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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E89-D No.6  (Publication Date:2006/06/01)

    Special Section on Human Communication II

    Michihiko MINOH  


  • Toward Robots as Embodied Knowledge Media

    Toyoaki NISHIDA  Kazunori TERADA  Takashi TAJIMA  Makoto HATAKEYAMA  Yoshiyasu OGASAWARA  Yasuyuki SUMI  Yong XU  Yasser F. O. MOHAMMAD  Kateryna TARASENKO  Taku OHYA  Tatsuya HIRAMATSU  



    We describe attempts to have robots behave as embodied knowledge media that will permit knowledge to be communicated through embodied interactions in the real world. The key issue here is to give robots the ability to associate interactions with information content while interacting with a communication partner. Toward this end, we present two contributions in this paper. The first concerns the formation and maintenance of joint intention, which is needed to sustain the communication of knowledge between humans and robots. We describe an architecture consisting of multiple layers that enables interaction with people at different speeds. We propose the use of an affordance-based method for fast interactions. For medium-speed interactions, we propose basing control on an entrainment mechanism. For slow interactions, we propose employing defeasible interaction patterns based on probabilistic reasoning. The second contribution is concerned with the design and implementation of a robot that can listen to a human instructor to elicit knowledge, and present the content of this knowledge to a person who needs it in an appropriate situation. In addition, we discuss future research agenda toward achieving robots serving as embodied knowledge media, and fit the robots-as-embodied-knowledge-media view in a larger perspective of Conversational Informatics.

  • Visualization Methods for Outdoor See-Through Vision

    Takahiro TSUDA  Haruyoshi YAMAMOTO  Yoshinari KAMEDA  Yuichi OHTA  

    PAPER-Vision and Image


    Visualizing occluded objects is a useful applications of Mixed Reality (MR), which we call "see-through vision." For this application, it is important to display occluded objects in such a manner that they can be recognized intuitively by the user. Here, we evaluated four visualization methods for see-through vision that can aid the user to recognize occluded objects in outdoor scenes intuitively: "elimination of occluding objects," "ground grid," "overlaying model of occluding object," and "top-down view." As we used a new handheld MR device for outdoor see-through vision, we performed subjective experiments to determine the best combination of methods. The experimental results indicated that a combination of showing the ground grid, overlaying wireframe models of occluding objects, and top-down view to be optimal, while it was not necessary to display occluding objects for outdoor see-through vision with a handheld device, because users can see them with the naked eye.

  • Development of a Communication Support Device Controlled by Eye Movements and Voluntary Eye Blink

    Junichi HORI  Koji SAKANO  Yoshiaki SAITOH  

    PAPER-Vision and Image


    A communication support interface controlled by eye movements and voluntary eye blink has been developed for disabled individuals with motor paralysis who cannot speak. Horizontal and vertical electro-oculograms were measured using two surface electrodes attached above and beside the dominant eye and referring to an earlobe electrode and amplified with AC-coupling in order to reduce the unnecessary drift. Four directional cursor movements --up, down, right, and left-- and one selected operation were realized by logically combining the two detected channel signals based on threshold settings specific to the individual. Letter input experiments were conducted on a virtual screen keyboard. The method's usability was enhanced by minimizing the number of electrodes and applying training to both the subject and the device. As a result, an accuracy of 90.1 3.6% and a processing speed of 7.7 1.9 letters/min. were obtained using our method.

  • Recognition of Plural Grouping Patterns in Trademarks for CBIR According to the Gestalt Psychology

    Koji ABE  Hiromasa IGUCHI  Haiyan TIAN  Debabrata ROY  

    PAPER-Vision and Image


    According to the Gestalt principals, this paper presents a recognition method of grouping areas in trademark images modeling features for measuring the attraction degree between couples of image components. This investigation would be used for content-based image retrieval from the view of mirroring human perception for images. Depending on variability in human perception for trademark images, the proposed method finds grouping areas by calculating Mahalanobis distance with the features to every combination of two components in images. The features are extracted from every combination of two components in images, and the features represent proximity, shape similarity, and closure between two components. In addition, changing combination of the features, plural grouping patterns are output. Besides, this paper shows the efficiency and limits of the proposed method from experimental results. In the experiments, 104 participants have perceived grouping patterns to 74 trademark images and the human perceptions have been compared with outputs by the proposed method for the 74 images.

  • Texture and Objects: Interruption of Same-Object Effect in Human Vision

    Taichi HIGASHI  Shinichi KITA  Isao WATANABE  

    PAPER-Vision and Image


    The present research examines the relationship between texture processing and object processing in human vision. Recent computational studies have suggested a difference between the stages of processing. Texture processing can be performed by using statistical parameterization of the response of primary spatial filters. Object processing requires more complex and elaborate computation at a higher stage than texture processing. Our psychophysical experiments are conducted to clarify the relationship of the stages of texture processing and object processing, by focusing on same-object effect which facilitates and speeds attention shifts within the same object and also costs and delays attention shifts if the attention focus moves from one object to another. Texture is composed of lines parallel to, perpendicular to or inside of elongated rectangles used as objects. The same-object effect is measured with reaction time in a cued detection task. Vertical rectangles are used in xperiment 1 and horizontal ones are used in Experiment 2. Experiment 1 shows that the texture lines interrupt the same-object effect and that the interruption is nearly equal if texture lines are added both to the background and the inside of the objects. Experiment 2 yields the result same as Experiment 1. The interruption of the same-object effect by adding texture lines suggests that texture processing affects object processing.

  • Realtime Hand Posture Estimation with Self-Organizing Map for Stable Robot Control

    Kiyoshi HOSHINO  Takanobu TANIMOTO  

    PAPER-Robot and Interface


    The hand posture estimation system by searching a similar image from a vast database, such as our previous research, may cause the increase of processing time, and prevent realtime controlling of a robot. In this study, the authors proposed a new estimation method of human hand posture by rearranging a large-scale database with the Self-Organizing Map including self-reproduction and self-annihilation, which enables two-step searches of similar image with short period of processing time, within small errors, and without deviation of search time. The experimental results showed that our system exhibited good performance with high accuracy within processing time above 50 fps for each image input with a 2.8 GHz CPU PC.

  • Dexterous Robot Hand Control with Data Glove by Human Imitation

    Kiyoshi HOSHINO  

    PAPER-Robot and Interface


    The purpose of the study is to obtain the automatic and optimal matching between a motion-measurement device such as a data glove and an output device such as a dexterous robot hand, where there are many differences in the numbers of degree of freedom, sensor and actuator positions, and data format, by means of motion imitation by the humans. Through the algorithm proposed here, a system engineer or user need no labor of determining the values of gains and parameters to be used. In the system, a subject with data glove imitated the same motion with a dexterous robot hand which was moving according to a certain mathematical function. Autoregressive models were adapted to the matching, where each joint angle in the robot and data glove data of the human were used as object and explanatory variables respectively. The partial regression coefficients were estimated by means of singular value decomposition with a system-noise reduction algorithm utilizing statistical properties. The experimental results showed that the robot hand was controlled with high accuracy with small delay, suggesting that the method proposed in this study is proper and easy way and is adaptive to many other systems between a pair of motion-measurement device and output device.

  • Consideration of the Embodiment of a New, Human-Centered Interface

    Kyuwan CHOI  Makoto SATO  Yasuharu KOIKE  

    PAPER-Robot and Interface


    In this study, we achieved predictable control of a wheelchair by changing the existing mapping method of the joystick, which considers the consecutive operations of a motor of a wheelchair, to a new mapping method that corresponds to the internal model of a human being. Since the existing method uses the polar coordinate system, it is not easy at all to use this method to predict either the direction of motion or the operating order for changing the position of the wheelchair according to the requirements of an operator. In order to improve the embodiment, we divided the existing joystick mapping method into two degrees of freedom-one in the vertical axis that can control the velocity and the other, in the horizontal axis for direction control. Based on this division, we implemented a wheelchair model that can be controlled by the electromyography (EMG) signal from the neck and the arm muscles of an operator. This was achieved by mapping the divided degrees of freedom onto the degrees of freedom of the neck and arm of the operator. In this case, since the operator controls the direction of motion by the joint of his/her neck, he/she can move the wheelchair in the desired direction; thus, a more intuitive human interface is implemented.

  • Extraction of Semantic Text Portion Related to Anchor Link

    Bui Quang HUNG  Masanori OTSUBO  Yoshinori HIJIKATA  Shogo NISHIDA  



    Recently, semantic text portion (STP) is getting popular in the field of Web mining. STP is a text portion in the original page which is semantically related to the anchor pointing to the target page. STPs may include the facts and the people's opinions about the target pages. STPs can be used for various upper-level applications such as automatic summarization and document categorization. In this paper, we concentrate on extracting STPs. We conduct a survey of STP to see the positions of STPs in original pages and find out HTML tags which can divide STPs from the other text portions in original pages. We then develop a method for extracting STPs based on the result of the survey. The experimental results show that our method achieves high performance.

  • A New Question Answering System for Chinese Restricted Domain

    Haiqing HU  Peilin JIANG  Fuji REN  Shingo KUROIWA  



    In this paper, we propose the construction of a web-based Question Answering (QA) system for restricted domain, which combines three resource information databases for the retrieval mechanism, including a Question&Answer database, a special domain documents database and the web resource retrieved by Google search engine. We describe a new retrieval technique of integrating a probabilistic technique based on OkapiBM25 and a semantic analysis which based on the ontology of HowNet knowledge base and a special domain HowNet created for the restricted domain. Furthermore, we provide a method of question expansion by computing word semantic similarity. The system is first developed for a middle-size domain of sightseeing information. The experiments proved the efficiency of our method for restricted domain and it is feasible to transfer to other domains expediently using the proposed method.

  • Analysis on Empathy-Inducing Effect Brought by Haiku

    Masami SUZUKI  Yuichi KOBAYASHI  Takahiro NAKAI  Kaori YOSHIDA  



    In this paper, we discuss the issue of empathy-inducing effect brought by Japanese Haiku, regarded as the world-shortest poetry. Its condensed form of word combination sometimes arouses deep impression and empathy in readers. Its possibilities as communication media would be enhanced in multimedia contexts, when considering educational purpose or cross-cultural interchanges. An experimental result is shown for evaluating multimedia effect on combined presentation of a CG drawing and its associated haiku in English. We confirmed that various aspects of visual impression and empathy were sometimes enhanced with certain haiku text as linguistic stimuli, compared with the condition of viewing a CG drawing only. The reason of raised empathy was analyzed from the various aspects of the content provided by the associated haiku text complementary for the drawing. Moreover, we examined the effects of poetic styles on subjects' empathy, using Japanese prose and conventional haiku style (5-7-5 syllabic rhyme), both of them were translated from the same haiku in English.

  • Mobile Information Service Adapted to Subjective Situational Requirements of Individuals

    Sineenard PINYAPONG  Hiroko SHOJI  Akihiro OGINO  Toshikazu KATO  

    PAPER-Service and System


    The most of conventional information services are based on the implicit premise that the users has already defined their desired information. This study proposes a mobile information service that allows the users who have not yet defined their desired information or whose desired information varies according to the situation to get appropriate information. When the user can specify their desired information to the system explicitly, the authors develop a "Pull" service. Conversely, when the user cannot verbally specify their desired information to the system, this study provides "Push" service and "Don't disturb" option for the user who does not welcome this service. This study considers the characteristics of the environment of mobile terminal to focus on "Time", "Place" and user's "Preference": long term and short term preference. This study also creates rules, algorithms and filtering to the service. Furthermore, the results of experiments have been discussed to verify the idea that different of user desired requires different information services.

  • An Interactive Multimedia Instruction System: IMPRESSION for Double Loop Instructional Design Process Model

    Yuki HIGUCHI  Takashi MITSUISHI  Kentaro GO  

    PAPER-Service and System


    In this paper, we propose an interactive instruction system named IMPRESSION, which allows performance of interactive presentations using multimedia educational materials in class. In recent years, although many practices of educational methodology with information technology and presentation tools using multimedia resources as educational materials have come into common use, instructors can only present such materials in a slide-sheet form through the use of such presentation tools in class. Therefore, instructors can neither do formative evaluations nor can they present suitable materials according to students' reactions in class. Our proposed methodology employs a scenario-based approach in a double loop instructional design process to overcome such problems. Instructors design an instructional plan as a scenario, and subsequently implement and modify the plan through formative evaluation during the class. They then conduct a summative evaluation based on planned and implemented instructions for redesign. To realize our methodology, in this paper we propose and design an instruction system that provides functions to select and present multimedia materials interactively provided on the Internet during the class; we then record these instructions. After implementing it, we confirmed that we can conduct the class flexibly based on our methodology through its practical use in an actual classroom environment.

  • Multilingual Closed Caption Translation System for Digital Television

    Sanghwa YUH  Kongjoo LEE  Jungyun SEO  

    PAPER-Service and System


    In this paper, we present a Korean to Chinese/English/Japanese multilingual Machine Translation (MT) system of closed captions for Digital Television (DTV). Preliminary experiments of our closed caption translation with existing base MT systems had shown unsatisfactory result. In order to achieve more accurate translation with the base MT systems, we adopted live resources of multilingual Named Entities and their translingual equivalences from the Web. We also utilize the program information, which the terrestrial broadcasters offer through DTV transport stream, in order to use program specific dictionaries, including the names of characters, locations and organizations. Two more components are adopted for reducing the ambiguities of parsing and word sense disambiguation; sentence simplification for long sentence segmentation and dynamic domain identification for automatic domain dictionary stacking. With these integrated approaches, we could raise the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) of translation accuracy by 0.40 higher than the base MT systems.

  • Digital Encoding Applied to Sign Language Video


    PAPER-Service and System


    We report a specially designed encoding technique for sign language video sequences supposing that the technique is for sign telecommunication such as that using mobile videophones with a low bitrate. The technique is composed of three methods: gradient coding, precedence macroblock coding, and not-coded coding. These methods are based on the idea to distribute a certain number of bits for each macroblock according to the evaluation of importance of parts of the picture. They were implemented on a computer and encoded data of a short clip of sign language dialogue was evaluated by deaf subjects. As a result, the efficiency of the technique was confirmed.

  • Efficient Media Synchronization Method for Video Telephony System

    Chanwoo KIM  Kwang-Deok SEO  Wonyong SUNG  



    In this letter, we derive an efficient audio/video synchronization method for video telephony. For synchronization, this method does not require any further RTCP packet processing except for the first one. The derived decision rule is far more compact than the conventional method. This decision rule is incorporated in an actual video telephony system adopting Texas Instruments (TI) OMAP 1510 processor and Qualcomm MSM 5500. The computational requirement was compared with the conventional method and through simulations the superiority of the proposed method is proved.

  • Regular Section
  • Path Coloring on Binary Caterpillars

    Hiroaki TAKAI  Takashi KANATANI  Akira MATSUBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Algorithm Theory


    The path coloring problem is to assign the minimum number of colors to a given set P of directed paths on a given symmetric digraph D so that no two paths sharing an arc have the same color. The problem has applications to efficient assignment of wavelengths to communications on WDM optical networks. In this paper, we show that the path coloring problem is NP-hard even if the underlying graph of D is restricted to a binary caterpillar. Moreover, we give a polynomial time algorithm which constructs, given a binary caterpillar G and a set P of directed paths on the symmetric digraph associated with G, a path coloring of P with at most colors, where L is the maximum number of paths sharing an edge. Furthermore, we show that no local greedy path coloring algorithm on caterpillars in general uses less than colors.

  • Constraint-Based Software Specifications and Verification Using UML

    Chin-Feng FAN  Chun-Yin CHENG  

    PAPER-Software Engineering


    Constraint-based software specifications enable run-time monitoring to detect probable risk events and ensure the desired system behavior. SpecTRM-RL is a well-developed constraint-based specification method for computer-controlled systems. However, it is desirable to express constraints in familiar visual models. To provide better visualization and popularity, we developed methods to represent all the SpecTRM-RL constraint types in UML. We have also extended SpecTRM's constraints by adding relational and global constraints, and then expressed them in OCL. Safety verification of these specifications is also proposed. We developed a systematic way to construct fault trees for safety analysis based on UML diagrams. Due to the generality of UML as well as the defensive manner of constraints and fault tree analysis, our approach can be adapted for both general applications and safety-critical applications.

  • A Fault-Tolerant Content Addressable Network

    Daisuke TAKEMOTO  Shigeaki TAGASHIRA  Satoshi FUJITA  



    In this paper, we propose a new method to enhance the fault-tolerance of the Content Addressable Network (CAN), which is known as a typical pure P2P system based on the notion of Distributed Hash Table (DHT). The basic idea of the proposed method is to introduce redundancy to the management of index information distributed over the nodes in the given P2P network, by allowing each index to be assigned to several nodes, which was restricted to be one in the original CAN system. To keep the consistency among several copies of indices, we propose an efficient synchronization scheme based on the notion of labels assigned to each copy in a distinct manner. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated by simulation. The result of simulations indicates that the proposed scheme significantly enhances the fault-tolerance of the CAN system.

  • A Low Power Deterministic Test Using Scan Chain Disable Technique

    Zhiqiang YOU  Tsuyoshi IWAGAKI  Michiko INOUE  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing


    This paper proposes a low power scan test scheme and formulates a problem based on this scheme. In this scheme the flip-flops are grouped into N scan chains. At any time, only one scan chain is active during scan test. Therefore, both average power and peak power are reduced compared with conventional full scan test methodology. This paper also proposes a tabu search-based approach to minimize test application time. In this approach we handle the information during deterministic test efficiently. Experimental results demonstrate that this approach drastically reduces both average power and peak power dissipation at a little longer test application time on various benchmark circuits.

  • A Generic Solver Based on Functional Parallelism for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems

    Shigeaki TAGASHIRA  Masaya MITO  Satoshi FUJITA  

    PAPER-Distributed Cooperation and Agents


    This paper proposes a new class of parallel branch-and-bound (B&B) schemes. The main idea of the scheme is to focus on the functional parallelism instead of conventional data parallelism, and to support such a heterogeneous and irregular parallelism by using a collection of autonomous agents distributed over the network. After examining several implementation issues, we describe a detail of the prototype system implemented over eight PC's connected by a network. The result of experiments conducted over the prototype system indicates that the proposed parallel processing scheme significantly improves the performance of the underlying B&B scheme by adaptively switching exploring policies adopted by each agent participating to the problem solving.

  • Environmental Control Aid System for People with Physical Disabilities

    Cheng-Hong YANG  Li-Yeh CHUANG  Cheng-Huei YANG  Ching-Hsing LUO  

    PAPER-Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology


    Assistive technology (AT) is becoming increasingly important for improving the mobility and language learning capabilities of persons with disabilities, thus enabling them to function independently and to improve their social opportunities. The Morse code has been shown to be a valuable tool in assistive technology, augmentative and alternative communication, and rehabilitation for people with neuromuscular diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, and muscular dystrophy. In this paper, we designed and implemented a wireless environmental control aid system using the Morse code as an adapted access communication tool, which includes three types of switch: single-switch, double-switch, and six-switch types. People with disabilities can easily control all types of electronic appliance without restrictions owing to spatial arrangements using a signal transmission based on radio frequency (RF). Experimental results revealed that three participants with disabilities were able to gain access to electronic facilities after six weeks of practice with the new system.

  • Computer Aided Detection of Breast Masses from Digitized Mammograms

    Han ZHANG  Say-Wei FOO  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering


    In this paper, an automated computer-aided-detection scheme is proposed to identify and locate the suspicious masses in the abnormal breasts from the full mammograms. Mammograms are examined using a four-stage detection method including pre-processing, identification of local maxima, seeded region-growing, and false positive (FP) reduction. This method has been applied to the entire Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) database of 322 digitized mammograms containing 59 biopsy-proven masses in 56 images. Results of detection show 95% true positive (TP) fraction at 1.9 FPs per image for the 56 images and 1.3 FPs per image for the entire database.

  • Optimal Scheduling for Real-Time Parallel Tasks

    Wan Yeon LEE  Heejo LEE  

    LETTER-Algorithm Theory


    We propose an optimal algorithm for the real-time scheduling of parallel tasks on multiprocessors, where the tasks have the properties of flexible preemption, linear speedup, bounded parallelism, and arbitrary deadline. The proposed algorithm is optimal in the sense that it always finds out a feasible schedule if one exists. Furthermore, the algorithm delivers the best schedule consuming the fewest processors among feasible schedules. In this letter, we prove the optimality of the proposed algorithm. Also, we show that the time complexity of the algorithm is O(M2N2) in the worst case, where M and N are the number of tasks and the number of processors, respectively.

  • A Low-Cost Recovery Mechanism for Processors with Large Instruction Windows

    In Pyo HONG  Byung In MOON  Yong Surk LEE  

    LETTER-VLSI Systems


    The latest processors employ a large instruction window and longer pipelines to achieve higher performance. Although current branch predictors show high accuracy, the misprediction penalty is getting larger in proportion to the number of pipeline stages and pipeline width. This negative effect also happens in case of exceptions or interrupts. Therefore, it is important to recover processor state quickly and restart processing immediately. In this letter, we propose a low-cost recovery mechanism for processors with large instruction windows.

  • Fuzzy Ranking Model Based on User Preference

    Bo-Yeong KANG  Dae-Won KIM  Qing LI  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing


    A great deal of research has been made to model the vagueness and uncertainty in information retrieval. One such research is fuzzy ranking models, which have been showing their superior performance in handling the uncertainty involved in the retrieval process. However, these conventional fuzzy ranking models have a limited ability to incorporate the user preference when calculating the rank of documents. To address this issue, in this study we develop a new fuzzy ranking model based on the user preference. Through the experiments on the TREC-2 collection of Wall Street Journal documents, we show that the proposed method outperforms the conventional fuzzy ranking models.