, erroneous input for the scheduling system was also developed. The user system was designed to act randomly so that it could simulate a real human user, while the scheduling system was devised to strictly follow a particular dialogue strategy of confirmation. The experimental results showed that a certain amount of confirmation was required to overcome errors when the rate of occurrence of communication errors was high, but that excessive confirmation did not serve to resolve errors, depending on the task involved.